Frederick Wilson Moses the Lawgiver 夜长梦多 谍海密码战 春色无边满绿波 春色无边满杏林 龙虎铁金刚 囚徒 坎贝尔王国 头条女孩 The Young Lovers Don't Take It to Heart Floodtide London Melody Poet's Pub The Net Stolen Life Guns of Darkness Fast and Loose The Lamp Still Burns 神秘岛 龙虎铁金刚 铁娘子 执法者 Lancelot and Guinevere The Camerons 西北前线 Come Out of the Pantry 凯撒与克里奥佩特拉 Reach for Glory The Big Game Good Night, Vienna 钻石杀手 碧海春色 谍海群英会 天蝎星 第三秘密 When Knights Were Bold Personal Affair 飞车血战 弄情记 While the Sun Shines 细嗅蔷薇