
10·26总统刺杀事件发生后,根据戒严法,陆军参谋总长郑相镐(李星民 饰)被任命为戒严司令官,保安司令官全斗光(黄政民 饰)被任命为联合调查本部长。郑祥镐对全斗光动员军队内的私人组织以团结势力的行为有所察觉,为了应对该情况,他将李泰信(郑雨盛 饰)任命为首都警备司令官。12月12日,掌握所有情报的全斗光为了篡夺权力绑架郑相镐,继而发动军事叛变。他不光派出了军队内部的私人组织,甚至把其好友卢泰健(朴海俊 饰)部署在三八线的第9步兵师也召唤至首尔。李泰信得知此事后带领陆军本部宪兵监金准烨(金成均 饰)出动守卫首都圈,誓要扑灭叛乱,尽忠职守保卫国家。 被权力蒙蔽双眼的全斗光领导的叛乱军和以首都警备司令官李泰信为首的镇压军之间,一触即发的9个小时流逝而去…


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Taylor Mackenzie
Amazing! I love this site
Aston Ayers
Only Signup is easy and free, finally I can watch this movie Stranger Things with good quality. Thank you!
Ashley Ann
Been waiting to see this movie for months. and finally came out too
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This movie Stranger Things is very nice, with HD quality
Erin Cochran Cole
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Kyle Magner
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Eric Mn
Yes this really works! Just got my free account
Terry Barnes
One of the best movies I've seen this year!
Pastor Shahuano
Excited, Happy Watching guys !!!
Laura Velez Garcia
Thanks, I'm so glad to be watching this movie
Wouter van der Giessen
Laura Velez Garcia yes same me too
Janet McCann
Sign up was really easy. Less than 1 minute I was hooked up