
一次意外的遭遇让年轻的克里斯汀(西尔薇·泰斯图德 Sylvie Testud 饰)不得不面临下半生都要在轮椅上度过的悲惨遭遇,着巨大的打击让克里斯汀选择在荒无人烟的小岛上过起了离群索居的孤独生活,然而,经历过痛苦、愤怒和沉沦后,克里斯汀重新振作了起来,她有一个理想未能实现,那就是前往比里牛斯山,进行一趟朝圣之旅。 不知是不是上帝被克里斯汀的虔诚与不屈所打动,某一日,克里斯汀残疾的双腿居然康复了。这一神迹惊呆了克里斯汀本人,也惊呆了和她同行的虔诚信徒们,克里斯汀觉得新世界的大门正在向她敞开。然而,在众人羡慕的目光里,也夹杂着一些异样的眼神,一些对神迹显灵的质疑和否定的说法开始渐渐传播开来。


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Taylor Mackenzie
Amazing! I love this site
Aston Ayers
Only Signup is easy and free, finally I can watch this movie Stranger Things with good quality. Thank you!
Ashley Ann
Been waiting to see this movie for months. and finally came out too
Cheryl Lynn
This movie Stranger Things is very nice, with HD quality
Erin Cochran Cole
Great selection and quality is better than TV Cable, no kidding.
Kyle Magner
yes, i am also through this to watch movies
Eric Mn
Yes this really works! Just got my free account
Terry Barnes
One of the best movies I've seen this year!
Pastor Shahuano
Excited, Happy Watching guys !!!
Laura Velez Garcia
Thanks, I'm so glad to be watching this movie
Wouter van der Giessen
Laura Velez Garcia yes same me too
Janet McCann
Sign up was really easy. Less than 1 minute I was hooked up