
女记者苏珊(梅丽尔•斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)采访了一个因酷爱兰花,经常偷采兰花而满身官司的“采花贼”,并将此人的故事加工成了传记小说《兰花窃贼》。不久,好莱坞某电影公司将这本书的改编权买了下来,并请来了颇负盛名的改编人查理(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)来将它改编成电影剧本。无奈查理已江郎才尽,他绞尽脑汁都无法完成《兰花窃贼》的改编。查理无奈之下只好向原作者苏珊求助,但性格内向的查理见到了美艳华贵的苏珊竟紧张得说不出话来。他只好叫来了对编剧极感兴趣并想涉足其中的弟弟唐纳德来帮忙。兄弟两在改写剧本时历经了一系列曲折。查理突发奇想,将自己改写剧本的创作过程也写进了剧本。这部剧本最后会变成什么样呢?


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Taylor Mackenzie
Amazing! I love this site
Aston Ayers
Only Signup is easy and free, finally I can watch this movie Stranger Things with good quality. Thank you!
Ashley Ann
Been waiting to see this movie for months. and finally came out too
Cheryl Lynn
This movie Stranger Things is very nice, with HD quality
Erin Cochran Cole
Great selection and quality is better than TV Cable, no kidding.
Kyle Magner
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Eric Mn
Yes this really works! Just got my free account
Terry Barnes
One of the best movies I've seen this year!
Pastor Shahuano
Excited, Happy Watching guys !!!
Laura Velez Garcia
Thanks, I'm so glad to be watching this movie
Wouter van der Giessen
Laura Velez Garcia yes same me too
Janet McCann
Sign up was really easy. Less than 1 minute I was hooked up