
1955年,埃及首都开罗。落寞的法老王家庭后代想夺回他们的王位,秘密的宗教组织K想操纵政府。法国总统也派来了自家的密探117来趟混水。荒唐无稽的事情层出不穷。 英国有个邦德007,法国则出了个特工117。而且这个117早在1949年就活跃在银幕上了,比第一部邦德还早4年。不过这个117的长处是搞笑而不是枪战和特殊武器。影片整体格调轻松、诙谐,很有法国风味。男主角十足的50年代的语言、表情、动作都让人发笑,甚至有打了发胶的溜光的头发!当然也缺不了女间谍,她们不像邦德女郎那样火辣身材但是一言一行都优雅风趣。 你是不是已经对于百战百胜的邦德和他的女郎们有点厌倦了,那不如让我们一起感受一下法国式的自嘲吧。


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Taylor Mackenzie
Amazing! I love this site
Aston Ayers
Only Signup is easy and free, finally I can watch this movie Stranger Things with good quality. Thank you!
Ashley Ann
Been waiting to see this movie for months. and finally came out too
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Erin Cochran Cole
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Kyle Magner
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Eric Mn
Yes this really works! Just got my free account
Terry Barnes
One of the best movies I've seen this year!
Pastor Shahuano
Excited, Happy Watching guys !!!
Laura Velez Garcia
Thanks, I'm so glad to be watching this movie
Wouter van der Giessen
Laura Velez Garcia yes same me too
Janet McCann
Sign up was really easy. Less than 1 minute I was hooked up