荒野猎人 2015
纳丘(Jack Black 杰克•布莱克 饰)自幼父母双亡,他在墨西哥瓦哈卡的一家孤儿院度过了自己的童年时光。成年后他并未离开这里,而是以厨师的身份留在孤儿院为孩子们烧菜做饭,他们都很喜欢这位温柔和爱的胖叔叔。但是,孤儿院的生计开始陷入困境,因资金短缺,这里将面临着关闭的命运。纳丘不愿看到孩子们无家可归,为此他决定以蒙面摔角手的身份走上擂台挣得奖金。即为了那一双双充满期待的眼睛,也为了美丽的卡纳西昂修女(Ana de la Reguera 安娜•雷格拉 饰)……
1994年十月,三个电影学院的学生——迈克(Michael C. Williams 饰),希瑟(Heather Donahue 饰)和乔什(Joshua Leonard 饰)前往马里兰州的布莱尔小镇,拍摄一部关于女巫布莱尔的纪录片,然而在拍摄过程中三人全部失踪。人们在一年以后,发现了他们留下的电影胶片,记录了他们失踪前发生的一切…… 在布莱尔小镇上,长久以来流传着关于杀害孩子的女巫布莱尔的传说,这里集中的儿童墓地,还有小镇上几乎人尽皆知的古老故事,都印证着女巫的存在。迈克等三名同学,在一个平静的周日展开了对布莱尔故事的追索,可是在他们深入密林的同时,诅咒也开始降临在他们头上。
影片改编自真实的故事,展现了一个理想主义者的传奇,一个流浪的故事。克里斯托弗(埃米尔•赫斯基 饰)家境优渥,是亚特兰大私立名校艾莫里的优等生,前程似锦。但是,他从学校毕业后,选择了截然不同的人生,放弃令人羡慕的工作,把存款捐给慈善机构,去阿拉斯加寻找自我。在家人的劝阻声中,他踏上了回归自然的慢慢长路,成为名副其实的流浪者。一路上,他遇到不少人,也数次遭受野外生存的挑战,每一步都充满了艰辛,他以坚韧的毅力,实践着寻找自我的梦想……
举目无亲的小胖子,终日面无表情,最爱搞破坏,只想长大后成为街头霸王,其实内心渴望被爱。他被福利机构送到乡间寄养家庭,遇上臭脾气的怪叔叔(山姆·尼尔)。为了自由 ,小胖子决定跟随怪叔叔逃走,学习野外求生。岂料福利机构以为小胖子被诱拐,随即展开搜捕,一老一少就在他们的魔戒丛林开始末路狂花式大逃亡。随手拈来的戏谑,可爱到不行的冷幽默,令人捧腹。
故事发生于两万年前的欧洲北部,地球正处于弱肉强食的冰川时期。心地善良的男主角科达是部落首领的儿子,在一次部落集体狩猎中,科达不慎跌落悬崖,众人以为科达已死,但大难不死的科达被洪水卷走幸存下来,只身流落荒野。 途中科达与一匹野狼相遇,给它起名阿尔法,意即狼群首领。科达在与其相处的过程中逐渐成长,学习“狼性”并存有“仁心”。这对人狼搭档在险恶的世界中相互为伴,一起踏上返乡之路,人与狼之间第一次建立了友谊。随后的种种奇遇,甚至改变了人类和世界的未来……
美国西部某个小镇,警长富兰克林·亨特(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)夜晚射伤了一名可疑的流浪汉,随后他请来小镇医生萨曼莎(莉莉·西蒙斯 Lili Simmons 饰)为嫌疑人治疗。夜深人静,一名马夫遭到神秘入侵者残忍杀害,而嫌疑人和萨曼莎也消失无踪。富兰克林深感事态严重,他召集萨曼莎的丈夫亚瑟·欧·德怀尔(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)以及其他村们在当地酒馆开会,进而得知昨晚的事可能是一个神秘的穴居人所为。这群野蛮人近亲通婚,甚至会吃掉包括亲生母亲在内的人类。 虽然凶险无比,富兰克林以及其他勇士决心勇闯穴居人的老巢,就会被绑架的村民,这次征程凶多吉少……
父亲开车载着姐弟俩离开喧闹的城市,去野外野餐。开心的姐姐(珍妮•艾加特 Jenny Agutter 饰)和弟弟没有料到父亲在荒原中突然失控,拔枪射向二人,最后父亲在汽车的爆炸中死去。姐弟俩只得带上剩余物品穿行在荒无人烟的平原上。烈日炎炎,姐弟俩在石堆里过了一夜,第二天他们又饿又渴时发现了一棵果树下面的小水塘。小水塘的资源很快耗尽,绝望之际他们遇到了一个前来打猎的土著人(大卫•古皮利 David Gulpilil 饰),土著人留下来帮他们找到水和食物,三人继续在荒原上前行着,直到发现了一处树林里的废弃小屋,弟弟和土著人去找食物时却意外的发现了一条公路,而土著人则亲眼目睹了白人枪杀动物的场景......
苏格兰单身母亲艾达·麦格拉斯(霍利·亨特 饰)自六岁起就放弃了讲话,只通过钢琴倾诉满腔情感。1852年,麦格拉斯远嫁新西兰的斯图尔特(山姆·尼尔 饰),将钢琴也一并带了去。可是斯图尔特人手不够,只得将笨重的钢琴遗弃海滩。斯图尔特之友乔治·贝恩斯(哈维·凯特尔 饰)爱上了麦格拉斯,用八十英亩土地与斯图尔特交易。斯图尔特转让了钢琴,并命麦格拉斯教贝恩斯奏琴。钢琴课上,贝恩斯提议,如果麦格拉斯在教琴的时候允许某些出格的事情发生,一次课便可换回一个琴键……
查尔斯(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)是一个腰缠万贯的百万富翁,对于他来说,金钱、权利和女人不过是生活的基本配置而已。但是,在为查尔斯打工的摄影师罗伯特(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)眼里,老板所拥有的一切,尤其是他年轻的妻子米琪(艾拉·麦克弗森 Elle Macpherson 饰)都让他感到十分眼红,但是,罗伯特不知道的是,敏感又细心的查尔斯早就开始怀疑起了他和米琪之间的清白。 在一次工作中,众人乘坐的飞机发生了事故,一行人流落到了阿拉斯加的荒原之上。匮乏的资源,恶劣的天气,凶恶的野生动物,一切的一切都威胁着大家的性命,但最最可怕的,其实是每个人深藏在心底的黑暗面。
因发电厂筑坝施工,卡胡瓦西河将要变为湖区而消失,路易斯(伯特·雷诺兹 Burt Reynolds 饰)、艾德(强·沃特 Jon Voight 饰)、波比(尼德·巴蒂 Ned Beatty 饰)和德鲁(罗尼·考克斯 Ronny Cox 饰)四个爱好冒险和自然的好友结伴,计划在周末前往卡胡瓦西河漂流。四人在即将成为湖区的萧条小镇找到向导,终于抵达河岸,简单准备后就开始了冒险。第二天早上,试图打猎的艾德一无所获,在强壮敏捷的路易斯面前颇感无趣,与胖子波比先行下河探路,然而他们遇上了两个持枪的陌生人,对方将他们控制并施以侮辱,路易斯赶到后将陌生人杀死。四人匆匆逃离此地,此时,河水变得狰狞,激流与岩石处处致命,一场冒险之旅成为了夺命之旅…… ©豆瓣
丹•埃文斯(克里斯汀·贝尔 饰)在南北战争断了一条腿,得到政府小小的补偿,他和妻子艾丽丝还有两个儿子在亚利桑那的农场居住。然而,恶劣的气候和腐败之风却让丹负债累累,一些人想在建造铁路上获得暴利,他们想尽办法赶走埃文斯一家,家人开始质疑丹的能力。就在此时,西部声名狼藉罪犯 宾•维德(罗素·克劳 饰)被捕获。他曾带领着副手查理•普林斯(本·福斯特 饰)和一帮手下驰骋荒野,劫得大量财物并犯下无数命案。被逮捕的宾•维德将由押送队带到康坦森镇,搭上火车他会被送到亚利桑那州的犹马镇,在那里接受联邦法庭的公开审判。为了拯救农场和家人,丹自愿参加了押送队,但即使被束缚,宾·维德仍然是危险的。在旅程中,押送队不断折损。当火车到来之时,一切会发生什么改变?
在一家天主教医院里发现了一个肮脏、凶残、野性的少女达琳(Lauryn Canny饰),她被带到了主教和他的顺从修女们经营的养老院,在那里她将被驯服成一个“好女孩”。然而,达琳拥有一个比她所面临的“罪恶”更黑暗的秘密,她并不是独自旅行。那个女人(波莉安娜·麦金托什饰),同样凶猛凶猛,把她抚养成人,无论谁想挡她的路,她都会出现在她身边,并下定决心要来找她……
《熊的故事》是由让·雅克·阿诺执导的冒险家庭片,切基·卡尤、Jack Wallace等参与演出。该片讲述了两只熊在森林中的惊险经历。
改编自美国作家谢莉尔·斯瑞德2012年的同名自传,讲述婚姻触礁,母亲去世,自己在绝望中生活多年之后,虽然毫无徒步经验,却独自一人踏上Pacific Crest Trail 远足之路,通过长途步行找回自我的故事。
This equal parts survival epic, psychological horror story and coming-of-age drama tells the saga of a team of wildly talented high school girls soccer players who become the (un)lucky survivors of a plane crash deep in the remote northern wilderness. The series chronicles their descent from a complicated but thriving team to savage clans, while also tracking the lives they’ve attempted to piece back together nearly 25 years later.
Hardcore survivalists are put by themselves in the Vancouver Island wilderness, without camera crews, teams, or producers – on a single mission to stay alive for as long as possible.
A rancher fighting for his land and family stumbles upon an unfathomable mystery at the edge of Wyoming’s wilderness, forcing a confrontation with the Unknown in ways both intimate and cosmic in the untamable American West.
In a world mostly wiped out by the plague and embroiled in an elemental struggle between good and evil, the fate of mankind rests on the frail shoulders of the 108-year-old Mother Abagail and a handful of survivors. Their worst nightmares are embodied in a man with a lethal smile and unspeakable powers: Randall Flagg, the Dark Man.
Abandoned in the swedish wilderness seven candidates struggle to survive for seven days. Everybody has to get along with seven previously selected items and the clothes they are wearing. Who remains after seven days and collected the most points in the challenges of the day wins. No camera crew, no contact to the outer world, complete isolation.
Bear strands himself in popular wilderness destinations where tourists often find themselves lost or in danger.
The first manned mission to Mars is now approaching the red planet. The crew includes top-flight scientists and a young female psychiatrist, responsible for their mental health. But just as they are about to land, something goes wrong.
The maiden crew of the Daedalus spacecraft must push itself to the brink of human capability in order to successfully establish the first sustainable colony on Mars. Set both in the future and in the present day, this series blends scripted elements set in the future with documentary vérité interviews with today’s best and brightest minds in modern science and innovation, illuminating how research and development is creating the space technology that will enable our first attempt at a mission to Mars.
American astronaut Emma Green must leave her husband and teenage daughter behind to command an international space crew embarking upon a treacherous mission. A series about hope, humanity and how we need one another if we are to achieve impossible things.
In the extreme Alaskan wild, 16 survivalists compete for a chance to win a massive cash prize — but these lone wolves must be part of a team to win.
Jane's plane crashes on a remote snow-covered mountain and she, along with Paul, the only remaining survivors, must pull themselves out of the wreckage and fight for their lives. Together they embark on a harrowing journey out of the wilderness, battling brutal conditions and personal traumas.
A 20 year old, self-obsessed college student is stranded off a snow covered Colorado road after he crashes his car — and his only hope of being rescued is his quickly dying phone.
Lars Monsen is challenged in what he does best, surviving in the wilderness. Blindfolded, he is left alone somewhere in Scandinavia. The only thing he knows is the mission: survive, and find his way to the target location within five days.
Hazen Audel embarks on an epic trek that will mirror a traditional Berber nomad journey across the Saharan desert cauldron to an oasis.
Follow a diverse group of young Canadians as they embark on a challenging four-season mission: to build a life in the vast and unforgiving Canadian wilderness.
25 years ago, Mick Dodge walked away from the modern world, leaving civilization behind to live alongside nature's wonders in the Olympic Peninsula. Following a primal instinct present throughout generations of his family, Mick ventured deep into the Hoh Rainforest, making his home in the trees and hidden in the moss. Experience the wild life of Mick Dodge, a quirky character whose unique brand of Zen comes from living by his own code – off the land and off the grid.
Mykel Hawke is a former Special Forces survival expert. His wife Ruth is a television journalist. Together, they take on some of the most forbidding and remote locations around the world. Dropped into each spot, they must survive as a team for four days and nights, with only a knife and the clothes on their backs. As they test their will and their marriage, the two find common ground standing up to nature as husband and wife in the wildest places on Earth.
Survivalist Hazen Audel fights his way through 500 miles of unexplored Amazon using only traditional survival methods; he faces extreme environments, and he must reach the Atlantic coast before he's trapped by floods during the rainy season.
Twenty modern day Brits try to survive two months in the wilderness. Channel 5 sent 20 people back to the Stone Age to take part in a social experiment. Things did not go as planned.
Did you know Thailand has over 50 national parks that make up 14% of the country's total area? And these parks are home to 10% of Earth’s animal species? Thailand is a popular holiday destination with us Brits, and there’s a side of the country holidaymakers rarely see. This stunning series reveals the hidden terrain in all its glory: from the strange and wonderful creatures to a small selection of the 27,000 species of flowering plants.