变形金刚:起源 2024
影片将时间线拨回赛博坦时期,生活在赛博坦星球的擎天柱(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 配音)与威震天(布莱恩·泰里·亨利 Brian Tyree Henry 配音)才20岁出头,是情同手足的朋友,此时他们还是没有变形能力的机器人,讲述他们如何从手足变为死敌的起源故事。
影片将时间线拨回赛博坦时期,生活在赛博坦星球的擎天柱(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 配音)与威震天(布莱恩·泰里·亨利 Brian Tyree Henry 配音)才20岁出头,是情同手足的朋友,此时他们还是没有变形能力的机器人,讲述他们如何从手足变为死敌的起源故事。
加菲猫(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 配音),这只全球闻名、厌恶星期一、对千层面情有独钟的宅猫,正准备开启一段疯狂的户外奇遇!在与他失散多年的亲生猫爸——不羁的流浪猫维克(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 配音)意外重聚后,加菲猫和他的狗狗伙伴欧迪被迫告别了安逸舒适的生活,卷入了一场搞笑又充满刺激的大冒险,而一直娇生惯养的加菲猫,将在这次冒险之旅中蜕变成为上天入地的“猫猫特工”,带着家族直面挑战、化解危机。
故事分五章进行。二战中德占法国,德军上校汉斯(克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹 Christoph Waltz 饰)号称“犹太猎人”,在一次屠犹行动中,少女苏珊娜(梅勒尼·劳伦特 Mélanie Laurent 饰)侥幸逃脱。与此同时,八名美国犹太士兵在中尉奥尔多(布拉德·皮特 饰) 的带领下潜入德占法国刺杀德国军人,其行动神出鬼没,手法残忍,对德军造成相当威胁,被称为“杂种”。三年后苏珊娜来到巴黎继承了姑母的电影院,结识了德国战斗英雄,电影《国家荣耀》的主演弗里德里克(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰)。对苏珊娜一见钟情的弗里德里克说服德国宣传部长约瑟夫·戈培尔(西尔维斯特·格洛斯 Sylvester Groth 饰)在苏珊娜的影院首映《国家荣耀》,希特勒(马丁·乌特克 Martin Wuttke 饰)本人也将出席。苏珊娜决定借放映之机烧毁影院;而在德国间谍女演员布里奇特(戴安娜·克鲁格 Diane Kruger 饰)的安排下,英美联合的刺杀行动“奇诺”也将在首映当晚行动……
少年牧真人(山时聪真 配音)的母亲葬身火海后,他随父亲牧胜一(木村拓哉 配音)与继母夏子(木村佳乃 配音)组成新家庭。深陷悲伤的真人阴郁孤僻,难以融入新环境。一次意外,他跟随一只会说话的苍鹭(菅田将晖 配音)闯入废弃的神秘塔楼,却不料进入了奇幻的“亡灵世界”,开始了一场不可思议的冒险…… 影片片名致敬了小说家吉野源三郎在1937年发表的同名小说,但电影故事由宫崎骏原创。
道格(贾斯汀•巴萨 Justin Bartha 饰)即将与女友结婚。婚礼前两天,道格与朋友菲尔(布莱德利•库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)、西德(艾德•赫尔姆斯 Ed Helms 饰)和阿兰(扎克•加利费安纳基斯 Zach Galifianakis 饰)从洛杉矶驱车前往赌城拉斯维加斯为道格举办婚前单身派对,入住凯撒宫豪华套房。一晚过后,三人发现道格失踪,浴室里出现一只老虎,衣橱中多了一个婴儿,西德缺了一颗牙,窗外塔尖上插着席梦思床垫,菲尔戴着医院手环,西德口袋里有一张800美金收据,而他们的车也不知为何变成了警车。三人惊慌失措,完全无法记起昨晚发生过什么,却必须在24小时之内迅速解决谜团找到道格返回洛杉矶……
经营着一家五金店的亚当(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)与芭芭拉(吉娜·戴维斯 Geena Davis 饰)夫妻俩非常恩爱,两人虽然没有孩子,但把所有对彼此的爱都倾注在装扮自己的家上。这天夫妻俩出行时发生车祸,双双殒命。成为鬼魂的两夫妻不忍离开自己的家,但阴阳相隔他们只能眼睁睁看的自己的家中搬来了新主人。入住的迪兹与查尔斯一家将夫妻俩的房子大肆改造,亚当和芭芭拉想出闹鬼招数试图吓走迪兹一家却不起作用,反被迪兹喜爱呆在黑暗中的怪异女儿莉迪亚(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)看破,做鬼也难得尊严。无计可施的夫妻俩按照亡灵手册指引,拜托流离于阴间主流之外的大法师“甲壳虫汁”(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)帮助他们夺回自己的家……
著名糖果商威利·旺克(吉恩·怀尔德 Gene Wilder 饰)公布了一条让世界震惊的喜讯,他将挑选五名幸运儿参观自己的糖果厂,其中一人将成为终身享用“旺克巧克力”特权的人。出身贫寒的小男孩查理·毕奇(彼得·奥斯图姆 Peter Ostrum 饰)幸运的成为了第五位人选。从小吃不到糖果的查理欣喜若狂,满怀期待的他带上了自己的爷爷乔(杰克·艾伯森 Jack Albertson 饰),开始了这段甜蜜的神奇之旅。而一位邪恶的陌生人正在蛊惑孩子们,谁能为他偷来糖果,就会让谁富有起来。旺克带领孩子们畅游着神奇的糖果厂,然而面对糖果的诱惑,其他四个孩子都接二连三的不见了,最后只剩下查理和他的爷爷乔。 本片根据罗尔德·达尔的同名小说改编而成,荣获英国第四频道评选的“最优秀的家庭电影”第八名。 ©豆瓣
讲述超级大坏蛋(Megamind)要保护城市,对付强大的对手。而为了做到,他必须保持伪装,“行为像反派,思路像超级英雄”。 梅格玛(超级大坏蛋 Megamind)的前反派团队“毁灭联盟”回来了。我们新加冕的蓝色英雄现在必须保持邪恶的外表,直到他能召集他的朋友(罗克珊 Roxanne,老朋友 Ol' Chum和桂子 Keiko)阻止他的前恶棍队友将大都市发射到月球。
贝琪(格蕾丝·富尔顿 饰)和亨特(维吉尼亚·加德纳 饰)是一对喜欢追求刺激的好友,某天,她们攀上一座高达610米的电视塔后,意外受困于顶端,面对恶劣天气和物资短缺,她们必须设法在令人晕眩的高度上活下去。
影片讲述了已经20 岁的爱丽丝和母亲参加一个宴会,却发现自己将在众多傲慢自大的人面前被求婚。于是她跟随一只白色的兔子逃到一个洞里,进入仙境。13年前,爱丽丝曾来过此地,但她现在却一点也不记得了。在这里,爱丽丝与那些可爱的老朋友们重逢了:虚张声势的睡鼠,美丽的白皇后和她可憎的姐姐红桃皇后,还有双胞胎兄弟,毛毛虫,白兔,疯帽子等等。在奇妙的仙境历险中,爱丽丝了解到自己身负的重大使命,那就是带领地下世界的居民们结束红桃皇后的邪恶统治,恢复昔日仙境。
This Karate Kid sequel series picks up 30 years after the events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament and finds Johnny Lawrence on the hunt for redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai karate dojo. This reignites his old rivalry with the successful Daniel LaRusso, who has been working to maintain the balance in his life without mentor Mr. Miyagi.
Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter and long-suffering Lois have three kids. Stewie (a brilliant but sadistic baby bent on killing his mother and taking over the world), Meg (the oldest, and is the most unpopular girl in town) and Chris (the middle kid, he's not very bright but has a passion for movies). The final member of the family is Brian - a talking dog and much more than a pet, he keeps Stewie in check whilst sipping Martinis and sorting through his own life issues.
A group of vigilantes known informally as “The Boys” set out to take down corrupt superheroes with no more than blue-collar grit and a willingness to fight dirty.
The series focuses on an eccentric motley crew that is the Smith family and their three housemates: Father, husband, and breadwinner Stan Smith; his better half housewife, Francine Smith; their college-aged daughter, Hayley Smith; and their high-school-aged son, Steve Smith. Outside of the Smith family, there are three additional main characters, including Hayley's boyfriend turned husband, Jeff Fischer; the family's man-in-a-goldfish-body pet, Klaus; and most notably the family's zany alien, Roger, who is "full of masquerades, brazenness, and shocking antics."
World peace is at stake and secret agent Twilight must undergo his most difficult mission yet—pretend to be a family man. Posing as a loving husband and father, he'll infiltrate an elite school to get close to a high-profile politician. He has the perfect cover, except his wife's a deadly assassin and neither knows each other's identity. But someone does: his adopted daughter, who's a telepath!
The life of Gumball Watterson, a 12-year old cat who attends middle school in Elmore. Accompanied by his pet, adoptive brother, and best friend Darwin Watterson, he frequently finds himself involved in various shenanigans around the city, during which he interacts with various family members: Anais, Richard, and Nicole Watterson, and other various citizens.
Each day, two kindhearted suburban stepbrothers on summer vacation embark on some grand new project, which annoys their controlling sister, Candace, who tries to bust them. Meanwhile, their pet platypus plots against evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz.
The life of Christ through the eyes of those who encountered him called The Chosen.
High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club. Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!
Across continents and decades, five brilliant friends make earth-shattering discoveries as the laws of science unravel and an existential threat emerges.
Smiling Friends Inc. is a small company whose main purpose is to bring happiness and make people smile. The series follows the day-to-day lives and misadventures of its representatives, the lazy, cynical Charlie, and the cheerful, optimistic Pim, as they try to cheer up and comfort the troubled people who call their company's hotline. They receive seemingly simple requests but the jobs turn out to be more complicated than they seem, making it difficult to bring happiness to the world.
Greg Davies is the Taskmaster, and with the help of his ever-loyal assistant Alex Horne, they will set out to test the wiles, wit, wisdom and skills of five hyper-competitive comedians. Who will be crowned the Taskmaster champion in this brand new game show?
The adventures of 13-year-old, self-centered Anne Boonchuy who is magically transported to the fictitious world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig, Anne will become a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life.
When a fatal accident occurs on board the International Space Station, a lone astronaut makes the heroic journey back to Earth, only to discover key pieces of her life—including her young daughter—have changed.
Rentaro Aijo was rejected 100 times in middle school. He visits a shrine and prays for better luck in high school. The God of Love appears and promises that he'll soon meet 100 people he's destined to date. But there's a catch—once destiny introduces someone to him, the two must happily love each other. If they don't, they'll die. What will befall Rentaro and his 100 girlfriends in high school?
Follow a younger Patrick Star living at home with his family, where he hosts his own variety show for the neighborhood from his television-turned-bedroom.
Scott Pilgrim meets the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers, only to find out her seven evil exes stand in the way of their love.
The year is 2140. Society has undergone profound change and is now run as a matriarchy, thus removing its reliance on men. Two Hills is one of the communities founded by this new order. It is a place of perfection, where there is harmony rather than conflict, science and reason prevail and the environment is protected and respected. One of its inhabitants is the history teacher, Rada. On her birthday she takes her students on a guided tour of a special area outside of Two Hills, a place where the so-called “primates” live. The "primates" are men (and a handful of women) who have chosen to live beyond female control. However, the tranquillity of Rada’s perfectly arranged female-centric world comes under threat when she meets the young "primate", Hera. It’s a classic girl-meets-boy story, in a world where the rules have fundamentally changed.
Seven friends who met in their youth at an English course meet again 25 years later; Lara, Taís, Helena, Adriana, Renée, Natália and Carol, each of them has a different personality and origin, but they share a deep affection.
The exploits a team of people whose job is to investigate the unusual, the strange and the extraterrestrial.