血战钢锯岭 2016
达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基将执导、编写新片《庞然大物》(The Whale),布兰登·费舍(《森林泰山》《木乃伊》《地心历险记》)主演,A24出品。 基于Samuel D. Hunter创作的同名戏剧,讲述在爱达荷州乡村一个破旧的公寓里,重达六百磅的查理隐居避世,固执、坚决地要把自己吃死。随着查理越来越接近不可避免的命运,他的朋友丽兹(一个愤世嫉俗的无神论者护士)和埃尔德·托马斯(一个年轻而有前途的摩门教传教士)都试图在查理身上找到能被拯救的意志,无论是肉体上还是精神上。然而,只有与查理关系疏远的女儿艾莉才能让他看到目前绝望状态之外的未来,艾莉虽然尖酸刻薄、充满仇恨、浑身是刺,查理却能在她身上找到最后一次赎罪的机会,甚至可能是一丝希望。
耶稣(詹姆斯·卡维泽 James Caviezel饰)拒绝了魔鬼的诱惑,受到了犹大的出卖。他被罗马人带到了罗马政权主持者比拉多那里。比拉多本来不想处死耶稣——他明知这样会引起一场政治风波。于是,他让希律王建议如何决断这件事。 希律王把耶稣的命运交到了人们手上。但是,愚蠢的民众宁愿放过罪犯,也不能容忍耶稣逃过刑罚。受尽苦难的耶稣还远远不能满足人们的愿望。他们要把耶稣推上绞刑架。 比拉多顺从民意,耶稣走往执行绞刑的山头。一路上,人们疯狂的往他身上扔杂物,耶稣受难日成为民众狂欢日。 耶稣的双手被钉在十字架上,这时还没有人意识到这一幕永远被后世铭记。
《耶稣传》是一部根据路加福音而编写的两小时影片。此片被誉为是最准确描述耶稣基督的生平的影片。 《耶稣传》计划的目的是要让世界上的每一个人都能够观看以他们本身的语言配音的《耶稣传》影片。无论您是说中文、法文或其他四百多种的语言,您最终都可以透过您本身的语言去认识耶稣。 透过《耶稣传》计划及超过八百个基督教团体的合作,全球已有超过十亿一千万人观赏过这部富有震撼力的影片,而大部份人都是藉着他们自己的语言去观赏这关於耶稣的故事。
凯文(基努·里维斯Keanu Reeves 饰)是个保持不败记录的年轻律师,一个又一个案子在他的辩护下得以胜诉。但与此同时,他也逐渐地意识到自己为之洗脱罪名的客户并非清白。同时有娇妻玛丽相伴,事业有为的他宛如生活在天堂一般。受到纽约著名事务所的邀请,他携妻子来到纽约。奢华的生活近在眼前,一切似乎都昭示着明天的坦途与光明。老板米尔顿(艾尔·帕西诺Al Pacino饰)对凯文非常赏识,不断地委以重任,同时也带他见识了五光十色的世界。面临着工作的压力和色情,名利各个方面的诱惑,凯文渐渐的迷失在生活中,和玛丽住着豪宅,手上有花不完的钞票,甚至忽视了妻子精神上的反常。但是,玛丽却渐渐地感到与凯文疏远了,而且生活的并不幸福。玛丽总是能看到诡异的情景,而且整个人的精神都彻底崩溃了。在强大的压力下,玛丽选择了自杀。直到失常的妻子自刎在他的臂弯中,凯文才猛然意识到身边的危机。凯文愤怒地去找米尔顿,指责米尔顿给他设下陷阱。同时,凯文从母亲那里得到了一个惊人的秘密,原来凯文任职的那家律师行的老板米尔顿,就是自己的父亲。气愤的凯文去找米尔顿报仇。当他开枪射向米尔顿的时候,米尔顿却毫发无损。原来米尔顿就是撒旦,他要让整个世界变为已有。米尔顿还有个女儿克丽丝塔,她是罗麦斯同父异母的孩子。然而,究竟是魔鬼的诱惑还是内心的虚荣将凯文引向今日的迷雾与深渊?自由意志下凯文又会做出怎样的抉择?
改编自大家耳熟能详的圣经故事,由西席地密尔(金球奖的"终身成就奖"便是以他命名)执导,却尔登希斯顿饰演那位带领犹太人出埃及、穿越红海的先知摩西,而埃及法老王则是由光头巨星尤柏连纳饰演;由于本片早已被美国国家电影保护局列为政府收藏作品,足以证明其在影史上不可 动摇的地位,此外本片亦入围了奥斯卡最佳音效、最佳剪辑、最佳服装设计、最佳摄影、最佳艺术指导、最佳影片、及最佳特效(得奖)等多项大奖,是一部不可错过的影史经典之作。
迈尔肯(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)出生于一个黑白通婚的家庭,其父是黑人牧师,其母是无偏见的白人。但是当时,美国种族矛盾激化,3K党经常骚扰他家,在他的幼小心灵中种下了复仇的种子。迈尔肯长大后,混迹于街巷酒吧之中,甚至染上了毒品、偷盗等恶习。一次偶然的机会,迈尔肯与白人女子索菲亚相遇,但这段爱情因种族偏见而夭折。迈尔肯因犯罪锒铛入狱,正当他处于困境之时,一位黑人教徒引领他皈依了伊斯兰教,这也成为他人生的转捩点。他通过阅读大量书籍,逐渐了解了种族歧视的文化根源,并多次在公开场合宣扬黑人要独立、对白人复仇的激进主张,引起轩然大波。迈尔肯成为很多人的眼中钉,甚至遭遇了背叛,引来了灭顶之灾……
摩西(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)和法老拉美西斯二世(乔尔·埃哲顿 Joel Edgerton 饰)是情同手足的好兄弟,彼此之间感情十分要好。摩西得到了神的旨意,决心将成千上万的犹太人民从水深火热的生活之中解救出来,他向拉美西斯寻求帮助,然而,这位好友却十分坚决地拒绝了他。不仅如此,拉美西斯还对犹太人进行了惨无人道的屠杀。为了惩罚拉美西斯的暴行,神在埃及降下了“十灾”,一时间,埃及陷入了混乱与死亡的阴影之中,然而,拉美西斯并没有因此而有所醒悟,最终,他和摩西成为了宿敌。摩西知道何为自己的使命,他带领着四十万希伯来人踏上了漫漫旅途,寻找一片属于他们的家园。
外表平凡性格内向的嘉利·怀特一直都是班上默默无闻的丑小鸭,她古怪的性格和沉迷于宗教崇拜的母亲更为她遭受同学的欺凌创造了得天独厚的条件。尽管现实残酷,但在校园里,依然有人默默的关心着嘉利,这使得嘉利树立了信心想要融入校园生活中去 。三年一度的毕业晚会要开始了,尽管母亲玛格丽特·怀特极力反对,但嘉利下定决心要在舞会上夺得“舞会王后”的头筹一改往日抑郁的形象。可是,一些人总是不愿意放过她,舞会当晚,头戴王冠的嘉利在众目睽睽之下全身淋满了猪血,愤怒激活了她体内的女巫血统,她要使用她的能力,将整个会场变成人间地狱。
一个名叫葛瑞丝(妮可基嫚饰)的女人在二次大战末期,带著两个孩子避居到小岛上,等著丈夫从战场回来。由于她的孩子们患有疾病,不能接触阳光,所以一家人必须被迫孤独地生活在陌生的小岛上。葛瑞丝在日常生活上订有种种奇怪的规定,如:不可随便把门打开,除非先确定前一扇门已经关上。 葛瑞丝一家虽然过著与世隔绝的生活,但她总觉得这座房子有那麽点不对劲,尤其她的女儿一直声称屋子裡还有其他人... 加上新来的三个古怪又神祕的僕人,葛瑞丝究竟会遭遇到什麽样的危险呢?
近未来,地球爆发一场毁灭性的战争。灾难过后,人类文明消失殆尽,整个星球满目疮痍。幸存者逆境求生,为了有限的资源回归原始,暴力血腥肆意蔓延。沉默的黑人艾利(丹泽·华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)是一个独来独往的旅者,他横越荒芜的美洲大陆,见识几多炎凉和凶险。这一日,艾利辗转来到一座喧嚣小镇。神秘危险的卡耐基(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)控制着小镇的水源,也因此成为富甲一方、不可一世的大头目。正当此时,世间流传着一本关乎人类未来命运的预言书的传说,而艾利正是这本书的护送人。卡耐基派出手下四处寻找预言书,结果一无所获,命运却指引着他和艾利宿命地相会。人类的命运终将如何……
他(哈维尔·巴登 Javier Bardem 饰)是一名作家,却遭遇了职业瓶颈期,一个字都写不出来。她(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)是一名主妇,每天忙于将两人的安乐窝修缮一新。一天,一个男人(艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)敲响家门,这个男人是作家的超级粉丝,接着,男人的妻子(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)也登门拜访,这两人在家中随意穿梭肆意的打听着男女主人的隐私,这让她感到十分不快。 尽管她三番五次的想要将这对粗鲁的夫妇请出门外,可他却对两人的拜访展现出了由衷的热情。之后,男人和女人的两个儿子也闯入家中,一场争执最终演变成为了流血事件。崩溃的她此时并不知道,这一流血事件仅仅只是失控和崩坏的开始。
1979年,罗马梵蒂冈教廷意识到和恶魔撒旦有着莫大关系的一名女婴诞生在纽约,二十年后,距离本世纪还剩最后三天的12月28日,撒旦(加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)以一名人类银行家的肉身重现人间,丧失了妻女的前任警察杰瑞克(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)和自己的安保团队受雇于伪装的魔鬼,为其提供保护。不久一名神父冒死狙杀撒旦,不幸失败,他在临死前向布瑞克提出警告。布瑞克与同伴按照神父留下的线索找到了女子克里斯汀(罗宾·汤尼 Robin Tunney 饰),得知她是命中注定要与撒旦结合的女性,如果撒旦能在千禧之夜和克里斯汀发生关系,那就意味着世界的毁灭。布瑞克决定不惜一切代价以人类的身份阻挡撒旦…
The life of Christ through the eyes of those who encountered him called The Chosen.
Dramatizes the Birth, Life, Ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, largely according to the Holy Bible's New Testament Gospels.
A riveting drama about a modern day monarchy, a contemporary re-telling of the timeless tale of David and Goliath. This series is an epic story of greed and power, war and romance, forbidden loves and secret alliances -- and a young hero who rises to power in a modern-day kingdom.
The story of God's creation of the Earth and the landmark events leading up to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
"A.D. The Bible Continues" picks up where the smash hit miniseries "The Bible" left off, continuing the greatest story ever told and exploring the exciting and inspiring events that followed the Crucifixion of Christ. The immediate aftermath of Christ's death had a massive impact on his disciples, his mother, Mary, and key political and religious leaders of the era, completely altering the entire world in an instant. Beginning at that fateful moment of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, "A.D. The Bible Continues" will focus on the disciples who had to go forward and spread the teachings of Christ to a world dominated by political unrest, and the start of a whole new religion that would dramatically reshape the history of the world.
Her name is Dinah. In the Bible her life is only hinted at during a brief and violent detour within the more familiar chapters about her father, Jacob, and his dozen sons in the Book of Genesis. Told through Dinah's eloquent voice, this sweeping miniseries reveals the traditions and turmoil of ancient womanhood. Dinah's tale begins with the story of her mothers: Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah, the four wives of Jacob. They love Dinah and give her gifts that are to sustain her through a hard-working youth, a calling to midwifery, and a new home in a foreign land. Dinah tells us of the world of the red tent, the place where women were sequestered during their cycles of birthing, menses, and illness; of her initiations into the religious and sexual practices of her tribe; of Jacob's courtship with his four wives; of the mystery and wonder of caravans, farmers, shepherds, and slaves; of love and death in the city of Shechem; of her half-brother Joseph's rise in Egypt, and of course her marriage to Shechem and it's bloody consequences.
In the Beginning features episodes devoted to most of the major Bible stories of the Old Testament, including the stories of the Creation, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, Abraham and Isaac, Joseph, Moses, David, and Solomon, with the final episode featuring the birth of Jesus Christ. As with the second Superbook series, some stories were stretched out over several episodes. Unlike Superbook and The Flying House, however, no contemporary characters from modern times were inserted into the stories, save for the series mascot and viewpoint character, Roco the fox.
American series of children's computer animated films featuring anthropomorphic vegetables in stories conveying moral themes based on Christianity. They frequently retell Biblical stories, sometimes anachronistically reframed, and include humorous references to pop culture in many different eras by putting Veggie spins on them.
Takada Yu is an employee of a development firm. His father has favored his high-achieving older brother and been indifferent to Yu since young. So Yu craves for his father’s love and wants his recognition somehow. Then one day, Yu encounters a woman. Although it was the worst possible meeting, he gradually starts to have romantic feelings for her through work and an unexpected development. But ironically enough, she turns out to be the girlfriend of his older brother. Yu begins to realize what he truly treasures and matures as a person as he struggles with this complicated romance and with his older brother and father.
The series features twenty-four stories from the New Testament, including many of the parables of Jesus, the story of his birth, death and resurrection. The series concludes with two episodes about Paul the Apostle and his missionary journeys.
One biblical figure is revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. His name is Moses, the man who rose in power to defend a people, to free them, and to live in history like no other... The Ten Commandments dramatizes the biblical story of Moses.
An epic biblical saga of faith, ambition and betrayal as told through the eyes of the battle-weary King Saul, the resentful prophet Samuel and the resourceful young shepherd David—all on a collision course with destiny that will change the world. One thousand years before Christ, the first king of the Israelites, Saul, struggles to unify the 12 Israelite tribes and defend his fledgling nation against savage enemy attacks. The prophet Samuel relays a message from God to King Saul that he must destroy one of Israel's ancient enemies. But when Saul defies that message, Samuel prophesies that the Lord will tear the kingdom of Israel from him and choose another in his place. In time, Saul comes to realize that his greatest threat will not come from his enemies, but from the shepherd, David.
A 12 hours miniseries adapted from Anthony Burgess's novel The Kingdom of the Wicked.
A document is discovered that appears to be an ancient eyewitness account of the life of Jesus Christ. A public relations executive is hired to publicize this document as a new version of the Bible, but he finds himself enmeshed in controversy and intrigue.
Friends and Heroes is a Christian children's program that airs on TBN, Smile of a Child TV, and was also shown on BBC TV. The show is both traditionally animated and computer animated. It takes place from 69 - 71 AD. There are three series each of 13 Episodes: Series 1 is set in Alexandria, Egypt; Series 2 in Jerusalem and Series 3 in Rome. The series was created by Brian D. Brown and Eric J. Danenberg, who also worked on The Storykeepers.
A nine-part series of Old Testament stories for younger viewers using various animation techniques, including stop-motion, cel animation and computer animation.
Some people think the Bible is a book of rules. Or a book of heroes. But the Bible is most of all a story. The Jesus Storybook Bible tells that wonderful Story beneath all the stories in the Bible. The story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them. And at the center of that story there is a baby. Every story in the Bible whispers his name. The Jesus Storybook Bible invites children to discover for themselves the one who is at the center of God’s great rescue story — and at the center of their story, too. The multiple award-winning Jesus Storybook Bible, written by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago, now comes to life as short animated videos. Narrated by British actor David Suchet.
Albert Lin investigates two great stories of the Bible: Could real events lie behind the parting of the Red Sea and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?
In the Beginning is a 2-part biblical television miniseries directed by Kevin Connor. It stars Martin Landau and Jacqueline Bisset and it premiered on NBC on November 12, 2000.