
阿尔及尔之战 1966


  一九五四年十月一日,以法属阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及耳的卡斯巴为中心,爆发了阿尔及利亚人反抗运动。这是由于阿拉伯人憎恨法国人长期统治而引起的。人们四处搞破坏,法国政府发觉事态严重,便于一九五七年十月七日,派马丘将军率领四十万大军驻于斯拉姆地区,但是暴乱仍层出不穷,法国人的镇压行动已明显升级。阿里.拉波安原只是一个以扒窃为生的小偷,由于他的果敢和身体力行,而同时与宾米提成为阿尔及利亚独立运动的领导者。某日,阿里男扮女装上街,最终还是被发现,他们跟踪他并突袭了基地,阿里等被处死。但阿尔及利亚的人民斗争情绪越来越高涨,这股势力不容阻挡。本片是曾获威尼斯大奖的半纪录影片,完全利用当地民众所拍摄而成,因此,呈现于观众眼前的是一部忠于史实的独立战争影片。       本片是欧洲电影批判殖民主义的先驱典范之作。首先得正视其「第三世界电影」的胸襟:即替被殖民者压抑了的实存赋予音容、重塑形骸,以形式的翻新为手段。导演动用左翼普及美学策略,主角不再是个人而是人民,更以可跟纪录片乱真的影象语言,重演五四至六二年间阿尔及利亚反抗法国统治的活动,逐步升级为山洪般暴发的独立战争。最难得的是没有简单的美化/丑化任何一方,笔触冷静而不失立场。群潮流动的场面调度雄浑有劲,曾获威尼斯影展金狮奖。本片在法禁映多年,连在香港(因其反殖信息)也不例外。 



创世纪 1971


  在贫脊的沙漠,人们梦想着能够摆脱这一些,幻想出了天堂,电影给我们讲述了一个天堂的创造,天堂的生活的故事。   一部记录片,在撒哈拉沙漠拍摄,全片关于一个玛雅神话,并有伦纳德·科恩的歌伴随。本片有70年和92年两个版本。



阿尔及尔的末代王后 2023


该片以阿尔及尔最后一任埃米尔萨利姆·图米的王后扎菲拉为原型,讲述她为了保卫城邦而奋起抵抗海盗的故事。 在1516 年的阿尔及利亚,传奇海盗“巴巴罗萨”奥鲁奇·雷斯从西班牙人手中夺取了阿尔及尔,称霸一方。坊间流言四起,说他杀害了自己的盟友城主萨利姆·图米。尽管困难重重,萨利姆·图米的妻子扎菲拉王后决定站出来抵抗。在真实历史与传说之间,影片讲述了这位传奇女性为阿尔及尔忍辱负重,在个人和政治纷争中挣扎的一生。 入围第79届威尼斯国际电影节威尼斯日单元



犯罪谈话 1967


1967 年,维斯康蒂携马斯楚安尼和安娜·卡里娜来到阿尔及尔拍摄《局外人》。加缪生前一直拒绝将他的这部小说搬上银幕。他的家人则做出了不同的决定。影片的拍摄在阿尔及尔进行,就像是作家死后重返阿尔及尔。拍摄过程中,一位专攻纪录片的年轻电影人热拉尔·帕提斯尝试就《局外人》的拍摄对阿尔及利亚民众的影响进行报道。他还穿插记录了加缪的友人让·庞塞(Jean Poncet)、让·德·梅松索(Jean de Maisonseul)、Jean-Pierre Bénisti及让·塞纳克(Jean Poncet)的谈话,将加缪及其作品置于社会学和历史背景中进行考察


L’Incendie (El Harik)

L’Incendie (El Harik) 1974


In 1939 in eastern Algeria, Omar, a young boy of ten, lives with his family in a room in Dar Sbitar, a house shared by several families who overcome the trials they go through every day to ensure their subsistence. Her deceased father is Aïni, the mother, who bleeds herself from all four veins to keep her children and their grandmother alive. The families of Dar Sbitar share their intimacy and their daily life, this life animates the big house, which itself becomes a character in its own right. "El Harik" (The Fire), is an Algerian drama series in 10 episodes adapted from Mohamed Dib's trilogy "The Big House", "The Fire" and "The Loom".


Raï Is Not Dead

Raï Is Not Dead 2023


What musical genre can claim to have gone, in the space of fifty years, from a hidden cabaret in Oran to Super Bowl halftime? Born in Algeria at the end of the Second World War, the raï wave spread from the cabarets of western Algeria to the cassette shops of Barbès in Paris, before sweeping the world at the end of the 1980s. its hybridization, the intoxicating music traveled from Algerian and French weddings to the biggest international stages, before suddenly disappearing from the radar at the dawn of the new millennium. Icons that have disappeared, including Cheikha Remitti and Prince Hasni, to young heirs, passing by the star Khaled, the collector Hadj Sameer trace the tumultuous course of this musical genre, between clandestinity, planetary glory and resistance.


Bled Music

Bled Music 1991


"Bled Music" is an Algerian musical television program broadcast on ENTV between 1991 and 1992. directed by Aziz Smati and presented by Kamel Dynamite, Farid Rockeur and Samia Benkherroubi. The show, with its irreverent tone, was very popular and had a significant impact on the Algerian music scene, allowing the emergence of many artists including Chaba Fadela, Cheb Sahraoui, Cheb Anouar and Mohamed Lamine. A ranking of music videos by popularity and relied on fans sending their votes by mail. At the end of the 1980s, unrest broke out in Algeria which led the country into a Black Decade. At this time, fundamentalist groups attempted to ban music and most other forms of artistic expression. The show continued to air despite death threats, but on February 14, 1994, Aziz Smati was shot in both legs by a young extremist, which ultimately led to the end of the show .