加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪 2011
这是一出10个爱情故事窜成的喜剧杂烩:失去母亲的小男孩终日郁郁寡欢,继父不知该如何安慰。当他得知继子喜欢上学校里最美的女孩,便热烈地鼓励儿子去追。小男孩为了赢得小女孩的关注,废寝忘食地练习架子鼓,只为了在圣诞节的晚会上能与她同台演出。勇敢的他,甚至为了最后的一记道别潇洒地突破机场的安检区。两个孩子的母亲面对了婚姻危机。丈夫感情出轨,把项链送给了别的女人,给她的,则仅是一张她热爱的女歌手的CD。她找了借口仓皇躲入卧室,在歌声中隐忍啜泣。转个身,又夸张地大笑着,迎向娇女爱子欢喜的面容。 丈夫最终幡然醒悟……如此的小故事共有十出,温暖你我的心。
英国军情七处顶级特工约翰·英格利士(罗温·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 饰)自5年前在莫桑比克的行动中失手后,从此销声匿迹,隐居在深山的寺院中修炼身心。但是他的人生注定充满波澜,受军情七处的召唤,约翰返回阔别已久的伦敦。此时他的老东家早已改组,新任领导帕梅拉(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰)命令他前往香港,阻止针对中国领导人的暗杀计划。令他意想不到的是,他的对手是一支名为“旋风”的全顶尖杀手的暗杀集团。5年时间让世界发生天翻地覆的变化,但约翰凭借修行得来的坚韧意志和智慧与杀手集团进行连番精彩刺激的较量,当然在这一过程中也闹出不少笑话。道高一尺,魔高一丈,约翰能否拯救前所未有的危机呢……
Norman Oppenheimer是一个小运营商与一个年轻的政客在他生命中的最低点。三年后,当这位政治家成为有影响力的世界领袖时,诺尔曼的生活发生了巨大的变化。
在这部影片中,黛博拉·蔻尔扮演英国寡妇安娜,她在十九世纪六十年代来到了暹罗国(泰国的旧称),为该国多妻多子的国王(尤·伯连纳饰)作家庭教师。安娜与国王之间的文化冲突只是他们之间复杂关系的一个方面,通过安娜,国王了解到了西方现代文明精华和内涵。同时,安娜也认识了对于东方一个帝王来说,维持自己的尊严以及维护他的子民的内俗习惯是多么的重要。在成功的举办了一次招待外国贵宾的晚会之后,安娜和国王为了庆祝,跳起了势情的舞蹈,但最终却被两个人之间的争吵打断了,原因是国王的新王妃竟敢爱上了别人,而安娜认为国王对她的惩罚太过残酷了。尽管两人之间有很多不和协,安娜与国王还是取得了互相尊重,并且都爱上了对方。 英国家庭教师安娜?里欧诺文斯于1862年携子去暹罗国(泰国的旧称)教导当时国王的58个孩子。安娜与国王之间的文化冲突只是他们之间复杂关系的一个方面,通过安娜,国王了解了西方现代文明精华和内涵。同时,安娜也认识了对于一个东方帝王来说,维持自己的尊严以及维护他的子民的内俗习惯是多么的重要。在成功的举办了一次招待外国贵宾的晚会之后,安娜和国王为了庆祝,跳起了热情的舞蹈,但最终却被两个人之间的争吵打断了,原因是国王的新王妃竟敢爱上了别人,而安娜认为国王对她的惩罚太过残酷了……尽管两人之间有很多不和谐,安娜与国王最后还是取得了互相尊重,并碰撞出感情(或友谊)的火花。
这部电影是根据《大阿里G秀》电视节目中Baron Cohen的角色改编的三部曲中的第一部,第二部是《波拉特:为哈萨克斯坦的光荣国家造福的美国文化学习》,第三部是未命名的《布鲁诺》电影。
本片是多伦多电影节的闭幕电影。 Johnny Worricker(比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy 饰)在MI5(军情5处)勤恳但安稳地工作了很多年。直到有一天,他最好的朋友兼上司Benedict Baron(迈克尔·刚本 Michael Gambon 饰)突然离奇死亡,唯一的线索就是他生前留下的一个让人费解的文件。当Johnny阅读完这些文件之后,他被里面的内容深深的震惊了,它揭示了许多内幕,甚至有动摇整个MI5的能力。因为Benedict的死,Johnny被迫离开了自己的工作岗位,而他唯一的目标就是解开事件的真相,找出好友的真正死亡原因。同时,Johnny的新邻居——漂亮Nancy(蕾切尔·薇兹 Rachel Weisz 饰)似乎对他有着不一样兴趣和关心。到底Nancy的真实身份是是谁,Johnny真的可以凭一己之力发现真正的答案吗? ©豆瓣
耄耋之年的撒切尔夫人(梅丽尔•斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)罹患老年痴呆症,时常在幻觉和回忆中切换。她感觉深爱的丈夫一直在身边陪伴,其实后者早已亡故。她作为杂货店的女儿,因为出身贫寒,时常饱受世人的白眼。然而,在聆听了保守党的演讲后,她坚定了自己的政治信仰,并以优异成绩考入牛津大学,虽然在一次议员选举中落败,但是她却收获了真挚的爱情与他相伴,坚定了自己从政的人生道路。从此,她逐渐走到了保守党魁的位置。终于,保守党在选举中大胜,而她也成为了英国历史上第一位女首相,组建了自己的内阁政府。面对纷繁复杂的国际国内局势,她力主的自由市场政策也饱受非议,但是她用过人的智慧和超强的忍耐力,战胜了左辅右弼众叛亲离的局面,凭一己之力拯救了英国经济,捍卫了领土主权,被世人称作铁娘子……
影片主要讲述了2002年4月27日至2007年5月6日期间萨科齐的经历,聚焦萨克齐对权力的迷恋。片中的萨科齐紧张、冲动而又野心勃勃,符合很多法国人心目中的总统形象。影片还描绘了两个对萨科齐的政治生涯有着重大影响的人物:他的前妻西西莉娅·萨科齐(弗罗伦斯·派梅尔 饰),前总理多米尼克·德维尔潘(Dominique de Villepin) (塞缪尔·拉巴特 饰)。
影片讲述了七任意大利总统朱利奥·安德烈奥蒂(Giulio Andreotti)的故事,他被控与黑手党有联系,但是他最终被判无罪,因为审判涉及行为已超出追诉期限。
电影《ANWAR:THE UNTOLD STORY》暂译(安华:那些不为人知的故事)即将于马来西亚全国上映。 电影讲述了安华在政治跌宕起伏的这24年特别是反腐败的斗争中发生的事。
A story that follows Han Yuanniang, the eldest daughter of a minister who disguises herself as a man in order to pretend to be her twin brother. She encounters the prince thus igniting an unexpected romance.
When an active loser is appointed the Minister of Planning, no one can imagine what this will lead to. It turns out that the new minis- ter really wants to change people’s lives for the better and for this, together with the team, is actively promoting his own initiatives. True, these initiatives are not always reasonable, and the result is extremely unpredictable.
A whirlwind power clash between the prime minister and deputy prime minister unravels the day the president suffers an assassination attempt.
James Hacker MP the Government's bumbling minister for Administrative Affairs is propelled along the corridors of power to the very pinnacle of politics - No. 10. Could this have possibly have been managed by his trusted Permanent Private Secretary, the formidably political Sir Humphrey Appleby who must move to the “Top Job” in Downing Street to support him, together with his much put upon PPS Bernard Wolley. What could possibly go wrong?
Five people, strangers to each other, are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They witness a murder and from then on an endless tangle of adventures begins for them. Dalia, Zoumboulia, Spyros, Fotis, Angela... unite in a group, draw strength from each other and aim to deliver justice in an old and dark case... Through dangers and upheavals they will manage to reach in the truth of the case but also their own, personal truth.
The True Believers is a 1988 Australian mini series which looks at the history of the Australian Labor Party from the end of World War Two up to the Australian Labor Party split of 1955. It was co-written by Bob Ellis who focused on three characters "Chifley, the unlettered man of great dignity; Menzies, who used to stand for something but eventually stood only for Menzies; and Evatt, the grand idealist... It's almost like Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1. It's a chunk of national history during Australia's great era of change after the war."
Urquhart aims to secure his legacy on the international stage, but faces threats both from abroad and closer to home.
The story of PM Narendra Modi's life, following Modi from his childhood to becoming a hermit, his days during the Emergency period, his subsequent rise in politics, and becoming the Prime Minister.
As our third longest serving Prime Minister, Andrew Dugdale mattered. He dined with presidents and kings, hosted world summits and changed the lives of millions of his fellow Australians. But now he's retired; a not-so-elder statesman with time on his hands to ponder the question - was it all worth it? Not that he's asking of course. No, his inquisitive and over enthusiastic ghostwriter Ellen has an unhelpfully insatiable appetite for the truth.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau was one of the most striking, well-spoken and controversial leaders in Canadian history. He brought with him an almost rock-star aura of popularity to office in the 1960s, marking what was known as "Trudeaumania" in Canada during one of the country's most exciting and important times. Yet Trudeau's eccentricities were regularly mistaken for arrogance and he was often considered a traitor, particularly by those who wanted to see Quebec separated from the rest of Canada. With the province rocked by terrorist bombings and the nation disturbed by civil unrest, Trudeau was determined to "put the country in its place." Through hours of archival footage and interviews with Trudeau himself, Memoirs details the story of a man who used intelligence and charisma to bring together a country that was very nearly torn apart.
Duplessis was a historical television series in Quebec, Canada, that aired in 1978. It tells the story of Maurice Duplessis, the controversial premier of Quebec from 1936 to 1939 and 1944 to 1959. It is one of the most famous mini-series in Quebec television history. The series was written by Oscar-winning film director Denys Arcand, and based in large part on Conrad Black's popular biography. The series contains 7 episodes, each one containing a different historic moment in Duplessis's life and path into power. Duplessis is portrayed by Jean Lapointe. It is distributed by Radio-Canada and is available on DVD.
A comprehensive cast of the main players provides an enthralling account of one of the most turbulent periods of Australian political history. For the first time, Kevin Rudd gives his full account of the period and relives in vivid detail the events of losing the Prime Ministership. Julia Gillard is forthright with her recollections and analysis and doesn't spare her colleagues.