不列颠之战 2023
在不列颠战役的高潮时期,一群精疲力竭的喷火战斗机飞行员为了保卫他们的国家战斗到最后一个人。 一名刚刚完成训练的年轻飞行员被叫去参加一次飞行任务,他正在等待紧急起飞的指令。在这一天里,他目睹了英格兰南部的天空充斥着致命的空中战斗,在每一场令人疲惫的战斗之后,飞行员们都返回到他们的分散小屋,却发现又有一名同伴失踪了。他和飞行员战友们不愿意投降,他们团结起来,再次冲上天空,决心捍卫的不仅仅是机场,而是保卫整个国家。
在不列颠战役的高潮时期,一群精疲力竭的喷火战斗机飞行员为了保卫他们的国家战斗到最后一个人。 一名刚刚完成训练的年轻飞行员被叫去参加一次飞行任务,他正在等待紧急起飞的指令。在这一天里,他目睹了英格兰南部的天空充斥着致命的空中战斗,在每一场令人疲惫的战斗之后,飞行员们都返回到他们的分散小屋,却发现又有一名同伴失踪了。他和飞行员战友们不愿意投降,他们团结起来,再次冲上天空,决心捍卫的不仅仅是机场,而是保卫整个国家。
阿不思·邓布利多教授(裘德·洛 饰)意识到强大的黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃(麦斯·米科尔森 饰)正试图夺取魔法世界的控制权。邓布利多了解仅凭他一人之力,将无法阻止格林德沃,于是他委托魔法动物学家纽特·斯卡曼德(埃迪·雷德梅恩 饰)带领一支精良的团队——成员包括男巫、女巫及一位勇敢的麻瓜面包师,来共同执行这项危险任务。一路上他们会遇到各式各样的神奇动物,既有老朋友,也有前所未见的神秘生物;同时他们也随时会与格林德沃不断壮大的追随者发生冲突。这次行动的风险是如此之高……邓布利多还能袖手旁观多久?
1933年美国,经济大萧条和盲目的探险精神激励著每个人去探索陌生的领域,开拓未知的生存空间。漂亮的女演员安(娜奥米·沃茨饰)日益感觉到自己正处于纽约沮丧的气氛之中,就在事业低落的时候,一位野心勃勃的电影制作人卡尔(杰克·布莱克饰)将好运带给了她,她将成为一部最新制作影片的主演,并且影片将会在Skull岛上完成拍摄,安希望这座靠近苏门达拉岛的世外桃源会带给她一个充满刺激和兴奋的旅程。 意外加偶然,轮船最终搁浅在了卡尔的理想目的地——骷髅岛。可还没等卡尔激动地想开始自己的巨制拍摄,一群突如其来的土著野人的疯狂袭击便让几名成员丧生。好不容易逃离野人魔爪启航逃走,娇小的安却被抓走了。原来这名字都很诡异的骷髅岛果然是凶险重重,那些野蛮土著自不必说了,恐龙、野兽更是遍地都是。为了救安,大家不得不又返航回去。 被土著野人当作祭品的安不禁失声尖叫。尖叫声却意外引来了金刚的“关注”,这只巨大无比、连凶悍的恐龙也怕它几分的传奇猩猩,偏偏钟情于安。然而,它不会知道的是,这却是它悲剧命运的开始……
这是一部影史上传颂最广的长青家庭电影,十分适合亲子同乐。有趣的故事、悦耳的歌曲、美丽的山河、活泼的孩子、可爱的修女、温馨的人情、天真无邪的笑料,构成了这部曾打破影史上最高卖座纪录的歌舞片,并曾获最佳影片等5项奥斯卡金像奖。茱丽·安德鲁丝(Julie Andrews)扮演真有其人的奥国修女玛莉亚,她到鳏居军官家中照顾他的七个孩子,后来还成为他们的继母。在德军纳粹占领奥地利之后,他们全家利用一次公开表演的机会逃出了魔掌。片中表达玛利亚对大自然热爱的主题曲《音乐之声》、轻松愉快的《孤独的牧羊人》、比托普演唱的深情无限的《雪绒花》、欢乐有趣的《哆来咪》、以及可爱的孩子们在比赛和客厅里演唱的《晚安,再见!》等等,都成了我们记忆中最值得细细回味的旋律。
1935年。美国南部惨淡肃杀的冷山监狱。这里有片一英里长的绿地,人们叫它“绿里”。不过,它的居民皆为死囚,在绿地的另一头,便是行刑用的电椅。保罗·艾治科姆(汤姆·汉 克斯饰)是这里的狱监,对于走过“绿里”、继而在电椅上惨叫毙命的死囚行刑程序,他俨然已无动于衷。除了保罗及其爱妻简外,“绿里”上还有凶残的副狱监豪威尔,有施虐倾向 的狱吏佩西,良心未泯的看守海尔和他身患绝症的妻子美琳达,喜用宠物鼠逗狱吏和诸“难友”取乐的德拉克,连环杀人狂威廉,负疚深重的犯人彼特等一干形形色色的人们。他们之 间充满了敌意和不屑。但神秘的约翰·考夫利的到来改变了一切。考夫利因谋杀两名幼女被 判死罪,他相貌恐怖,体形硕大,却出奇地平和、敏感而缄默,天真时甚至像个孩子,同时, 他似乎还具有一种不可名状的神秘力量,令人不由自主地对其产生信任感,这不禁让艾治科姆对其罪行是否属实深怀疑问。 真情无法取代程式,考夫利终要走过“绿里”。在这个貌似粗鲁的男人即将赴死的刹那,“绿里”上的人们以不同以往的形式实现了各自生命的重要跨越。
中国,印第安纳琼斯博士(Harrison Ford 饰)与上海黑帮老大交易,对方在换得努尔哈赤的骨灰后便背信弃义,欲灭琼斯之口。关键时刻,机灵小鬼豆丁(Jonathan Ke Quan 饰)救下琼斯博士和无故卷进的一位歌女威莉(Kate Capshaw 饰)。由于三人乘坐的飞机失事,跳机后,乘着橡皮艇,他们竟漂流到了印度的一个村子。这里河水干涸,庄稼尽毁,饥荒横行,民不聊生。当地人将之归咎为彭高皇宫的妖孽作怪,并将“从天而降”的琼斯一行视为神灵的化身,他们请求琼斯帮他们拿回被掳走的圣石和所有的小孩子。魔宫果然充满古怪,统治者是个小屁孩,贵族们吃水蛭、巨蟒、甲虫、猴脑,皇宫内部更是机关重重,误打误撞间,他们目睹到血腥的邪教献祭仪式……这一仗注定艰苦异常!
安东尼·霍普金斯、强尼·弗林将主演大屠杀题材新片[一生](One Life,暂译)。艾斯林·沃什([莫娣])执导,露辛达·考克森([丹麦女孩])、尼克·德雷克([我的父亲,罗穆卢斯])操刀剧本。该片根据尼古拉斯·温顿的真实故事改编,讲述在二战期间,29岁的尼古拉斯在纳粹的威胁下,解救了669名捷克斯洛伐克的儿童(其中大部分为犹太人),并安全送到了英国的寄宿家庭中。半个世纪后,尼古拉斯与这些已成年的孩子们在BBC的电视节目《一生》(One Life)中重聚。See-Saw影业负责该片制作。
二十年代的美国,纽约少年“面条”和几个同龄朋友一起认识了聪明狡黠的“麦克斯”,他们开始从事走私活动。不久,面条在一场械斗中杀伤人命,被关进监牢。若干年后,“面条”出狱,当时的小伙伴们已经变成了健壮的青年人,在“麦克斯”的带领下,他们开始了一系列抢劫、盗窃、敲诈活动。随着犯罪活动的不断深入, “麦克斯”似乎被胜利冲昏了头脑,竟然把美国联邦储备银行也列入了行动目标。“面条”不忍眼看好友走向毁灭,偷偷打电话报警,想逼迫“麦克斯”收手。警察与 “面条”的朋友展开激烈枪战,“麦克斯”等人全部被杀。“面条”带着深深的悔恨和痛苦,离开纽约,回到年少时生长的地方。三十五年过去了,几近垂暮的“面条”重新回到纽约的伤心地,他遇见了少时的朋友和旧情人,而当年“麦克斯”他们的死,背后竟然包含着出乎意料的阴谋。
红透京都的艺妓阿部定从良成为某户富人家的佣人后,被男主人石田吉藏看上,而他的英俊、风流和潇洒也让阿部定倾倒,两人在短短时间内陷入肉欲之欢中难以自拔。为更酣畅地体验到性爱的快感,阿部定和石田吉藏私奔到一家旅馆,开始了更大胆更狂妄更旁若无人的交合, 令旅馆上下为之目瞪口呆。而在渐渐感觉不到性爱的乐趣后,他们开始追求类似死亡的高潮,两人的交欢逐渐演变成一种旁人无法理解的爱与死亡并存的仪式。
午夜过后,一场大雪迫使东方快车停了下来。侦探Poirot(阿尔伯特·芬尼 Albert Finney 饰)于深夜中被吵醒三次。次日清晨发现同车的美国富商被杀,在取证的过程中众说纷纭,昨晚那三次声响,以及出现的神秘女子,都让Poirot百思不得其解。根据同一车厢内12人的口供,凶手应该是以为头披红色围巾的女子,大家一口咬定她的特质以及出现的时间,与凶案处处吻合。这位女子如今不知所踪,而列车自始至终没有停下。这12人口供的一致性反而给Poirot打开了破案的思路,这是一桩叫人惊讶的凶杀案件。
在30年代的芝加哥,禁酒令的颁行使贩卖私酒成了 极为有利可图的行当。黑帮首领卡邦使用暴力手段控制着走私酒的市场,犯下了累累罪行。新来的联邦官员纳斯决心打击酒类走私的活动,但他的第一次行动却因走漏了消息而以失败告终。 在一位老警员马龙的领导下,纳斯重新振作起来,并且组成了一个行动小组,独立进行打击酒类走私的活动。纳斯摧毁了卡邦的地下仓库,并且拒绝了卡邦的贿赂。邪恶的卡邦对纳斯发出了威胁。但纳斯毫不妥协,又在边境查获了卡朋的走私车队,并且抓到了卡帮的一位重要手下。马龙设法迫使他答应作指控卡帮的证人,但就在法庭外的电梯里,证人和行动小组的一位成员却都被卡邦的手下所暗杀。愤怒的纳斯前去找卡邦算帐,被老练的马龙制止。马龙从卡邦相勾结的警察局长那里得到了情报。 然而,就在纳斯前往马龙家时,马龙已经被卡朋的杀手袭击,生命垂危,依据马龙所留下的线索,纳斯等人前往车站埋伏,一场枪战过后,抓住了卡邦的记帐员。卡邦以逃税的罪名被起诉,卡邦的手下又企图采取 行动,但却被纳斯察觉,在经过一番效量后,纳斯除掉了杀手,为朋友们报了仇,同时,他还得到了一份卡邦的行贿名单。 在法庭上,纳斯巧妙地使卡邦被判有罪。 这场较量,终于以正义战胜邪恶而结束。
1930年代,芝加哥。美国实行禁酒令,道德观念保守,而这个年代却是个堕落而充满暴力的年代。芝加哥的地下世界被卡波尼黑帮分子牢牢控制。芝加哥所在的伊利诺伊州是意大利和爱尔兰暴徒聚集的地方。在这个州的洛克岛,爱尔兰裔的鲁尼(保罗·纽曼),人称“老头约翰”,控制着这里的生意。他的社区里居住的多是爱尔兰移民和他们的后裔。鲁尼的助手是他的儿子库纳尔(丹尼尔·克雷格),和“养子”迈克尔·奥苏利文(汤姆·汉克斯)。奥苏利文在圈子内有“死亡天使”之名,是个令人生畏的职业杀手;但他同时却有他的同情心和正直的一面,更重要的是他十分看重自己的家庭,忠实于妻子和两个儿子,从不抽烟喝酒,家庭生活中规中矩。多年来他努力在杀手和丈夫父亲的角色间保持着平衡。 然而变故突然降临。他的两个儿子小迈克尔和彼德虽然不知道父亲是干什么的,却一直当他是自己的英雄,十分崇拜。小迈克尔12岁了,渐渐懂事,他非常想知道父亲的职业。于是有一天父亲和库纳尔出去办事时他悄悄藏在了汽车里。不久以后小迈克尔目睹了一起杀人事件,而自己的父亲是杀手。 帮派里的人担心迈克尔会泄露看见的一切。奥苏利文只说了一句:他是我的儿子。然而这并不能让其他人放心。小迈克尔还没来得及理解真实世界的种种和自己的父亲,他的母亲和弟弟已经被人杀害,而他和父亲本是这场杀戮的目标。 父子两人开始逃亡。尽管儿子哀求他不要再有任何暴力,奥苏利文还是决定向鲁尼复仇。鲁尼和库纳尔都躲了起来,奥苏利文决定一一袭击他们的生意据点,直到他们出来应战。 这个计划却使他同卡波尼派发生了冲突,他们因为与鲁尼有生意往来,奥苏利文的行动使他们的利益受到了损害。于是他们派出杀手马奎尔追踪奥苏利文和迈克尔。马奎尔(裘德·洛)原来是个记者,从事杀手行业之后外号就叫“记者”,他的任务只有一个:杀死这父子俩。
From England to Egypt, accompanied by his elegant and trustworthy sidekicks, the intelligent yet eccentrically-refined Belgian detective Hercule Poirot pits his wits against a collection of first class deceptions.
The Waltons live their life in a rural Virginia community during the Great Depression and World War II.
Beneath the decadence of 1929 Berlin, lies an underworld city of sin. Police investigator Gereon Rath has been transferred from Cologne to the epicenter of political and social changes in the Golden Twenties.
Special Agent Eliot Ness and his elite team of incorruptible agents battle organized crime in 1930s Chicago.
Carnivàle is an American television series set in the United States during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. In tracing the lives of two disparate groups of people, its overarching story depicts the battle between good and evil and the struggle between free will and destiny; the storyline mixes Christian theology with gnosticism and Masonic lore, particularly that of the Knights Templar.
The 1930s Hong Kong is the time of the East and West cultural shock. Women started fighting for their rights and status, changing the 'men superior to women' image. Famous barrister Sir Arthur Chung studied in England and lives a British lifestyle, but inside he's actually a traditional Chinese man. He married several wives to show off his power and upper-class status. First wife Koo Sam-lan was a rich girl; second wife is former Qing dynasty princess Aisin Gioro Yee-yin; third wife came from a family that owned banks Yvonne Yik; fourth wife is a famous Peking opera singer Hong Tsz-kwan; and the fifth wife Chui Dan-dan, a vanity admiring woman. Because Sir Arthur Chung is a strict and authoritarian father, his two sons Charles Chung and Jimmy Chung eventually start going against him. This wealthy and prominent family may seem warm on the surface, but in reality, they are scattered and disunited.
In 1935, financially strapped widow Louisa Durrell, whose life has fallen apart, decides to move from England, with her four children (three sons, one daughter), to the island of Corfu, Greece. Once there, the family moves into a dilapidated old house that has no electricity and that is crumbling apart. But life on Corfu is cheap, it's an earthly paradise, and the Durrells proceed to forge their new existence, with all its challenges, adventures, and forming relationships.
Mystery! is an episodic television series that debuted in 1980 in the USA. It airs on PBS and is produced by WGBH. The show has brought a large number of detective series and television movies—most of them British productions from the BBC or the ITV companies and usually adapted from mystery fiction literary sources—to air on American television. In 2002, they added an American-produced series based on the novels of Tony Hillerman to their roster.
Set in 1932 Los Angeles, the series focuses on the origin story of famed defense lawyer Perry Mason. Living check-to-check as a low-rent private investigator, Mason is haunted by his wartime experiences in France and suffering the effects of a broken marriage. L.A. is booming while the rest of the country recovers from the Great Depression — but a kidnapping gone very wrong leads to Mason exposing a fractured city as he uncovers the truth of the crime.
A K-fantasy action unfolds as the Nine-tailed fox makes a crash landing in the year 1938, an era of chaos, and he struggles to return to the present.
In a time when Shanghai was controlled by the merciless warlords, sworn brothers Kiu Ngo-Tin and Kung Siu-San have to rely on each other. Together, the ruthless Siu-San and the cunning Ngo-Tin create a world of their own, but in order to stay on top, Ngo-Tin has no choice but to leave his past behind completely, including his confidant and true love Ku Siu-Lau, a Peking opera apprentice. When Ngo-Tin catches the attention of a local casino boss, he is introduced to Kam Tong, Shanghai's most powerful tycoon. Along with Siu-San, Ngo-Tin and Kam Tong become legendary figures in Shanghai. But success is short-lived as a single city cannot accomodate three leaders; Siu-San and Kam Tong enter a battle for power, creating havoc in Shanghai.
Coming from a very humble background, Poon Muk-hing has always been content being a driver for the rich Poon family of Dongshan. His true identity of the eldest son of the family comes to light when he saves Poon Cheuk-wah, the young master, in an accident. Chong Fung-yi, the first daughter-in-law in the family, has to admit unwillingly the fact that when she married into the family she was already pregnant. His true identity revealed, Muk-hing changes his name and joins the clan. When the Poon family runs into trouble, and Muk-hing is caught in a love triangle with Cheuk-wah and a wealthy daughter from Xiguan, Yip Heung-ching, he gets involved in a bloody battle of power...
Based in the 1930's of Shanghai, China, this drama is a story about love, friendship, patriotism and desire. Shin Jung Tae (Kim Hyun Joong) is an outrageous and clumsy man, but has an unconditional love for his country and family. He was known as the best fighter in the alleys of Shanghai.
Ten strangers, drawn away from their normal lives to an isolated rock off the Devon coast. But as the mismatched group waits for the arrival of the hosts -- the improbably named Mr. and Mrs. U.N. Owen -- the weather sours and they find themselves cut off from civilization. Very soon, the guests, each struggling with their conscience, will start to die -- one by one, according to the rules of the nursery rhyme 'Ten Little Soldier Boys' -- a rhyme that hangs in every room of the house and ends with the most terrifying words of all: '... and then there were none.
Jeeves and Wooster is a British comedy-drama series adapted by Clive Exton from P.G. Wodehouse's "Jeeves" stories. It aired on the ITV network from 1990 to 1993, starring Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster, a young gentleman with a "distinctive blend of airy nonchalance and refined gormlessness", and Stephen Fry as Jeeves, his improbably well-informed and talented valet. Wooster is a bachelor, a minor aristocrat and member of the idle rich. He and his friends, who are mainly members of The Drones Club, are extricated from all manner of societal misadventures by the indispensable valet, Jeeves. The stories are set in the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1930s.
The Ku family are living in the Republic of China era (1930s) as a prestigious household in a wealthy part of Nanjing. Soon, word spreads that the city is being taken over by Imperial Japanese forces. The Ku family - a family of all daughters and a father and mother of weakening health - are soon forced to pack their belongings to leave the war-torn area. One of their servants recommends they move to the rural areas. To their dismay, life is incredibly difficult and they live in poverty. The family is in pieces as each daughter struggles with numerous difficulties in the countryside. However, all members of the family eventually grow closer together as they work in the rural area.
Imperial Capital, 1930. A strange group of people carrying musical instrument cases landed on Tokyo station. They are called the "Jaegers", who came to hunt vampires. Amongst them, there stood a young man with striking serenity and unusual aura. His name is Yuliy, a werewolf whose home village was destroyed by vampires. Yuliy and the Jaegers engage in deadly battle over a mysterious holy arc only known as "The Arc of Sirius". What truth awaits them at the end...?
Berlin, Germany, 1935. The day Karl Weiss, a Jewish painter, and Inga Helms, a Christian woman, marry, is the one in which both of them and the entire Weiss family are caught up in the maelstrom of the Nazi regime, the storms of World War II and the horrors of the criminal Final Solution, the Holocaust, the Shoah; while Erik Dorf, an ambitious lawyer, undertakes his fall into hell at the hands of the sinister Reinhard Heydrich.
Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.