通往夏天的隧道,再见的出口 2022
E.U.联盟和布里塔利亚帝国旷日持久的战争在皇历2010年发生转机,帝国派出压倒性的兵力突袭远东日。在很短的时间内,日本这个国家不复存在,从此作为“11区”写入历史。旧日本人民流往世界各地,饱受歧视,心中满是愤懑和不甘。2017年,E.U.联军132部队向圣彼得堡挺进,但遭到帝国军队的围困,面临全军覆没的危险。联军少校蕾拉·玛露卡尔(坂本真绫 配音)将旧日本青年组成非正规军W Zero部队,并提出以这支部队营救132部队的建议。但是在最为凶险的前线,他们不过肩负着牺牲自己来营救友军的悲哀命运。惨烈的对决过后,W Zero部队的中尉日向瑛斗(入野自由 配音)成功完成任务。 而战争还远远未曾结束,新的阴谋与危机浮出水面……
百年战争,世事颠倒,人心糜烂,贪欲横行。各国之间兼并攻伐,血流成河。名叫格斯的男子(岩永洋昭 配音)凭藉一己之力在佣兵中打出名号,也引起另一个强大男人的观注。不久,他遭遇了令人闻风丧胆的佣兵部队“鹰之团”及其具有超凡魅力和实力的领导者统治者格里菲斯(樱井孝宏 配音)。格斯在挑战格里菲斯的战斗中败北,此后加入鹰之团,成为其中最为骁勇的战将。在连番激烈的战斗中,他与战友建立起坚不可摧的友情,更得到格里菲斯的赏识,后者甚至不顾自己的安全拯救被恶魔佐德折磨的格斯。但随着鹰之团成为米特兰王国的正规军,以及格里菲斯被封为贵族,淳朴的战友之情开始蒙上阴谋的鬼影。本片根据漫画家三浦健太郎的同名原作改编,为“黄金时代”三部曲第一部,其他两部为《多尔多雷攻略》、《降临》。
作为“战争机器”长大的女主人公薇尔莉特·伊芙加登,在战争中失去双臂,并与收养她的少佐分离,在装上义肢后,成为邮政公司一名从事代写书信工作的 “自动手记人偶”。在车马缓慢、只能以信件传递感情的年代里,“自动手记人偶”通过与委托人接触交流,代写书信,以优美准确的文字传递着人们最为真挚的感情。外传的故事中,薇尔莉特·伊芙加登接到了一桩特殊的委托工作……
安西心是雪科第五中学一年级的普通学生,她遭遇了校园霸凌,受到了严重的心理创伤。她无法向别人倾诉自己的遭遇也不敢出门,一直幻想着有人会从沉重的现实中解救她。忽然有一天,小心房间里的全身镜发 出了耀眼的亮光,在镜子的另一边居然是一座城堡。戴着狼面具的神秘少女告诉小心,这个城堡在平日的九点到五点开放,只要在指定期限内找到藏在城堡中的“祈愿的钥匙”就能实现任何一个愿望。在这里小心还遇到了其他六名性格各异的初中生。究竟大家为何被召集到这奇幻的城堡中?是否每个人都抱有无论如何都想实现的愿望?在相处中,小心不仅获得了友谊,还得以窥见每个人的痛苦和心愿,并最终发现了城堡的秘密……
年方15岁的高中生秋月孝雄(入野自由 配音),专心学业的过程中不得不为了生计打工赚钱。母亲离家出走,他与哥哥过着看不到前方的生活。入梅之日,孝雄逃课来到日本庭园。在一座安静的小亭子里,27岁的职场女性雪野百香里(花泽香菜 配音)边吃巧克力边饮啤酒的样子引起了孝雄的注意。似曾相识的二人,仿佛约定好了一般,每到落雨之日便从世俗的烦恼中逃脱出来,相会于这座钢筋铁骨都市丛林中宛若世外桃源的幽静角落。在梅雨季节的日子里,他们的心渐渐向彼此靠拢。志愿成为手工鞋匠的秋月,决心以雪野为模特做一双鞋。 雨过天晴,艳阳高照,庭园中久久不见秋月和雪野的身影,相会无期亦有期……
百年战争,血海横流。经过无数次的战场杀戮,曾经认为单凭自己的力量便能在乱世生存的格斯(岩永洋昭 配音)逐渐和卡斯嘉等战友们建立起深厚的信任感和友谊。他所依附的佣兵部队“鹰之团”更是扶摇直上,凭借朝强大的战斗力成为了米特兰王国的正规军。与此同时,米特兰准备向尤达王国铜墙铁壁一般的致命要塞多尔多雷发动总攻。格里菲斯主动请缨出征,走出了决定百年战争战局至关重要的一步。然而一度令格斯甘愿弄脏双手的“鹰之团”队长格里菲斯(樱井孝宏 配音),却似乎在荣耀的光环下慢慢变质。宫闱之争,心与心渐次遥远。本片根据漫画家三浦健太郎的同名原作改编,为“黄金时代”三部曲第二部,其他两部为《霸王之卵》、《降临》。
本应由于交通事故(!?)导致人生轻易闭幕的游戏迷家里蹲·佐藤和真,事出偶然地带着女神·阿库娅转生到了异世界。“在如同RPG游戏一样的异世界,享受憧憬已久的冒险者生活!目标是勇者!”像这样兴奋了还没多久,转生而来的和真就尽是遇到倒霉的事情。 麻烦制造机废柴女神·阿库娅,重度中二病魔法使·惠惠,妄想停不下来的女骑士·达克妮丝,和真与空有高超能力值却无比残念的这3人组队,欠下一屁股债,涉嫌颠覆国家罪而遭到审判,讨伐魔王军干部,偶尔还会死一死…… 这样的某一天,突然跑来的红魔族少女·悠悠的一句爆炸性发言,让和真等人当场石化。“我想要和真先生的孩子!”问明原因,原来惠惠和悠悠的故乡“红魔之里” 目前正濒临灭亡的危机。追在出发前去拯救村落的悠悠后面,和真等人向着红魔之里出发,但——!?向和真小队袭来的最大危机!平凡的冒险者和真度过的异世界生活,未来究竟会怎样!?
被老板欺负又没日没夜加班,他在公司里活得像行尸走肉。 然而当丧尸疫情忽然爆发,他反而整个人活了过来!
谁需要学校,谁需要棒球,谁需要朋友?这就是高中违法者TaishiFura的态度,他在与同龄人吵架后变得孤独。有一天,他目睹了一个食尸鬼的残酷袭击,袭击导致他以前的一个朋友住院,另一个死亡。福拉决心为他们报仇,决定追捕食人怪物。他的努力让他与Kishou Arima有了交集,Kishou Arima是一个安静的学生,他也在上高中。然而,阿里玛不是一个普通的学生。尽管他很年轻,但他是CCG的一名资深调查员,CCG是一个致力于应对食尸鬼威胁的政府工作队。Fura和Arima一起追捕到了这只名为灯笼的食尸鬼,但很快就发现这只怪物可能比任何人想象的都要近。在这篇旁白中,东京食尸鬼:“杰克”让我们看到了纪寿阿里玛(KishouArima)的过去,远远早于他成为CCG令人敬畏的死神。
一个名为“阿卡姆”的民间组织受到远古文明留下的讯息启发而成立。旨在保护及封印超古代文明的危险遗迹。加入“阿卡姆”的特殊工作人员,人们称之为SPRIGGAN。其中实力No.1的特工是一位叫作御神苗优(森久保祥太郎 配音)的十七岁少年。在土耳其的一次调查工作中,“阿卡姆”竟无意地发现了诺亚方舟。方舟隐藏着毁天灭地的神秘力量,于是很多组织都开始窥伺这个传说中的远古遗迹。美国派出了半机械改造人小队与“阿卡姆”展开激烈的遗迹争夺战。而其中一个以神自称的改造人少年竟想私自利用挪亚方舟引发第二次洪水灭世……御神苗优是否能够阻止这一疯狂的计划呢?世界将会走向灭亡吗?
故事讲述住在诺斯特拉达姆斯邻镇的努斯特拉达马斯留下了一个预言:“在 20 和 23 并列的年份,天上会降下两道光芒。一道是黑暗之光,另一道是小小的白光……不久,黑暗之光就会拥有强大的力量,扰乱和平,给世界带来巨大的混乱。” 然后 2023 年夏天,两道光从宇宙接近。等待晚饭的新之助被白色的光击中了,身体充满不可思议的力量。“屁股……屁股热乎乎的……”一用力,玩具就会漂浮在空中!这是才能利新之助诞生的瞬间。 另一方面,沐浴着黑光、成为黑暗护手的男人的名字是非理谷充。打工不顺利,推的偶像结婚,甚至被误认为是暴行犯而被警察追赶的他,因为得到了力量而发誓要对这个世界复仇。 希望世界毁灭的非理谷 VS 新之助。超能力大决战即将拉开帷幕!今年夏天,面对面对绝望的新之助放出的光芒,胸口和屁股都变得热乎乎的……
居住在天空与海洋辉映的城镇“藤泽”的梓川咲太,就读高中二年级。 他与既是学姐又是恋人的樱岛麻衣所度过的令人雀跃的日常,随着初恋对象牧之原翔子的出现而改变。 不知为何,存在着“中学生”和“大人”两个翔子。 出于无奈开始和翔子住在一起的咲太,受到“大人翔子”的捉弄,和麻衣的关系也变得尴尬。 此时,“中学生翔子”身患重病的事实被发现,咲太的伤痕开始隐隐作痛——。
传奇佣兵部队“鹰之团”,在团长格里菲斯(樱井孝宏 配音)的率领下结束了百年战争,一跃成为米特兰王国的正规军。但是荣誉的顶点也正是衰落的开始,格里菲斯被国王投入“再生之塔”最底层的死牢,遭受常人难以想象的折磨,鹰之团也沦为叛军潜入丛林荒野,时刻遭到追兵的屠戮。黑暗而漫长的一年后,战神格斯(岩永洋昭 配音)重新归队,与代理团长卡思嘉(行成桃姬 配音)建立深深的信任,并在夏洛特公主(丰崎爱生 配音)的帮助下冒险救出格里菲斯。格斯让走投无路的鹰之团看到新的希望,而丧失了一切的格里菲斯则跌入绝望的谷底。当216年一次的日食出现,格里菲斯与霸王之卵再次邂逅,恶魔的血腥盛筵拉开序幕。本片根据漫画家三浦健太郎的同名原作改编,为“剑风传奇剧场版三部曲”的最后一部。
A 34-year-old hikikomori is kicked out of his home by his family after the death of his parents. After his eviction, he saves a group of teenagers from being killed by a speeding truck, but loses his life in the process. When he comes to, he realizes he has been reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, in a world of swords and sorcery.
Ken Kaneki, a bookworm college student, meets Rize, a girl his own age with whom he shares many interests.
Dr. Goro is reborn as the son of the young starlet Ai Hoshino after her delusional stalker murders him. Now, he wants to help his new mother rise to the top, but what can a child do about the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry?
The world has become a slaughtering ground for the Crimson Denizens, mysterious beings from a parallel universe who thrive on the life energy of humans. These merciless murderers only leave behind scant remainders of souls called "Torches," which are mere residues that will eventually be destroyed, along with the very fact of the victims' existence from the minds of the living. In an ambitious endeavor to put an end to this invisible, hungry massacre, warriors called Flame Hazes relentlessly fight these monsters. One fateful day, Yuuji Sakai ceases to be a regular high schooler—he becomes trapped in a crevice of time and is suddenly attacked by a Denizen. Coming to his rescue just in the nick of time is a nameless hunter who seems no different from an ordinary young girl except for her blazing eyes and burning crimson hair. However, before Yuuji can learn anything more about his situation, he discovers that he has already been reduced to a Torch—merely a scrap of memory waiting to be extinguished.
The story centers on third-year high school student Jiro Yakuin, who gets saddled with his gyaru classmate Akari Watanabe for the class's "marriage training" project about practicing to be a married couple. Jiro is the complete opposite of Akari, but the two know that if they do well they will be able to switch partners to end up with their respective crushes, and so they force themselves to act like the perfect married couple.
Misaka’s electro-manipulation abilities – and delightfully destructive Railgun projectile move – make her a rock star in Academy City. The techno-metropolis is packed with supernaturally powered students known as espers, including Misaka’s flirty friend and roommate, Kuroko. She uses her teleportation skills as a member of the Judgment law enforcement team, fighting crime alongside her fellow agent Uiharu. Joined by their friend Saten, a spunky Level 0 esper, Misaka, Kuroko, and Uiharu have a blast taking on danger whenever and wherever it arises.
Kaname Chidori’s one of the most popular girls at her high school – unfortunately, it’s her growing popularity off campus she should be worrying about. Unbeknownst to Kaname, terrorists are plotting her abduction, believing she possesses the rare and coveted abilities of “the Whispered.” That’s where Sousuke Sagara enters the picture. He’s a hotshot soldier from the clandestine counter-terrorist organization known as Mithril – and he’s going undercover at Kaname’s school to try and keep her safe. He may be an ace in the cockpit of an Arm Slave mech, but there’s no training in the world that could prepare him for the warzone of high school.
Atsushi Nakajima was kicked out of his orphanage, and now he has no place to go and no food. While he is standing by a river, on the brink of starvation, he rescues a man whimsically attempting suicide. That man is Osamu Dazai, and he and his partner Kunikida are members of a very special detective agency. They have supernatural powers and deal with cases that are too dangerous for the police or the military. They're tracking down a tiger that has appeared in the area recently, around the time Atsushi came to the area. The tiger seems to have a connection to Atsushi, and by the time the case is solved, it is clear that Atsushi's future will involve much more of Dazai and the rest of the detectives!
Kamijo is a student in Academy City, where people use science to develop supernatural abilities. The guy’s got a lot of heart – luckily for a young nun named Index. She’s on the run from a sorcery society that covets the astonishing 103,000 volumes of magical knowledge stored in her memory. When Index stumbles into Kamijo’s life, she finds a faithful friend and protector, and while Kamijo’s easily the weakest kid in Academy City, he’s got something else going for him: the Imagine Breaker, an unexplainable power stored in his right hand that negates the powers of others. With scientists and sorcerers attacking from all sides, the Imagine Breaker will definitely come in handy – but it’s Kamijo’s loyalty to Index that will be his greatest weapon in the fight to keep her safe.
Dungeons, dragons... and delicious monster stew!? Adventurers foray into a cursed buried kingdom to save their friend, cooking up a storm along the way.
Guts, a man who calls himself "The Black Swordsman", looks back upon his days serving as a member of a group of mercenaries. Led by an ambitious, ruthless, and intelligent man named Griffith, together they battle their way into the royal court, and are forced into a fate that changes their lives.
In the early twentieth century, Russo-Japanese War veteran Saichi “Immortal” Sugimoto scratches out a meager existence during the postwar gold rush in the wilderness of Hokkaido. When he stumbles across a map to a fortune in hidden Ainu gold, he sets off on a treacherous quest to find it. But Sugimoto is not the only interested party, and everyone who knows about the gold will kill to possess it! Faced with the harsh conditions of the northern wilderness, ruthless criminals and rogue Japanese soldiers, Sugimoto will need all his skills and luck—and the help of an Ainu girl named Asirpa—to survive.
A supernatural system allows people to take revenge by having other people sent to Hell via the services of a mysterious entity and her assistants who implement this system. Revenge, injustice, hatred, and the nature of human emotions are common themes throughout the series.
Rei is a 17-year old professional shōgi player, who lives by himself, not having a real family, and has scarcely any friends. Among his acquaintances is a family, which consists of a young woman, Akari, and two young girls, Hinata and Momo, and who also keep a numerous number of cats.
Kenzou Tenma, a Japanese brain surgeon in Germany, finds his life in utter turmoil after getting involved with a psychopath that was once a former patient.
In a world of monsters, adventurers and magic, some of the most gifted healers are subjugated to brute force. Keyaru gains the ability to rewind time and turns the tables on those who’ve exploited him in this dark fantasy tale of vengeance and fury.
Saitama is a hero who only became a hero for fun. After three years of “special” training, though, he's become so strong that he's practically invincible. In fact, he's too strong — even his mightiest opponents are taken out with a single punch, and it turns out that being devastatingly powerful is actually kind of a bore. With his passion for being a hero lost along with his hair, yet still faced with new enemies every day, how much longer can he keep it going?
The Sakuragoaka Girls' Academy curriculum traditionally focuses on the three "R"s of reading, writing and arithmetic, but Ritsu Tainaka wants to add two more "R"s: Rock and Roll! To do that, however, Ritsu has to save the Light Music Club from being shut down due to little problems like not having any other members or a faculty advisor. After strong-arming her best friend Mio into joining and convincing Tsumugi Kotobuki to make it a trio, Ritsu's would-be rockers are soon only one talented guitarist short of the quartet they need for school approval. What they get, unfortunately, is Yui Hirasawa, who's never held a guitar in her life, but she's determined to learn! Will the school halls come alive with the sound of music?
Elementary school student Hotaru Ichijou has moved with her parents from Tokyo to the middle of the country. Now she must adapt to her new school, where there are a total of 5 students in the same class who range through elementary and middle school ages. Join their everyday adventures in the countryside.
Considered a genius due to having the highest grades in the country, Miyuki Shirogane leads the prestigious Shuchiin Academy's student council as its president, working alongside the beautiful and wealthy vice president Kaguya Shinomiya. The two are often regarded as the perfect couple by students despite them not being in any sort of romantic relationship.