猫王归来:埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的重新崛起 2024
他抓住这一次机会,向世界证明自己仍是“摇滚乐之王”。一起走进埃尔维斯·普雷斯利大获成功的《1968 复出特辑》背后的故事。
他抓住这一次机会,向世界证明自己仍是“摇滚乐之王”。一起走进埃尔维斯·普雷斯利大获成功的《1968 复出特辑》背后的故事。
多瑪索·布西達在 1986 年,成為史上第一位出庭作證指控黑幫的黑手黨高層大老,但此舉也讓他和他的家人付出了一切。
聚焦殿堂级配乐大师约翰·威廉姆斯(John Williams),他将一生奉献音乐,创造无数经典。 他那令人难忘的音乐作品是我们这个时代一些最受喜爱的电影的重要组成部分,职业生涯跨越了数十年。观看和聆听指挥家约翰·威廉姆斯自己的故事,听听他所启发的电影制作人、音乐家和其他人的见解,并欣赏制作电影历史的珍贵幕后花絮。
影片讲述了巴西传奇车手埃尔顿·赛纳传奇的一生。一级方程式车手赛纳在其职业生涯中参加了161场大奖赛、41次冠军、65次排头位、三次一级方程式大奖赛年度总冠军,以其勇敢、智慧,奔驰在赛场上10年,创造出了不平凡的成绩,成为当代世界最优秀的赛车手,被誉为“赛车王子”……不幸的是, 1994年5月1日在圣马力诺的伊莫拉赛道上撞车身亡,年仅34岁。
本纪录片取材于野生动物保护主义者蒂莫西·崔德威尔(Timothy Treadwell)1999~2003年在美国阿拉斯加州卡特迈国家公园及自然保护区所拍摄的素材。崔德威尔从1989年起致力于野生灰熊的研究和保护,并与朋友成立了“熊人协会”,每年夏天来到卡特迈独自野营,观察记录灰熊的生活习性,并义务对数千名学童进行讲解,呼吁社会打击偷猎,关注、保护灰熊。导演沃纳·赫尔佐格(Werner Herzog)探访了崔德威尔的父母和前女友,并对2003年10月崔德威尔及女友艾米·胡格纳德(Amie Huguenard) 之死的细节进行了细致采访描绘,试图在展示崔德威尔非凡经历的同时,回答究竟是什么使他选择远离人类放逐荒野,将生命献给灰熊。 本片获圣丹斯电影节纪录片评审团大奖提名及艾尔弗·斯隆奖,并获2005年独立精神奖、洛杉矶影评人协会、纽约影评人协会、美国国家影评人协会等多个协会的最佳纪录片奖。
2020:如此[insert dire adjective of choice here]的一年,就连《黑镜》的创作团队也编不出这样的故事,但这并不意味着他们没有可发挥的余地。《再也不见 2020》是一部喜剧,回顾了这可怕的一年,也许一切尚未结束?在这部具有里程碑意义的纪录片式特辑中,一些全球最著名的人物(虚构)采访结合过去 12 个月的真实影像,交汇成一部叙事合唱曲。 演员阵容:塞缪尔·杰克逊、休·格兰特、库梅尔·南贾尼、崔茜·尤玛、萨姆森·卡约、丽莎·库卓、戴安·摩根、莱斯莉·琼斯、克里斯汀·米利欧缇、乔·基瑞等。在你极力想要忘却的 2020 年,情感宣泄喜剧《再也不见 2020》将成为一段难以忘怀的回忆。 《再也不见 2020》由查理·布鲁克和安娜贝尔·琼斯担任创剧人和监制。
HBO将打造史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格纪录片《斯皮尔伯格》。该纪录片由苏珊娜·莱西执导。纪录片对准斯皮尔伯格数十年电影拍摄经历,于此同时还展现其《大白鲨》《夺宝奇兵》《E.T. 外星人》等佳作的幕后花絮。J·J·艾布拉姆斯、克里斯蒂安·贝尔、德鲁·巴里摩尔等会出镜。该片将于10月7日登陆HBO。
The documentary series were made to look back on Korea’s modern history. It tells stories of specific moments in time weaving together relevant video clips from news broadcasts, dramas, shows and other documentaries
Comprised entirely of re-mastered and colorised archive footage from World War II, much of it never before seen, Sacrifice recounts the story of D-Day through the testimonies of those who lived it. These important historical days are seen through the eyes of French civilians and members of the military fighting on both sides. The testimonies of famous individuals like Dwight D. Eisenhower and Erwin Rommel are intertwined with those of anonymous soldiers and citizens, such as film director Samuel Fuller and Eisenhower's chauffeur, Kay Summersby. From the preparations for D-Day all the way through to the liberation of Paris, the accounts of these men and women provide a moving and invaluable retelling of this pivotal time in history.
Woodstock 1969 promised peace and music, but its '99 revival delivered days of rage, riots and real harm. Why did it go so horribly wrong?
Myths die hard, and the history of the 20th century is no exception to this rule. Even today, we hold popular beliefs that we take for Evangelical truths. Thus, we believe that Hiroshima caused Japan to surrender, that the Marshall Plan saved Europe, that Adolf Hitler was a military genius, or that Mao Zedong was a necessary evil for China’s modernization. Of course, these judgements contain some truth; but, too broad-stroked to be accurate, they contradict the historical reality by denying its complexity. What if the truth was slightly different? Through an exploration of great national or international myths, this full archive documentary collection revisits the key moments of the 20th century with a new perspective in order to provide a new, smarter and more subtle interpretation, bringing elements to light that have been forgotten or sometimes overshadowed.
The behind-the-scenes story of French television… This documentary unveils the lesser-known history of two audiovisual decades that have shaped today's television. To explain from the break up of the French broadcasting service ORTF, in 1974, to the creation of Arte, via the birth of Canal+, the life and death of La Cinq and the privatization of TF1 — the succession of political, economic and cultural decisions that have shaped what is known as the “PAF” (French Audiovisual Landscape).
An unprecedented look at the decade-long odyssey to land a man on the moon. This documentary pulls back the curtain on the familiar narrative of the moonshot, revealing a fascinating stew of scientific innovation, political calculation, media spectacle, visionary impulses and personal drama.
Daniel Costelle and Isabelle Clarke have found at the NARA (National Archives in Washington DC) almost four hours of footage, mostly in colour, filmed by Hitler's mistress, Eva Braun between 1938 and 1944. It's an unbeleivable eyesight on Hitler's private life from the happy life in the "Eagle's nest" till his suicide in his bunker.
'Kingdom of Dreams' is a stunning four-part series chronicling three critical decades of the fashion world, from the early 1990s through to the 2010s. Described as a Golden Age, this period of time was an era of disruption and innovation as the traditional fashion business bumped heads against the young and exciting international visionaries who were shaking up the industry. Using rare library material, never-before-seen personal archives and story-driven interviews, explore a pivotal time in fashion history up close.
Posting up at a local watering hole in Roswell, New Mexico, a town infamous for its UFO past, Horowitz and Newton meet with individuals who have experienced strange and unexplainable encounters.
In 2004, Brazil is shaken by the disappearance of Priscila, sister of MMA world champion Vitor Belfort. The police are racing against time to solve the case, but twenty years later, they have more questions than answers.