碟中谍6:全面瓦解 2018
她, 一个接受良好教育的富家乖乖女。 他, 一个热衷于非法摩托车赛的狂野青年。 两个属于不同世界的人相遇相识, 会擦出怎样的火花? 你是否也在期待天空之上三公尺的幸福?
该片为2021年电影《月光光心慌慌:杀戮》的续集、“月光光心慌慌”系列的第十三部作品,同时也是《月光光新慌慌》三部曲的最后一部电影。距离上次恐怖事件四年后,洛莉(杰米·李·柯蒂斯 饰)和她的外孙女爱丽森(安迪·马蒂切克 饰)住在一起,并且正在完成她的回忆录。杀人魔麦克迈尔斯自从上次大开杀戒之后就消失无踪,而洛莉这几十年来一直活在麦克·迈尔斯的恐怖阴影下,她受到的心理创伤以及报复心态也左右了她的人生,但是她决定放下长久以来的恐惧和愤怒,终于学会拥抱人生、享受生活。但是当一名年轻男子柯瑞·康宁汉(罗汉·坎贝尔 饰)遭到指控杀害他当保姆的一名男童时,就引发了一连串的暴力和恐怖事件,迫使洛莉和她无法掌控的邪恶力量展开一场终极大战,试图永远消灭麦克·迈尔斯这个恶灵。
在不远的未来,公路骑士们在道路上肆虐,所过之处留下疯狂破坏的痕迹。为了追逐盗取了警用车的“黑暗骑士”,警方付出了重大代价,幸有比骑士更加疯狂的麦克斯(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)出场,迫使黑暗骑士车祸身亡。黑暗骑士的同伙们发誓报仇,他们降临小镇,要接回黑暗骑士的尸身,并且肆意凌虐弱者,麦克斯和搭档古斯(Steve Bisley 饰)抓获凶手后,却因为无人敢指认,只得容忍他们继续逍遥法外。古斯被公路骑士们抓到,身负重伤,而麦克斯的妻子杰西(琼妮·萨缪尔 Joanne Samuel 饰)也被他们恐吓骚扰,有“疯狂”之称的麦克斯不再隐忍,向骑士们展开回击。
约翰·布雷斯(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)被正义天使拉萨罗斯附体,但天使暴躁乖戾,遇到坏人就要吸取他们的灵魂。莫罗(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 饰)请求布雷斯把小孩丹尼带来神殿以避免恶魔夺取他的灵魂,作为回报他将驱除布雷斯身上的诅咒。丹尼是魔鬼罗尔科的儿子,罗尔科为了把自己的魔力植入儿子体内正派卡里跟追踪逃跑途中的母子两人。正当母子俩被困在采石场的时候,布雷斯到来,他体内的天使爆发了出来,压制住了卡里根。他变成了恶灵骑士,毫不手软的把对手撕成碎片。当战争结束时,三人前往神殿,同时,罗尔科也救醒了死亡边缘的卡里根,并赋予他更可怕的摧毁力,让他再去把丹尼找回来。在神殿里,莫罗履行协议把布雷斯体内的扎萨罗斯驱赶了出来。但正当他做法时,神殿的牧师试图杀死丹尼——他认为丹尼就是恶魔。还没等他们行动,卡里根就到了。把丹尼带去见了罗尔科。罗尔科逼迫丹尼参与一个仪式,想使他变成一个彻头彻尾的恶魔。布雷斯试图阻止这个仪式,说服丹尼弃恶从善。在最后一战中,为了打败恶魔,丹尼用了他的力量把扎萨罗斯再次植入布雷斯体内。这次扎萨罗斯变成了正义的化身,打败了恶魔。
英国军方一艘绝密的间谍船在希腊发生了爆炸,船上有一个威力无比的发射机(据说它可以使整个北极星飞弹系统全部报废)沉入了海底。这下,不仅英国军方,还有世界各地的间谍、恐怖分子都开始蠢蠢欲动。于是,007邦德(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)出动了,他的任务就是尽快毁掉这台发射机。同一时候,哈维洛克先生在寻找这项装置时不幸被人刺杀身亡,他的女儿美琳娜(卡洛尔•布盖 Carole Bouquet 饰)试图千方百计想帮父亲报仇。邦德说服了美琳娜协助他潜入海底从沉船里取出了发射机。不幸的是,两人浮出水面被敌人抓住了……
二战期间,德军的战俘营里,每个人都在渴望着自由。美国人希尔(史蒂夫•麦奎因 Steve McQueen 饰)在进入战俘营的第一天起,就一直计划着越狱。虽然他的十多次逃跑都以失败告终,但希尔从未放弃。这次,希尔和英国军官罗杰计划秘密挖掘隧道带领250 人一起越狱。所有人都贡献出了自己的一分力配合这次计划,有人专门负责制作大家逃跑后需要穿着的平民服装、有人负责做假证件、还有人负责储备食品等等。然而就在他们的隧道大功告成那天,隧道却被德军发现了。逃跑计划的日期一天天临近,希尔他们又开始新一轮的挖掘工作。 1963年约翰斯特奇斯开拍大制作《大逃亡》,这部战俘逃亡电影中的巨制,明星阵容鼎盛。描述二战德军战俘营中的一件真事,美国和英国官兵合作展开集体逃亡计划,但在七十多名逃出营外的人之中,最终只有几个幸运儿享受到自由的滋味。
一向在道上风光无限的黑帮大哥切夫·切里奥斯(杰森·斯塔森)如今却倒霉地遭遇黑手袭击。 一次正当自己熟睡的时候,不小心被一个已经被对手收买的小弟暗算。那小子趁着他熟睡的时候,悄悄地给他注射了一种侵害人体心脏的毒药。这种毒药有着独特的功效,通常状况下会让人被注射者在一个小时内他就猝然死去。而这种神奇的毒药竟然还有一种神奇的也是唯一的补救方法是——就是让被注射者的心脏一直保持在一个相对很快的跳动的频率上,就能幸免一死。 醒来后得知此事的切里奥斯,愤怒之余只有想尽一切办法拯救自己的心脏乃至性命。于是,切里奥斯开始拼命地让自己进入心脏兴奋的状态下,并尽快找到陷害自己的小子,弄到解药,同时,还要反击来自敌手的不断进攻,并保护好自己美丽的女友。 所有这一切,让所有人自然也包括切夫·切里奥斯自身进入了一个真正的心惊肉跳的状态。好莱坞“心脏版”生死时速亦全面展开了!
英国海军的德文郡号军舰在中国领海内被遭到不明鱼雷攻击沉没。为了查明情况,英国海军决定动用武力,派出军舰前往出事海域进行反击。然而却被秘密情报负责人M(朱迪·丹奇 Judi Dench 饰)阻止,并派出代号007的情报员詹姆斯·邦德(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)去查清真正的原因,避免两国之间一触即发的战争。在不断深入的调查中,媒体大亨卡佛(乔纳森·普雷斯 Jonathan Pryce 饰)进入了邦德的视线。而且在卡佛举办的晚宴上,邦德遇上了前女友帕丽丝(泰瑞·海切尔 Teri Hatcher 饰),现在的卡佛夫人。在帕丽丝的帮助下,邦德利用GPS让已出动的英国军舰偏离了航道为自己的调查争取到了宝贵的时间。从卡佛处偷来的设备上,邦德发现了沉没军舰的准确位置,不过在沉船处却与中国女特工林惠(杨紫琼 饰)一起被卡佛擒获。原来,卡佛是想通过引发战争来获得全球媒体的垄断地位。这一次,邦德能否逃出魔掌捣毁卡佛的阴谋?
Takeshi Hongo is a promising young man with a passion for motorcycle racing. However, his dreams are suddenly ruined when he gets kidnapped by Shocker, the evil secret organization planning to dominate the world. After being remodeled into a cyborg, Takeshi escapes and swears to protect the world from the inhuman monsters.
Framed for murder, Detective Reno Raines becomes a fugitive bounty hunter who fights crime while trying to clear his name. His troubles began after he testified about police corruption, leading Lt. Donald Dixon to set him up.
The future of dueling is revving up! And with it begins a new legend! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's! Welcome to New Domino City! Once the playground to legendary duelist Yugi Muto, this sprawling metropolis has since been transformed into a futuristic society where dueling has kicked into overdrive. With recent technological advancements made by KaibaCorp, dueling has undergone a metamorphosis that has revolutionized the makeup and pace of the game! It’s now a heart-pounding, adrenaline-filled and fuel injected competition where duelists ride supercharged hyper cycles called Duel Runners and battle it out in hi-octane contests called “Turbo Duels.” The winners and losers aren’t just separated by skill and strength… but by SPEED! However, for five special duelists, it's not just about winning or losing anymore - it's about survival, for they are the chosen "Signers" who have been marked by destiny to uncover the secrets of the five dragons!
Moonlight Mask (aka Gekko Kamen), is a black and white tokusatsu TV drama series, produced by the advertising agency Senkosha and was aired on KRTV (now TBS) from February 24, 1958 to July 5, 1959, with a total of 130 (or 131) episodes, divided into 5 segments. Since the original show, Gekko Kamen has gained the popularity of being the first Japanese live action television superhero, appearing in films and TV shows well past the length of the original series.
Three anthropomorphic mice motorcyclists named Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie escape a war on their home planet Mars before arriving to defend the Earth from the evil that destroyed their homeland and to one day return to Mars.
MegaTokyo 2033: Tokyo was left flattened as a result from a great earthquake. A new city, MegaTokyo, was then recreated due in no small part from the aid of a multi-million dollar company, Genom Corp. Genom created and mass-produced biomechanical creatures called Boomers to aid in the restoration of MegaTokyo. When the Boomers began to run out of control, the ADPolice at first tried to stop them, but they proved to be far more difficult to deal with than was first imagined. Under the ever looming Boomer threat, a group of four girls from varying degrees of society banded together. Calling themselves The Knight Sabers, they were the only ones with enough firepower and resourcefullness to defend the fledgling MegaTokyo from Genom and it's berserk Boomers.
Lighthearted look at the adventures of two Highway Patrol officers in Los Angeles. The main characters are Jon Baker and Frank Poncherello, two motorcycle officers always on the street to save lives.
The Walking Dead star and motorcycle enthusiast Norman Reedus hits the open road to explore local biker culture and celebrate the best and brightest collectors, mechanics and craftsmen around the country. Each episode features Reedus and a riding companion – a fellow actor, musician, friend or local chopper fanatic – as they journey to custom bike shops, tattoo parlors, collector’s warehouses, or a roadside smokehouse… with plenty of time for unplanned detours and tire changes.
MegaTokyo 2040: Tokyo’s workforce is riddled with robots that tend to go on destructive killing sprees. Four young women gear up in cybernetic suits to battle an evil corporation’s bionic pawns while its grip on the city threatens to strangle humanity. In order to shut down an android uprising, these heavy metal heroines flirt with a critical meltdown in an adrenaline-fueled death match between woman and machine!
Jet Racing's wet-n-wild combo of PWC racing and watergun sharpshooting has become mega-popular across the world. Rin Namiki wants in on the action, and after meeting the cool and gorgeous Misa Aoi, it looks like Rin's dreams are finally in reach!
Super Force is an action-adventure TV series about a former astronaut who uses an advanced combat suit and motorcycle to fight crime in the city of Metroplex during the year 2020. Among the features of the suit were enhanced strength and armament, whereas the motorcycle had an array of James Bond-type gadgets and weapons.
Koguma is a high school girl in Yamanashi. She has no parents, friends, or hobbies, and her daily life is empty. One day, Koguma gets a used Honda Super Cub motorcycle. This is her first time going to school on a motorcycle. Running out of gas and hitting detours become a small source of adventure in Koguma's life. She is satisfied with this strange transformation, but her classmate Reiko ends up talking to her about how she also goes to school by motorcycle. One Super Cub begins to open up a lonely girl's world, introducing her to a new everyday life and friendship.
In 2004 Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman embarked on an epic challenge to bike 20,000-miles across 12 countries and 19 time zones in just 115 days. Watch as two friends ride around the world together and, against all the odds, realize their dream.
Kick, Raoul, la moto, les jeunes et les autres is a 1980 French television series. It premiered on May 15, 1980 on TF1 and 6 episodes lasting 52 minutes each were broadcast. It was filmed in villages of the Ardèche including Alba-la-Romaine, Saint Pons, Saint Jean Le Centenier etc.The series was directed by Marc Simenon and script written by Louis Rognoni and Daniel Goldenberg.
Based on a true story, "Harley and the Davidsons" charts the birth of this iconic bike during a time of great social and technological change beginning at the turn of the 20th century.
Denjin Zaborger, translated as Electroid Zaborger 7, was a Japanese tokusatsu television series that aired in 1974, produced by P Productions, it was their last Tokusatsu series of the 1970s. Denjin Zaborger stars Akira Yamaguchi as secret agent Yutaka Daimon. The robot Denjin Zaborger has no personality at all, its Akira Yamaguchi as the wild warrior Yutaka Daimon who gives the series its heart. A movie remake titled Karate-Robo Zaborgar was released in 2011.
Superbike World Championship (also known as SBK, World Superbike, WSB, or WSBK) is a motorsport road racing series for modified production motorcycles also known as superbike racing. The championship was founded in 1988. The Superbike World Championship consists of a series of rounds held on permanent racing facilities. Each round has two full length races and, from 2019, an additional ten-lap sprint race known as the Superpole race.[1][2] The results of all three races are combined to determine two annual World Championships, one for riders and one for manufacturers.
In 2004 Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman embarked on an epic challenge to bike 20,000-miles across 12 countries and 19 time zones in just 115 days. Watch as two friends ride around the world together and, against all the odds, realize their dream.
Kan, a hot-headed college freshman who is bad at socializing, is invited by his senior Ton to go on a motorcycle getaway trip with his friends. Kan invites his girlfriend, Toey, a third-year engineering student to go with him to get to know his friends. The trip seems fun until Kan's hot-headed nature brings about unexpected events.