Lillian Schwartz The Artist and the Computer Raymond Roussel : le jour de gloire Pangloss Olympiad Pixillation UFOs Veil of Years Mutations Googolplex Mis-Takes Affinities Apotheosis OHM+: The Early Gurus Of Electronic Music : 1948–1980 Collage Alae L'oiseau La Spiritata Bagatelles Pictures from a Gallery Mathoms Newtonian II Metathesis Metamorphosis Mayan Fantasies Newtonian I Innocence Enigma Papillons Galaxies Mirage Kinesis Reflections The Museum of Modern Art Metamorphosis Beyond Picasso Morphing of the Telephone Morphing of the Telephone Morphing of the Telephone Rituel UFOs On-Line The Artist and the Computer Poet of His People Poet of His People Poet of His People 3° K #2 Before Before Nino Experiments Trois Visage Mime Control Ensemble #1 Dancer 2 Juggler Ensemble #2 X-STRIA2 AZTEC Expressive Shapes 3-D Exotic X-STRIA1 Twirlinx EXALT Mood Changes Lily's Sea Tacit Expressions The Beauty of Excess Xtreme Sightings RGBCMY NUMÉROS Exquisite Motions Some of My Best Friends Are...