What Darwin Missed

What Darwin Missed 1916


Prof. Alonzo Bozzle, an eccentric zoologist, has taken up the study of evolution as promulgated by Darwin and is pondering especially on the idea that there is a "missing link." One night he dreams that he is an explorer and that he has just landed upon a foreign shore; he secures the aid of a mahout and an elephant to move his tent and belongings to the jungle, where he will take up the study of trying to find the "missing link."



Aberration 1997


A nature field researcher is investigating the strange extinction of small animals and insects in the area, which indicates that something is wrong. His suspicions are soon to be proven right when he meets May, who lives in a cabin in the forest nearby. May says that her house is infested by small creatures that she thinks are mice or rats. When the couple search the house further, they notice that they're not rodents or insects. They are fast evolving lizards that have the appetite for animals and humans, no matter what size their prey are...


Adventure in Denmark

Adventure in Denmark 1973


Two Chinese men go to Copenhagen for some reason. While one of them philanders around with various Danish and Asian women, the other falls in love with his Chinese tour guide, but takes time to have various drawn-out kung fu battles with a seemingly endless amount of thugs sent by his partner's overweight and very jealous girlfriend back home.


Rory o' the Bogs

Rory o' the Bogs 1913


At the death of Burke, the bulk of his fortune goes to his only son, Rory, a baby in arms. The child is in the keeping of his uncle. Sir Everett, who had a son of Rory's age. That his own son might inherit the fortune Everett causes Rory to be kidnapped.


Sealed Orders

Sealed Orders 1914


Crooknose is a child of the slums. The slums his mother, dark alleys his father and his family is composed of the crook, the gambler, the demi-monde and the policeman. But despite these family connections Crooknose is organically a decent fellow.


Vagabond Love

Vagabond Love 1915


Vitturo Caggoni is a gay-hearted, rollicking Italian troubadour. He meets a young woman, Marjorie Holbrook, and falls in love with her, serenades her, and courts her in the old romantic troubadour way.


The Heart of the Hills

The Heart of the Hills 1914


Lisbeth Ann is a child of the wilds. In a gingham gown and bare feet she roams the mountain sides as care-free as the birds which carol in the pine trees above her. Creeping along the mountain trail one morning she overhears two men discussing a land deal in which her father has been concerned. To her dismay she learns that her father has disposed of a valuable piece of land underneath which are rich coal veins. Realizing that her father has been duped, the girl is about to shoot the man who has bought the property, when his kindly face restrains her.


The Sandhill Lovers

The Sandhill Lovers 1914


Dave and Phillip Hull, twins, are totally different in character. Dave is steady, slow to hate and true in love. Phillip, the gay and popular gambler, is perhaps more lovable on the surface, but shifty and flare-tempered underneath. Dave loves little Meg, daughter of Hardy, a cattle rustler. Dave does not know that the father is a cattle rustler, however.


Joe Martin Turns 'Em Loose

Joe Martin Turns 'Em Loose 1915


An old maid receives a telegram from the administrator of a distant uncle's will, stating that he is shipping her share of the inheritance in a box. When the box arrives, the old maid discovers it contains a full-sized orangoutang, which escapes from the box and causes her no end of trouble.


The Restless Spirit

The Restless Spirit 1913


The Dreamer is unhappy with his marriage and runs away. He collapses and is found by The Desert Flower, who convince him to return to his family. In various illusions he sees himself in three stories. In first is Napoleon. In the second he is a Knight. And in the third a Sultan. But in all the illusions he die. Meanwhile his wife is about to be send into the desert while refusing to remarry a Stranger. Before this could happen, the Dreamer arrives and send the Stranger into the desert. He becomes again a loved and respected member of the Town.


His Heart His Hand and His Sword

His Heart His Hand and His Sword 1914


O'Rourke, soldier of fortune and hero of many wars, finds himself in Paris without funds. In a spirit of recklessness, he pawns a valuable watch given him by a grateful republic for services rendered. With the proceeds he enters a prominent Parisian restaurant to dine. There he attracts the attention of the Princess de Grandlieu, her husband, the Prince, and her legal advisor, M. Adolph Chambret. While there an incident occurs which earns the hatred of her advisor, who is in love with her.


The Stool Pigeon

The Stool Pigeon 1915


Walter Jason, a young man from the country, comes to the big city to find a position, but fails to do so. Oswald Trumble, so known to society, though in reality a master crook, strolls through the park, his mind busy with a scheme to steal the jewels of Mrs. Crosby Moore, a leader of society, whose forthcoming fancy-dress ball is the talk of the town. As Trumble approaches the bench where Jason is seated, the young man arises, shows exhaustion and then slowly continues on his way. Struck with Jason's clean-cut appearance, Trumble follows the young man, trails him to the river, and prevents him from committing suicide.


Making Monkey Business

Making Monkey Business 1917


Betty has a rich inheritance, but she can't find it. She is engaged to Detective Duffer. One day. "The Flea" comes to rob her, bringing his accomplice, the ape.


The Oyster Dredger

The Oyster Dredger 1915


Vera, an heiress, while on a trip to the seaside, sees and admires Jack, an oyster dredger. She takes a fancy to his mode of living and through her lawyer proposes to change places and life with him for a time, placing all her property in trust with her lawyer. Jack finally agrees to the proposition and is installed in the wealthy girl's home


A Model Husband

A Model Husband 1916


Mr. Cherub is considered by all tne world to be a model husband. Housewives hold him up as a shining example to their husbands. In truth, however, Mr. Cherub is anything but a virtuous husband.


The Stepmother

The Stepmother 1914


A new bride tries to win the affection of her stepchild.


The Honeymoon Surprise

The Honeymoon Surprise 1917


Fred Brandon and Eileen Northcote are the two heirs of a million-dollar fortune, on the condition that they are united in marriage within twenty-four hours. Both are indignant over the will.


Somebody Lied

Somebody Lied 1917


Perfect angel Willie declines to accompany his doting wife Dolly to a mask ball, but instead of a quiet evening at home among his books, Willie spends the night at an underground casino, and instead of being chaperoned at the party, Dolly is out flirting with another man.


Her Wayward Parents

Her Wayward Parents 1917


Father and Mother Lennox are a contented old couple, until daughter Jane comes home from college imbued with a passion for hygiene and an unswerving sense of duty toward them. With a book, "Old People and Their Care" as her guide, she puts them through a course of exercising "sprouts," orders hygienic meals, throws wide the windows to cold winds, and upsets their well-ordered comfort.


A Pirate Bold

A Pirate Bold 1917


The Pirate Chief and his Flunky are marooned and cast ashore on a cannibal island. The Flunky is caught and made King by the Cannibal Queen and he makes the Pirate work for him. The Pirate connives with the Councillor and the Flunky is captured. But the Pirate is also captured and given his choice of marrying the Queen or death in a boiling pot. The Flunky escapes in a boat. The Pirate chooses getting boiled over marrying the Queen. A stick of dynamite is placed under the pot and blows the Pirate onto the boat with the Flunky.