Ненаситний 2021
Вчителька з маленького міста штату Ореґон Кері Расселл та її брат Джессі Племонс, місцевий шериф, одного разу дізнаються, що один з учнів приховує страшну таємницю. Наслідки будуть жахливими.
Вчителька з маленького міста штату Ореґон Кері Расселл та її брат Джессі Племонс, місцевий шериф, одного разу дізнаються, що один з учнів приховує страшну таємницю. Наслідки будуть жахливими.
Напередодні Першої світової війни. У протестантському селі на півночі Німеччини відбуваються дивні і зловісні події. Загадковий нещасний випадок поступово набирає характеру карального ритуалу, а в центрі таємниці опиняються діти і підлітки з місцевого церковного хору.
Молода пара нарешті вирішує одружитися, правда, сімейне життя у них не заладилося з першого дня - друг сім'ї Дюпрі зібрався трохи пожити разом з ними, правда, це «небагато», схоже, дуже затягнулося. Як позбавитися непроханого гостя?
Після багатьох років заміжжя Роберта залишилася одна з двома дітьми — чоловік пішов, і тепер, здається, все життя зруйноване. Але Роберта розумна і енергійна; вона вирішує, що більше нікому не дозволить вказувати, що їй робити. Сповнена надій на майбутнє, Роберта переїжджає до найнеспокійнішого району Штатів — знаменитий Східний Гарлем, де знаходить посаду викладача музики в школі.
Фільм розповідає про реалії середньої школи, суворе виховання, психологію відносин учитель-учень та, звичайно ж, про кохання.
Independent, outspoken and adored by her students, private school teacher Rita fares less well with adults.
Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan write and star in a comedy that follows an American man and an Irish woman who make a bloody mess as they struggle to fall in love in London.
Achiara is a quiet, peaceful village with hardly any crime. But on her first day of school there, English language instructor Kim So-yoon discovers a buried corpse. As the townspeople speculate on the identity of the dead person and the reason she was killed, So-yoon and policeman Park Woo-jae become determined to solve the mystery.
In this coming-of-age drama series, five schoolgirls staying away from home find solace and friendship in each other. But their bonds are tested when they realize people change as they grow up. Welcome to Vandana Valley.
Rosuke Narumi works at a trading company and he is pretty good at his job. He dates Satoko Matsubara. The trading company has a business relationship with a private high school experiencing some difficulties. One day, Rosuke Narumi is appointed as the principle of the private high school. Rosuke Narumi soon discovers how different the work environment is from his previous job. So the school can run in the black, Rosuke Narumi implements cost cutting measures. School staff members including Chihiro Mashiba oppose his plan.
A comedy about a dysfunctional staff room, unrequited love and interactive whiteboards set in an urban secondary school. Chemistry teacher Mr. Church is hopelessly in love with the school's new French teacher, who in turn is being chased by a lothario gym teacher.
Yohei Ueshima is a so-called "Hikikomori Survivor", who had been isolated for 11 years since he was 38. He finally escaped from his room three years ago. After the escape, he opened a yakitori restaurant with the help of the local residents, but he could not talk to customers properly and was still in the process of reintegrating into the society. One day he was hired as a part-time teacher at a municipal junior high school. While struggling with various problems around him, he receives support from his withdrawal friends and supporters.
The story of Sara Yarnell, a schoolteacher who moves from Philadelphia to the Western frontier to start a new life. She becomes the only teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in Independence, Colorado.
In the summer of 1995, two vulnerable teenage girls are accused of murdering their schoolteacher. For seventeen years, the two girls go their separate ways, Poppy having been charged with the murder. Fast-forward to modern day. Happily married mother Serena is now back in the same seaside town for the first time as she cares for her dying mother Rachel. Poppy is living in quite different circumstances. Having served seventeen years for a crime she still insists she didn’t commit, she has only one thing on her mind… the truth. And if she didn’t kill Marcus, then who did?
Teacher Ekku, researcher Valtteri and yoga instructor Alexandra test their limits at a pro wrestling school.
A successful surgeon and her school teacher husband suspect she might be responsible for a child's hit-and-run death. While looking into the matter, dark secrets are revealed that will test their relationship as they confront the possibility of hidden guilt and betrayal.
The intermediate school in the small community of Kroka is preparing for the annual Lucia, Queen of Light, celebration. Each year, the prettiest girl in the school is chosen to play Lucia, but this year they decide to break the tradition and instead vote off the candidates one by one.