Anahtar kelime Furyo
Crows Zero 2007
Suzuran Erkek Lisesi diğer bir adıyla Kargaların Okulu Japonyadaki en başarısız ve şiddet dolu okuldur. Kendilerine crow(karga) diyen öğrenciler çeteler oluştururlar ve güç uğruna birbirleriyle dövüşürler ama hepsinin amacı aslında aynıdır; okulda birliği sağlamak… Çünkü Sozuran’ın tarihinde şimdiye kadar hiç bir lider okuldaki bütün öğrencileri kendi altında toplayamamıştır. Genji Takiya, okula lider olmak amacıyla transfer olmuş bir delikanlıdır. Bir yakuza üyesi olan Katagiri’nin ve yavaş yavaş oluşturmaya başladığı çetesinin yardımı ile acaba liderliğe en yakın olan Serizawa’yı yenebilecek midir?
Crows Zero II 2009
Crows Zero 2 filminde Suzuran Erkek Lisesi ile savaşçı öldüren katiller olarak bilinen Hosen Erkek Lisesi arasındaki iki çetenin savaşı konu oluyor.Suzuran erkek lisesi mezunlarından Sho Kawanishi iki yıl önce Hosen erkek lisesi çete başkanını öldürmekten hapiste yatmıştır.Hapisten çıktığını öğrenen Hosen çetesi Sho Kawanishi’nin peşine düşer.Ama bunu öğrenen suzuran erkek lisesi çete öğrencileride Sho Kawanishi ‘yi korumaya başlarlar ve böylece iki çete yeniden karşı karşıya gelir.
クローズ EXPLODE 2014
ワルボロ 2007
先生!口裂け女です! 2023
バッドボーイズ 2011
花のあすか組! 1988
ガチバン 2008
Tokyo Revengers 2021
Takemichi Hanagaki is a freelancer that’s reached the absolute pits of despair in his life. He finds out that the only girlfriend he ever had, in middle school, Hinata Tachibana, had been killed by the ruthless Tokyo Manji Gang. The day after hearing about her death, he’s standing on the station platform and ends up being pushed over onto the tracks by a herd of people. He closes his eyes thinking he’s about to die, but when he opens his eyes back up, he somehow had gone back in time 12 years. Now that he’s back living the best days of his life, Takemichi decides to get revenge on his life.
Majisuka Academy 2010
Two transfer students, Atsuko Maeda and Onizuka Daruma came at the all-girls school Majisuka Gakuen. In this school violence and fighting are common among the Yankee students. Noisy and trouble maker Daruma made a fuss as soon as she entered the school, win in her first fight but then was beaten easily by another gang shortly after. In contrary to Daruma's bold-but-powerless attitude, Maeda who is truthfully a strong girl despite of her silent nature found Daruma is beaten by Team Hormon before her. The word "Majisuka?" (means are you serious?) instantly awaken her true nature and made her won the battle against Daruma's attackers easily, thus made a big fuss at the school and the news even reached the strongest fighting group, Rappapa. Afterwards, Daruma acknowledged Maeda as her boss and as a result the friendship between the two girls began to grow along with their fights with fellow students at their school.
Sanctuary 2023
A tough, desperate kid becomes a sumo wrestler, captivating fans with his cocky attitude — and upsetting an industry steeped in tradition.