Smith Hertz, a seemingly ordinary man is hunted down by a group of Mercenaries, and their mysterious leader Thanatos, who may have a connection to his haunted past, and the strange curse that inhabits both of them.
Smith Hertz, a seemingly ordinary man is hunted down by a group of Mercenaries, and their mysterious leader Thanatos, who may have a connection to his haunted past, and the strange curse that inhabits both of them.
Thing 1 and Thing 2, a set of bodyguards hired off of Dougs-list show down with Jeb, a megalomaniacal hitman who has a past with Thing 1, over an elusive mason jar holding a vital liquid that could change the course of humanity forever.
After a Kevin (Benjamin Price) moves into the block he meets two friends. Danny (Wesley Clark) and Jackson (Hunter Haubert) who join with Kevin to make a small business, making the bullies afraid of the nerds. After Danny disappears, Kevin and a small group of friends join together to face off the big bully Marlin (Ethan G. Jocis) to recover there close friend.
On a cold rainy night, in a non-descript location, two men on a special assignment watch over a Coffer. When the pickup arrives, the night soon turns tense, as alliances, morals, and personal beliefs are challenged.