Den stora semestern

Den stora semestern 1967


När den stränge rektor Bosquirs äldste son underkänns i skolan och rymmer iväg på semester ihop med en whiskymiljonärs dotter, tvingas han ta till hårdhandskarna. Syndaren ska fångas in till varje pris och alla transportmedel är tillåtna – såväl racerbåt som vattenskidor, sportflygplan, hästkärra och drakflyg.



Buddymoon 2016


När David blir lämnad av sin fästmö bara några dagar före bröllopet, insisterar hans best man Flula på att de två ska åka på Davids redan inbokade smekmånad tillsammans. De två vännerna ger sig ut på en sju dagar lång resa i de avlägsna bergen i Oregon. Under färden möter de en konspirationsteoretiker, en vänlig backpacker och ett vildsint rovdjur (en riktig varg), medan äventyret prövar både deras vänskap och deras liv.



Dreamland 2019


Två märkbart identiska mäns öden möts under ett bröllop från helvetet då den ena blivit inhyrd som lönnmördare för att skära av en nerdekad jazzlegendars finger och ge till en galen gängledare. Men mötet leder dem längre och längre in i en mörk och märklig undre värld.


Only You

Only You 2011


An indefatigable and boastful woman, Mandy Mak, wants to be a wedding etiquette guide after she gets the axe, simply for its simple job nature and attractive income. Chong Sze-tim, an expert in the trade, declines to take her as a student as she sees through Mandy’s motive. Mandy will not yield though. She tries her best to please Sze-tim’s younger brother, Chong Sze-chai, and his wife, Phoebe Szeto, who employ her as a coordinator in their bridal wear company. When Mandy meets a wedding photographer through the company, her view on life changes.


The Wedding War

The Wedding War 2023


Large-scale couple survival program featuring engaged couples who are about to get married.


Marriage or Mortgage

Marriage or Mortgage 2021


Married or single, we've all heard it. "You could buy a house for the price of that wedding!" But have you ever stopped to think, what if you actually did? In the Marriage or Mortgage, a wedding planner and a real estate agent compete to win the hearts and budgets of spouses-to-be. Will they pick fairy-tale nuptials or a dream home?


Bride & Prejudice: Forbidden Love

Bride & Prejudice: Forbidden Love 2016


Meet three couples as they decide to make a life-long commitment and get married in the face of staunch opposition from their family and friends. From an interfaith couple in Baltimore, to a gay couple in Boston, and an interracial couple from Houston - these people are all striving to show doubtful loved ones how differences in race, religion and sexual preference do not affect their ability to love and be loved. As they announce their engagements and meet the in-laws, emotions run high. Will familial pressure impact their upcoming nuptials, or will love of a potential spouse outweigh love of family? Will they go through with the weddings if family members don't ultimately approve? Against all odds and in the face of bigotry, these couples will aim to prove that their relationship has what it takes to build the foundation for a long lasting marriage.