
Frankenstein 1910


Frankenstein, a young medical student, trying to create the perfect human being, instead creates a misshapen monster. Made ill by what he has done, Frankenstein is comforted by his fiancée; but on his wedding night he is visited by the monster.


The White Slave Trade

The White Slave Trade 1910


Anna, a beautiful girl from a poor background, is offered a well-paid position as a lady's companion in London. Anna's boyfriend, the sceptical Georg, suspects that the job offer is too good to be true, but Anna dismisses him and reports to the London address. The stately home in England turns out to be a whorehouse that imports women from Denmark. Anna manages to overpower her first client but is unable to escape.


The Abyss

The Abyss 1910


Magda, a piano teacher, meets Knud, a parson’s son, who invites her to spend the summer at his parents’ parsonage. When a travelling circus stops in the village, Magda leaves the meek Knud for the dashing circus rider Rudolf. But circus life with Rudolf quickly turns out to be anything but happy, and Magda comes to a tragic end. (


Love's C.Q.D.

Love's C.Q.D. 1910


Cynthia Moore, daughter of Colonel Moore, who is the commander of a cavalry post near the Mexican frontier, is much beloved by two junior officers in her father's command. They are Lieutenant Robert Bright and Lieutenant Arthur Hartley, both graduates of West Point, where they had been rivals during their Academy Days. This rivalry, which had been friendly at West Point, became very bitter when they were both assigned to Col. Moore's post and met his attractive daughter, and the true nature of the two men began to assert itself.


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 1910


An early version of the classic, based more on the 1902 stage musical than on the original novel.


A Plucky American Girl

A Plucky American Girl 1910


Just plain Mary Ann, that's all, but there is something about this little country girl which stamps her as the right sort, with grit, grip and gumption to distinguish her among the famous men and women of the twentieth century, or any other century for that matter. Her father is a faithful old servant in the employ of the D.&C.R.R. as a signal man in a tower on the lonely stretch of the track at very important junction. After his day's work, Mary Ann, who has studied telegraphy and likes to practice, comes to the tower to go home with her father, after the night signal man comes to relieve him. The night man is somewhat delayed and her father leaves Mary Ann at the signal station while be goes home to get his supper and rest.


A Salutary Lesson

A Salutary Lesson 1910


During a stay at beach resort Mr. and Mrs. Randall neglect their daughter and follow their own interests. Mrs. Randall entertains the local minister, while Mr. Randall agrees to take his daughter on a walk along the beach. However, he is attracted by a flirtatious young woman, and the little girl wanders off on her own. She clambers onto a seaside rock where she falls asleep, unmindful of the incoming tide. Her parents at last notice her absence and begin searching for her. However, the incoming tide has by this time surrounded her rock, cutting her off from land. A lifeguard hears her cries and swims to the rescue just as the rising tide is about to engulf her. The child is returned to her parents, who receive from their near tragedy a salutary lesson in the importance of being more careful parents.


The Honor of His Family

The Honor of His Family 1910


An old colonel is proud as a peacock: his son leads a group of volunteers in the American Civil War. Untill one day his son returns home as a deserter.


A Rough Night on the Bridge

A Rough Night on the Bridge 1910


In happy mood, a rollicking, good-natured party of "Jack Tars" on shore leave are out for a good time, and get themselves well under way in song and general good cheer by visiting the only place of merchandise and refreshment which the little seacoast town affords. Under full sail they are steering their way through the streets of the village, running foul of trees and posts, bowing in humble apology for their seeming rudeness and disturbance. They have apparently lost their "sea legs" and are a little bit unsteady in the joints, but merrily they roll along until they come to a swinging bridge crossing the river. Here is where they strike rough weather.



Ramona 1910


Ramona, residing on her wealthy Spanish adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the greed and injustice of the white landowners.


All the World’s a Stage

All the World’s a Stage 1910


A jealous husband misinteprets the performance his actress wife is putting on with his best friend.


Hank and Lank: They Get Wise to a New Scheme

Hank and Lank: They Get Wise to a New Scheme 1910


In this instance Hank and Lank step into good fortune quite by accident. Pausing in front of a bargain dry-goods store, a young lady rushes up and asks Hank to hold her baby while she goes inside to make a few purchases. Shortly after she returns and liberally tips the little man for his services as nurse.


A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol 1910


Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.


A Texas Joke

A Texas Joke 1910


A short silent film produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.


The Waiter's Dream

The Waiter's Dream 1910


Four customers are having a peaceful game of cards in a quiet café. The atmosphere being heavy, the waiter falls asleep and has an unsettling dream about the ills of alcohol, among other things.


The Gold Seekers

The Gold Seekers 1910


A prospector in the Gold Rush days of ‘49 strikes pay dirt after a long struggle. He stakes the claim and stays to guard it while his wife and ten-year-old son hurry off to the claim office to register it. Two scoundrels observe the action, and go in pursuit. Arriving after the wife and her son, they trick her into leaving the queue waiting for the agent to arrive. A woman who pretends to faint is the accomplice who leads the wife to a cabin. The scoundrels lock the wife in, but she ties her son to a rope and lowers him out the window to bring help. She is rescued and manages to register their claim in the last moment.


Out for Mischief

Out for Mischief 1910


A short silent film produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.


His Last Burglary

His Last Burglary 1910


Mired in poverty and no longer able to endure the hardships that this situation brings upon their baby, a young man chooses, with his wife, to give up the child by abandoning it in a rich household. A burglar who himself has just lost a child, breaks into this house and decides to ease the mourning of his wife by stealing the abandoned baby. Soon after, the young man and his wife receive word of their sudden fortune. They then try to find their child, but their search is in vain. Faced with the desperation of his wife, the young man calls a doctor whose coachman is none other than the burglar, since reformed. When the burglar learns the cause of the young woman’s misery, he realizes the gravity of his crime and convinces his wife that they must return the baby to its parents.


A Common Enemy

A Common Enemy 1910


A secret message is dispatched by the young daughter of a Southern family to Col. Morgan's camp.