Les Weldon Target of Opportunity Gods of War: Assembling Earth's Mightiest Anti-Heroes Direct Contact Raging Sharks The Contract Покорност The Contract Репликант The Prince & Me: A Royal Honeymoon The Cutter Target of Opportunity Плаћеници Thick as Thieves Thick as Thieves Sharks in Venice The Offering Cool Dog Cool Dog Hidden Agenda Today You Die Today You Die Looking For Lola Плаћеници 2 The Legend of Hercules Cause Of Death Train Ninja Плаћеници 4 Command Performance Плаћеници 3 Point of Impact Autómata Freefall Конан варварин The Enforcer The Order Leatherface Телохранитељ мафијашеве жене The Bricklayer Sharks in Venice Покорност Septembers of Shiraz Пад Лондона Raging Sharks Raging Sharks The Bricklayer Hellboy: The Crooked Man Мафијашки телохранитељ Бојка 4: Неспутан Security I Have Been Here Before Acts of Vengeance Day of the Dead: Bloodline Infernus Raging Sharks 211 The Piper Bullet Head Survivor Ловац убица Hero Wanted Хелбој Jolt Пад анђела Рамбо: Последња крв The Outpost Док нас смрт Night Has Fallen Eye in the Sky Red Sonja Dirty Angels The Order