Само не ти

Само не ти 2023


Беа и Бен изгледају као савршен пар, али после невероватног првог састанка дешава се нешто што њихову ватрену врелу привлачност претвара у ледено хладно - све док се неочекивано не нађу заједно на венчању на дестинацији у Аустралији. Тако да раде оно што би било које две зреле одрасле особе учиниле: претварају се да су пар.


Побеснели Макс: Аутопут беса

Побеснели Макс: Аутопут беса 2015


Прогоњен турбулентном прошлошћу, Макс Рокатански у усамљеничком лутању види најбољу шансу за преживљавањем. Али, након сусрета са лепом Фуриозом и одбеглом групом из Цитаделе, града чије становнике терорише тиранин Имортан Џо, постаће део неизбежног рата који следи.



Бриљантин 1978


Педесетих година прошлог века, тинејџери Дени и Сенди заљубили су се током летњег распуста. Међутим, с почетком нове школске године ствари су се промениле. Дени припада групи најпопуларнијих момака у школи, међу којима су Кеники, Сони и Дуди, које прати лоша репутација. Упркос чињеници да се спријатељила са Френчи, која припада групи бунтовница, Сенди је, како тврди њихова предводница Ризо, превише добра да би била њихов члан. Ипак, Сендина највећа брига је веза коју имала са Денијем...


Побеснели Макс 2: Друмски ратник

Побеснели Макс 2: Друмски ратник 1981


Пар година након смрти његове жене и детета. Макс је постао отуђени номад, који лута кроз огољена пространства Аустралије. У њима се не дешава ништа сем међусобних ратова локалних племена. Након једне борбе, Макс доспева у племе које води Папагало. Његов народ смештен је у рафинерији, и иако Макс прво жели да им узме драгоцено гориво, он им се придружује у борби против супарничког племена…


Побеснели Макс

Побеснели Макс 1979


Негде у блиској будућности, након нуклеарног рата свет је претворен у пустош! Напуштеним путевима аустралијских недођија владају моторизоване банде крвожедних лудака који желе да се дочепају преосталог горива, течности вредније од живота. Њима су пљачке, силовања и убиства једина свакодневица. Полиција је потпуно немоћна! Уморан од свакодневног насиља, очајан због смрти пријатеља, полицајац Макс Рокатински одлучује да се повуче и живи породични живот... Међутим, у једном од својих разорних похода, моторизована банда му убија жену и дете. Макс седа у свој црни В-8 Форд Фалкон и креће да се свети.



Лав 2016


Петогодишњи дечак из Индије на улицама Калкуте, хиљадама километара далеко од свог дома. До усвајања пара из Аустралије он преживљава разне ситуације. Двадесет и пет година касније он креће у потрагу за својом породицом користећи Google Earth.


Црна Вода: Бездан

Црна Вода: Бездан 2020


Пар заљубљеника у авантуре убеђује своје пријатеље да истраже удаљени, неоткривени систем пећина у шумама северне Аустралије. Како се ближи тропска олуја, они се спуштају у уста пећине, али када пећине почну да поплављају, тензије расту како ниво кисеоника опада и пријатељи се нађу у клопци. Њима непозната олуја донела је и чопор опасних и гладних крокодила.


Побеснели Макс 3: Под куполом

Побеснели Макс 3: Под куполом 1985


Макс и даље лута кроз пустоши Аустралије. Једног дана, његов аутомобил и све што поседује украду отац и син који су лопови. Да би се опремио најосновнијим стварима, Макс завршава у Бартетауну, постапокалиптичном граду, у којем се такође воде битке за превласт. У низу бизарних сукоба, Макс је тешко рањен... Њега спашава група тинејџера и деце, који су заправо потомци жртава авионске несреће и који чекају да се капетан Вокер, пилот авиона, врати по њих и одведе их назад у цивилизацију. Они одбијају да поверују да Макс није Вокер и да градови из којих су потекли више не постоје…


E Street

E Street 1989


An Australian television soap opera, set in a tough fictional inner-city district called Westside. The stories revolve around the local community there. Created by Forrest Redlich and produced by Network Ten from 24 January 1989 to 13 May 1993.


The Sullivans

The Sullivans 1976


The Sullivans is an Australian drama television series produced by Crawford Productions which ran on the Nine Network from 1976 until 1983. The series told the story of an average middle-class Melbourne family and the effect World War II had on their lives. It was a consistent ratings success in Australia, and also became popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Gibraltar and New Zealand.


Water Rats

Water Rats 1996


Water Rats is an Australian TV police procedural broadcast on the Nine Network from 1996 to 2001.


Heartbreak High

Heartbreak High 1994


The ins and outs of the classroom lives of a group of students who attend the fictional Hartley High School in Sydney.



Underbelly 2008


Underbelly is an Australian television true crime-drama series, each series is a stand alone story based on real-life events.


The Flying Doctors

The Flying Doctors 1986


The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming his role as Dr. Callaghan. The popular series ran for nine seasons and was successfully screened internationally.


McLeod's Daughters

McLeod's Daughters 2001


When Jack McLeod passes away, his two daughters inherit Drovers Run, a vast cattle ranch in the Australian outback. Ultimately, Tess and Claire decide to run the ranch together, with their housekeeper, Meg, her teenage daughter, Jodi, and a local girl, Becky. Their lives are hard and the obstacles many, but the rewards are every bit as grand as the wild open land they've inherited.


Police Rescue

Police Rescue 1991


Police Rescue was an Australian television series The series dealt with the New South Wales Police Rescue Squad based in Sydney and their work attending to various incidents from road accidents to train crashes.


The Man from Snowy River

The Man from Snowy River 1994


The Man from Snowy River is an Australian television series based on Banjo Paterson's poem "The Man from Snowy River". Released in Australia as Banjo Paterson's The Man from Snowy River, the series was subsequently released in both the United States and the United Kingdom as Snowy River: The McGregor Saga. The television series has no relationship to the 1982 film The Man from Snowy River or the 1988 sequel The Man from Snowy River II. Instead, the series follows the adventures of Matt McGregor, a successful squatter, and his family. Matt is the hero immortalized in Banjo Paterson's poem "The Man from Snowy River", and the series is set 25 years after his famous ride.


Paradise Beach

Paradise Beach 1993


Paradise Beach is an Australian television series made by Village Roadshow Pictures. It is associated with New World Television for the Nine Network that aired between 1993 and 1994. The series is set around characters living and working on Queensland's Gold Coast and was filmed largely on location, offering views of crashing waves, golden beaches and scantily clad young women and men. Paradise Beach was intended not only as a rival to Australian soaps Neighbours and Home and Away but also to be the first breakthrough Australian soap to make it in America.



Homicide 1964


Homicide was an Australian television police drama series The series dealt with the homicide squad of the Victorian Police force and the various crimes and cases the detectives are called upon to investigate. Many episodes were based on real life crime cases.


Australian Story

Australian Story 1996


Putting the "real" back into reality television, Australian Story is an award-winning documentary series with no narrator and no agendas — just authentic stories told entirely in people's own words.


My Life Is Murder

My Life Is Murder 2019


Investigator Alexa Crowe, cannot help fighting the good fight – whether it is solving murders or combatting the small frustrations of everyday life. Fearless and unapologetic, Alexa's unique skills and insights into the darker quirks of human nature, allows her to provoke, comfort and push the right buttons as she unravels the truth behind the most baffling of crimes.


Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries 2012


Our lady sleuth sashays through the back lanes and jazz clubs of late 1920’s Melbourne, fighting injustice with her pearl handled pistol and her dagger sharp wit. Leaving a trail of admirers in her wake, our thoroughly modern heroine makes sure she enjoys every moment of her lucky life. Based on author Kerry Greenwood's Phryne Fisher Murder Mystery novels.


Out of the Blue

Out of the Blue 2008


Set in Sydney beach suburb of Manly, New South Wales, Out of the Blue is a drama about a group of thirty-year-old friends returning home for a high school reunion, which is brought to an end when someone is murdered. An investigation follows as the group attempts to discover which one of them was the killer.


Doctor Doctor

Doctor Doctor 2016


The story of Hugh Knight, a rising heart surgeon who is gifted, charming and infallible. He is a hedonist who, due to his sheer talent, believes he can live outside the rules. His "work hard, play harder" philosophy is about to come back and bite him.


A Place to Call Home

A Place to Call Home 2013


A mysterious woman is perched between the harsh legacy of World War II and the hope of a new life in Australia. A sweeping romantic drama set in 1950s rural Australia following the lives of the Blighs, a wealthy and complicated pastoralist family, who lives in Inverness, NSW.



Rush 2008


They are trained to be smarter, tactically superior and technologically advantaged - Melbourne's answer for a cutting edge trend in policing worldwide. Rush was an Australian television police drama that first screened on Network Ten in September 2008. Set in Melbourne, Victoria, it focuses on the members of a Police Tactical Response team. It is produced by John Edwards and Southern Star. On 10 November 2011, as with Network Ten setting out DVD promotions for the finale of season 4, David Knox of TV Tonight has announced that Rush would not return after 4 years, as the next episode would be its last.


Rescue: Special Ops

Rescue: Special Ops 2009


Rescue: Special Ops is an Australian television drama series that first screened on the Nine Network in 2009. Filmed in and around Sydney, the program is produced by Southern Star Group with the assistance of Screen Australia and the New South Wales Government. This drama series focuses on a team of experienced professional paramedics who specialise in rescue operations. It premiered on Sunday 2 August 2009, and the season finale of the first season aired on Sunday 25 October. A second season screened from 28 June 2010. The third and final season consisting of 22 episodes screened from 30 May 2011. The Nine Network has confirmed it will not be renewing Rescue Special Ops for a fourth season.


Surviving Summer

Surviving Summer 2022


Rebellious Brooklyn teen Summer Torres is sent to live with family friends in the tiny town of Shorehaven on the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, AUS. Despite her best efforts, Summer falls in love with the town, the people and the surf.