
Служавке 2011


Скетер је девојка са југа која се враћа са факултета одлучна да постане писац. Окреће животе својих пријатеља и мали Мисисипи наопачке када одлучи интервјуирати црнкиње које су провеле своје животе бринући за истакнуте јужњачке породице. Аибилен је Скетерина најбоља пријатељица, домаћица, која се на ужас њених пријатеља у уско повезаној црначкој заједници усудила проговорити прва. Успркос томе што њихово дуготрајно познанство виси у ваздуху, она и Аибилеен настављају сарадњу, а ускоро долазе и друге сумештанке које желе испричати своју причу...


Dave's World

Dave's World 1993


Dave's World is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1993 to 1997. The series is based on the writing of Miami Herald columnist Dave Barry.


Love & War

Love & War 1992


A woman running a bar in New York City while trying to maintain a romance with an egotistical opinion columnist.


The Dennis O'Keefe Show

The Dennis O'Keefe Show 1959


The Dennis O'Keefe Show is a 1959-1960 sitcom produced by United Artists Television which aired on CBS for sponsor General Motors' Oldsmobile division. It was not a ratings success during its original run, and was largely forgotten until a "Best Of" DVD release by Alpha Video during 2004. Certain episodes of the show can also be seen at the Internet Archive. It appears the series has entered the public domain.


How to Be a Gentleman

How to Be a Gentleman 2011


How to Be a Gentleman, inspired by the book of the same name, is a comedy about the unlikely friendship between a traditional, refined writer and an unrefined personal trainer. Andrew Carlson (David Hornsby) is an etiquette columnist whose devotion to ideals from a more civilized time has lead to a life detached from modern society. Infectiously optimistic, Bert Lansing (Kevin Dillon) is a reformed "bad boy" from Andrew's past who inherited a fitness center, but can still be rude, loud and sloppy. When Andrew's editor, Jerry (Dave Foley), tells him to put a modern, sexy twist on his column or be fired, he hires Bert as a life coach in the hopes of learning to be less "gentle man" and more "real man."