Ода радости

Ода радости 2019


Захваљујући здравственом стању који се зове катаплексија – ретком обољењу које изазива атрофију мишића кад год га обузме јака емоција, а поготово радост – бруклински библиотекар Чарли је успео да избаци из свог живота све људе, места и догађаје које га чине срећним. Породична венчања, слатке бебе, штенад и љубавне романсе представљају праву опасност у Чарлијевом пажљиво испланираном животу. Али када се прелепа, спонтана Франчешка заљуби у њега, Чарли, који никада не ризикује, нађе се на раскршћу: да ли да сузбије осећање привлачности или да се препусти љубави?


The Librarians

The Librarians 2014


A group of librarians set off on adventures in an effort to save mysterious, ancient artifacts. Based on the series of "The Librarian" movies.


One Spring Night

One Spring Night 2019


When Lee Jeong-in and Yu Ji-ho meet, something unexpected happens. Or it just may be that spring is in the air -- and anything is possible.


Witches of East End

Witches of East End 2013


The adventures of Joanna Beauchamp and her two adult daughters Freya and Ingrid -- both of whom unknowingly are their family's next generation of witches -- who lead seemingly quiet, uneventful modern day lives in Long Island's secluded seaside town of East Haven. When Freya becomes engaged to a young, wealthy newcomer, a series of events forces Joanna to admit to her daughters they are, in fact, powerful and immortal witches.


Kokoro Library

Kokoro Library 2001


Kokoro Library lies nestled in an unpopulated mountain far away from town. Three sisters, Iina, Aruto and Kokoro, call the library home and run it from day to day. Kokoro is just beginning her adventures at the library. Will she be become a full-fledged librarian? Will the remote library ever attract readers? Kokoro tries her best to make her dreams come true at Kokoro Library, a place where miracles can happen.


The Librarians: The Next Chapter

The Librarians: The Next Chapter 1970


A Librarian from the past time travels to the present and now finds himself stuck here. When he returns to his castle, which is now a museum, he inadvertently releases magic across the continent.