Златно дете

Златно дете 1986


Еди Марфи је Чендлер Џарел, детектив који проналази изгубљену децу. Када му приђе привлачна Ки Нанг, тибетанска свештеница, и обавести га да је „одабран“, Чендлерова потрага за златним дететом почиње. Златно дете је заправо младо божанство, које је послато на Тибет да донесе човечанству дар саосећања. На свом задатку Чендлер открива тајне подземља кинеске четврти и упада у, чини се бескрајан, низ бизарних и опасних ситуација којима је узрок Сардо Нумпса, главни изасланик злих сила. Чендлеров задатак је да пронађе дете и да га заштити од злог Сардоа, који се неће смирити док се не домогне дечака.



Кундун 1997


Епска биографија заснована на животу и списима 14. Далај Ламе, протераног политичара и духовног вође Тибета, која покрива период од 1937. до 1959. године.






Ви људи

Ви људи 2023


Љубав двоје миленијалаца из Лос Анђелеса различитог порекла доводи до сукоба породица и култура, а чека их крајњи тест: упознавање родитеља.



Самсара 2002


Ладак, Индија, петнаест хиљада стопа надморске висине. Након што је провео више од три године медитирајући у замраченој пећини, млади и лепи будистички редовник Ташхи враћа се у манастир. Успркос медитацији и екстремној аскези, младић није умртвио сексуални нагон те га муче ноћне полуције. Једном приликом допусти себи везу са лепом девојком и од тада он је дубоко поколебан у свом животном позиву. На крају одлучи да напусти манастир и потражи је. Схвати да је она заручена за младића из села, али то га не поколеба у његовим намерама...


The Legend of Korra

The Legend of Korra 2012


Avatar Korra, a headstrong, rebellious, feisty young woman who continually challenges and breaks with tradition, is on her quest to become a fully realized Avatar. In this story, the Avatar struggles to find balance within herself.


Detective Chinatown

Detective Chinatown 2020


Strange crimes occur in Thailand as the ranking for the world's best detective sees a shift. New detectives come into the picture to tackle three difficult cases.



Monkey 1978


Buddhist priest Tripitaka and his three disciples Monkey, Pigsy, and Sandy, travel from China to India to fetch the Buddhist scriptures. They have been sent by Buddha, and getting these scriptures will bring peace to the people of the world.


Box of Goblins

Box of Goblins 2008


Between August and October, 1952, a series of unusual crimes takes place in Musashino and Mitaka: the attempted murder of 14-year-old Kanako Yuzuki, Kanako's abduction from the strange research "hospital" where she was recovering, then abductions of other girls, followed by their severed limbs in custom-fitted boxes being placed in surrounding towns. News editor Morihiko Toriguchi and crime fiction writer Tatsumi Sekiguchi investigate with the help of onmyōji Akihiko Chūzenji.


Let Me Understand Your Language

Let Me Understand Your Language 2019


A story that follows a man who discovers a new way of living after he falls in love with a Dai girl and its people. From the moment he fell in love with Yu Bo, Xu Haoran grew to appreciate the Dai people's culture, their positivity and their philosophy towards nature and towards life. He starts to pour his passion and focus towards protecting the rainforest and the animals. Not one to be confined, Xu Haoran never expected to fall for a Dai girl and he never imagined that falling in love would be so hard. Yu Bo has just drank the cross-cupped wine with Yan Long, a man from her tribe who has been pursuing her. His girlfriend Han Wenwen is unwilling to accept that she has lost in love. Moreover, Yu Bo's aunt turns out to be the woman that his father abandoned a long time ago. Even as he finds solutions for his problems, it is said that to love is easy but to stay together is difficult. Will he overcome the challenges to be with the woman that he loves?



Buddha 2013


Mythological drama serial is based on the life of Lord Buddha that shows how a prince, Siddhartha became a Buddha.


The Power of Myth

The Power of Myth 1988


The Power of Myth is a television series originally broadcast on PBS in 1988 as Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. The documentary comprises six one-hour conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell and journalist Bill Moyers.


Nakhee's Necklace

Nakhee's Necklace 2023


Angkab, a daughter of a jewelry tycoon, was in love with Jed but he in turn decided to marry a distant cousin named Ganda. She went to destroy the marriage ceremony by releasing snakes into the ceremony. A relative was bitten by the snake instead. On the way home, Angkab got into an accident and her spirit went to where Nakhee lives. Nakhee decided to possess the body of Angkab because she had the same history as hers, betrayed by love. Nakhee's mission is to wreak havoc in the human world in the name of vengeance. When vengeance rules the heart, Nakhee looks for a weapon to use in destroying her enemy. She found akeenaka but her enemy has a stronger weapon and that is love, a love that she's been seeking and waiting eternity for.


Life, Death and Reincarnation

Life, Death and Reincarnation 2015


An epic adventure that aims to unravel the mystery at the heart of our existence: the questions of our identity and our destiny.  The series features some of the world’s most baffling real life stories and exciting findings in the fields of consciousness studies, near-death experiences and past-life memories. Adventurous researchers following the evidence where it leads them have discovered that the lines of evidence converge to a conclusion that is refreshingly new – yet perennially known.