
Херкул 1997


Ово је прича о Херкулу, снажном Зевсовом сину, који је отет с планине Олимп и одгојен као полубог. Жестока фигура која стоји иза нестанка Херкула је Хад, опаки бог Подземног света, ком су досадиле „хрпе мртвих пувала“ и у Зевсовом сину види препреку свом плану да завлада светом. Кад Херкул открије истину о свом пореклу, одлучује да докаже да је јунак (уз помоћ сатира Фила који тренира јунаке ветеране), како би се вратио у свој митолошки дом. Хад има друге планове за нашег јунака и шаље му читав низ невоља (Хидру с више глава, Минотаура, Киклопа и војску Титана). Путем Херкул открива да се прави јунак не мери по томе колико је јак, него по томе колика је снага његова срца.



Херкул 2014


Херкул и човек и мит, предводи групу плаћеника да би помогао окончању крвавог грађанског рата у Тракији и вратио праведног краља на његов трон.



Hercules 1998


Follow Herc's many labors during the years he spent training on how to be a hero under the tutelage of satyr Phil. Many of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses pay visit to the young hero-to-be and help or hinder him in his new adventures.


Young Hercules

Young Hercules 1998


The adventures of the ancient hero in his youth.


The Mighty Hercules

The Mighty Hercules 1963


The Mighty Hercules is a low-budget animated series based loosely on the Greek mythological character of Heracles, under his Roman Mythology name, Hercules. It was created in 1962 and then debuted on TV in 1963 and ran until 1966 coinciding with the sword and sandal genre of films popular at the time. Each standalone episode runs approximately 5 minutes with opening and closing credits, and in syndication several such episodes are compiled to fill 30-minute timeslots.



Hercules 2005


A chronicle of the life of the Greek hero who after killing his three sons must perform five labors to repent.


Space Sentinels

Space Sentinels 1977


Space Sentinels is a Saturday morning animated series produced by Filmation which debuted on the American NBC network on September 10, 1977 and ran for thirteen half-hour episodes. The series has been called "ahead of its time" due to its racially diverse cast of main characters. In this series, the Roman mythological figures Hercules and Mercury are joined by Astrea, a character created specifically for the series, to form a superhero team to protect mankind. The complete series was released on Region 1 DVD on August 22, 2006, along with the complete series of The Freedom Force.


Inside RAF Brize Norton

Inside RAF Brize Norton 2013


Access-all-areas documentary series focusing on the servicemen and women who work at the biggest and busiest military airbase in the UK. This opening episode focuses on the kind of critical cargo that Brize Norton transports on a daily basis, including a helicopter to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan and a highly infectious patient.