
Тарот 2024


Када група пријатеља безобзирно прекрши свето правило тарота, они несвесно ослобађају неизрециво зло заробљено у проклетим картама. Један по један, суочавају се лицем у лице са судбином и завршавају у трци са смрћу.


Упознајте Џоа Блека

Упознајте Џоа Блека 1998


Медијски моћник, милионер Бил Периш има све што се може пожелети, мада он, после богатог и испуњеног живота, не жели више ништа. Све што му остаје јесте да се увери како ће његове ћерке имати срећне животе. Једног дана изненада среће мистериозног странца по имену Џо Блек. Младић се представља као Смрт и нуди Паришу још мало времена на овом свету у замену за неку врсту туристичке руте где ће га он упознати са свакодневицом свог живота на земљи. Бил је спреман за овај подухват све док не примети да се његова млађа ћерка Сузан зближава са Блеком.


500 дана

500 дана 2009


Филм прати 500 дана романсе између Тома и Самер. Радња се одвија на нелинеаран начин, скачући напређназад у времену и приказујући различите моменте у вези. Том је безнадежни романтичар и, од првог дана када угледа Самер, он је убеђен да је она "права". Самер је, с друге стране, прагматичар, која не само што не верује у љубав на први поглед, него није сигурна у вези целог концепта "љубави". Ипак, Том јој се допада и жели да буду пријатељи, можда чак и нешто више. Они се смеју, флертују, проводе заједно време, и на крају подижу ствари на виши ниво.


Прошли животи

Прошли животи 2023


Два пријатеља из детињства раздвојена су након што је једна породица емигрирала из Јужне Кореје. Две деценије касније, они су поново окупљени у Њујорку на недељу дана док се суочавају са појмовима судбине, љубави и избора који чине живот.



Северњак 2022


СЕВЕРЊАК је епски трилер о освети који истражује колико далеко ће викиншки принц отићи тражећи правду за свог убијеног оца.


Последња екскурзија 3

Последња екскурзија 3 2006


Након авиона у јединици овог пута у игри је ролерkостер у забавном парку где групица средњошколаца успева измаћи из загрљаја Смрти. За њихов је спас заслужна Венди која успева да савлада страх од ролеркостера али након визије у којој исти излеће из шина где сви путници гину у последњи час одустаје од вожње. Прати је пријатељ којег остатак задиркује због кукавичлука што доводи до тучњаве након чега је неколико младића избачено из воза. Свега неколико тренутака касније обистињује се крвава Вендина визија. Као и до сада, Смрт мора надокнадити пропуштено што резултира низом маштовитих начина умирања (не)сретника с ролеркостера. Животе колега, а с њима и сопствени може спасити једино Венди и то помоћу трагова на фотографијама које је направила те вечери. Проблем је што није сигурна како.


Трчи Лола, трчи

Трчи Лола, трчи 1998


Радња филма се догађа у Берлину. Мени је ситни гангстер који годину дана живи са својом девојком Лолом и обавља рутинску купопродају дроге за свог боса. Једног дана Лола закасни да га покупи и Мени, присиљен да се вози метроом, изгуби 100.000 марака које је носио. Знајући да треба да се нађе са својим босом за двадесетак минута, и да ће га овај убити ако не буде новаца, Мени у очају телефонира Лоли и моли је за помоћ. Лола има тачно двадесет минута да некако покупи 100.000 марака, иначе ће Мени покушати да опљачка локалну продавницу. Лола без размишљања одлази из стана и почиње да трчи берлинским улицама, настојећи уз пут да смисли како да помогне свом дечку.



Атентатор 2023


Након судбоносног промашаја, атентатор се бори са својим послодавцима и самим собом, у међународној хајци за коју инсистира да није лична.


Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-

Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- 2016


Natsuki Subaru, an ordinary high school student, is on his way home from the convenience store when he finds himself transported to another world. As he's lost and confused in a new world where he doesn't even know left from right, the only person to reach out to him was a beautiful girl with silver hair. Determined to repay her somehow for saving him from his own despair, Subaru agrees to help the girl find something she's looking for.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


Crash Landing on You

Crash Landing on You 2019


A paragliding mishap drops a South Korean heiress in North Korea -- and into the life of an army officer, who decides he will help her hide.


Eternal Love

Eternal Love 2017


Three hundred years ago, Bai Qian stood on the Zhu Xian Terrace, turned around and jumped off without regret. Ye Hua stood by the bronze mirror to witness with his own eyes her death. Three hundred years later, in the East Sea Dragon Palace, the two meet unexpectedly. Another lifetime another world, after suffering betrayal Bai Qian no longer feels anything, yet she can't seem to comprehend Ye Hua's actions. Three lives three worlds, her and him, are they fated to love again?


Fighter of the Destiny

Fighter of the Destiny 2017


Chun Changsheng was abandoned in a flowing river and plucked up by a Taoist monk. He’s actually the fourth Prince of the Chen’s Royal bloodline. He’s plagued with an incurable illness, fated not to live past the age of 20. To find a cure, he leaves his temple, armed with a promise of marriage scroll, to become a student at a famous academy. He meets Xu Yourong and they slowly fall in love after hopping through the trials and tribulations of his journey.



HIStory 2017


Drama anthology series where each season presents stand-alone stories with different plots and main characters focusing on the theme of boys' love, also known as BL.



Orange 2016


One day, Naho Takamiya receives a letter written to herself from ten years in the future. As Naho reads on, the letter recites the exact events of the day, including the transfer of a new student into her class named Kakeru Naruse. The Naho from ten years later repeatedly states that she has many regrets, and she wants to fix these by making sure the Naho from the past can make the right decisions—especially regarding Kakeru. What's more shocking is that she discovers that ten years later, Kakeru will no longer be with them. Future Naho asks her to watch over him closely.


The Vision of Escaflowne

The Vision of Escaflowne 1996


High school student Hitomi is transported from Earth to the magical world of Gaea, where she meets boy prince Van Fanel, and is caught up in his quest to unite the countries of Gaea against the ominous Zaibach empire. On the way, she discovers an hidden ability and strives to unravel layers of mystery surrounding Van, his past, and the giant machine known as Escaflowne.


Doom at Your Service

Doom at Your Service 2021


A woman with only a short time to live and a man with the supernatural power to bring the world to an end discover the true meaning of life and love.


To All The Guys Who Loved Me

To All The Guys Who Loved Me 2020


Seo Hyun-Joo works as the leader of a webcomic planning team. She declares that she plans to remain single, but she receives confessions from two men: Hwang Ji-Woo and Park Do-Gyeom. Hwang Ji-Woo is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. He has a cold personality and excellent business ability. Park Do-Gyeom is a popular webcomic writer. He is a sociable person. He and Seo Hyun-Joo grew up like siblings, but he has held a crush on Seo Hyun-Joo for a long time.


A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd

A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd 2014


Kyotaro Kakei has always had an affinity towards books in hopes to find answers to his life. With a mentor's promise, he continues to search for a book with his absolute hope. However, this changes when he receives a foretelling message saying that "Today, something will happen that will change your fate. --From the Shepherd." Due to this premonition, his normal school life at Shiomoi Academy becomes entangled due to the optimistic Tsugumi Shirasaki and the Shimoi Happy Project.


Moonshine and Valentine

Moonshine and Valentine 2018


Guan Pi Pi lives a quiet life until a mysterious man named Helan Jing Ting appears. Jing Ting is blind when he’s under the sunlight, but has an excellent vision at night. Furthermore, he’s a vegetarian. He’s an expert when it comes to ancient jade and he always stares at the moon while listening to a serenade at night. At first, it seems like Pi Pi and Jing Ting met each other by coincidence, but they’re actually tied together by fate. However, Jing Ting’s father pronounced a curse on them: Pi Pi always dies a terrible death when she wants to reciprocate Jing Ting’s love. Jing Ting isn’t willing to give up though. Will he be able to change their fate in this life?


49 Days

49 Days 2011


After an accident shatters her storybook life, a comatose woman gets a second chance at life when a reaper from above intervenes, at a cost.


You Are My Destiny

You Are My Destiny 2020


Two people living on "parallel lines" were never meant to interact, but an unanticipated meeting transforms them into each other's destiny. On a cruise ship bound for Hungary, fledgling art editor Chen Jiaxin meets the highly-educated Wang Xiyi, heir to a huge conglomerate. Flaring passions are quickly followed by 'I do's'. Then shortly after the wedding Chen Jiaxin becomes pregnant. She prioritizes family over her career before suffering a miscarriage. Heartbroken, she journeys to Hungary alone. There she endures trials and tribulations. But with perseverance and help from friends, she becomes an accomplished potter. Meanwhile, over seven years of separation Wang Xiyi has matured into someone capable of raising a family. Since so much time has passed, history and possibility converge when the two meet by chance in Hungary.


Kokdu: Season of Deity

Kokdu: Season of Deity 2023


A fantasy medical drama about a high-ranking grim reaper named Kkok Du, who is the only being to exist in the underworld. Every 99 years, the cold and cruel Kkok Du must take a break from his job in the underworld and spend 49 days in the mortal realm—and this time, he winds up inhabiting the body of the human Do Jin Woo. While living as Do Jin Woo, he meets Han Gye Jeol, a female doctor who has the mysterious ability to order Kkok Du around.


Stepmom and Daughter Blues

Stepmom and Daughter Blues 2018


Eight-year-old Miyuki lost her mother several years ago and has since lived with just her father, Ryoichi. One day, she is suddenly introduced to Akiko, who is to be her new mother. Akiko uses her stellar business skills to try to win the little girl over, only to fail miserably. Ryoichi tries to reason with Miyuki, but to no avail. Akiko changes tactics and tries to get Shimoyama, a woman in the neighborhood who knows Miyuki well, on her side.


The Returned

The Returned 2012


In the shadow of an enormous hydraulic dam, the lives of the residents of a small French town are changed to their core when hundreds of previously dead relatives all return home on the same day.


King Maker: The Change of Destiny

King Maker: The Change of Destiny 2020


In the late 19th century, the Joseon Dynasty is in peril because the Kim Family abuses power. The king's power has already weakened, and the people are suffering famine and hardship. Choi Chon-joong is Joseon's best fortune teller and physiognomist, who lost people he loves to Kim Family. He swore to overthrow the Kims and reform the country. He read the hunger to power in Lee Ha-eung, a humble-looking member of the royal family, and decides to help him to set his son on the throne. Meanwhile, the Kims also find the heir to the throne, using Bong-ryun's special gift. Bong-ryun, the daughter of the current king, has the power of psychometry. While the royals and powerful politicians are making and breaking alliances to get ahold of the thrones, Chon-joong focuses on kingmaking that can bring Chosun a new era.


Good and Evil

Good and Evil 2021


Originally a celestial being guarding the myriad demons of Wangchuan, Chun Yao was mistakenly demoted and became the King of All Demons at Bailing Lake. He is reluctantly joined by the unfortunate Princess Hansheng of the Northern Kingdom, as they embark on a mythical journey to search for the "Destiny Book" and evade a "millennial catastrophe."