The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 1910


An early version of the classic, based more on the 1902 stage musical than on the original novel.


The Three Valises

The Three Valises 1912


Jim Allen accidentally finds a valise full of burglars' tools. At the same time he discovers that he has fallen heir to a $10,000 legacy. In order to secure the legacy he must be in a distant city on the following day. Being hard up, he decides to borrow the necessary carfare from his double, an unscrupulous broker named Harrington.


His First Ride

His First Ride 1907


A nicely-dressed man is riding on a bicycle. When he parks it a hobo quickly steals it, but he is clearly new at riding. He cannot manage to steer in a straight line, and it is not long before he becomes quite a hazard to pedestrians and to others in his path.


Her Bitter Lesson

Her Bitter Lesson 1912


Aurora Floyd elopes from boarding school with John Conyers, but hardly a week has elapsed before she discovers that she has married a worthless libertine. She appeals to her father for aid and advice and he finally pays Conyers to leave the country for a year, so that she can secure a divorce on the ground of desertion.



Dixieland 1913


A minstrel troupe is embarking for a tour of the South. Henry Clay appears on the scene wearing the frayed coat of a Confederate General. He borrows a guitar from one of the minstrel men and begins singing "Way down South in Dixie," and the story unfolds.


The Fifth String

The Fifth String 1913


Angelo Diotti, a violinist, although encouraged by the eulogy of the musical profession, fails to impress Mildred Wallace, with whom he is in love, by his efforts on the violin.


The Cruel Crown

The Cruel Crown 1914


Pandemonium follows the escape of the leopards, placed to guard the treasure-room in Umballah's palace.


The White Mouse

The White Mouse 1914


Billy Silver, a young trapper, lives with his wife and little baby up in the region of the snows. Billy is energetic and finds trapping profitable. One morning while he is out examining his traps, the cabin catches fire. In the distance he hears the cries of his wife for help, and hastening to the scene as rapidly as he can


Garrison's Finish

Garrison's Finish 1914


Billy Garrison, a successful young jockey, rides the favorite "Sis" in the Louisville Derby. He does not ride with his customary vigor and dash. He feels "doped" and entirely out of condition and as a consequence "Sis," instead of winning the race, trails in last under the wire. At the stables he is accused of throwing the race, but denies it.


The Spoilers

The Spoilers 1914


The Spoilers is a 1914 film directed by Colin Campbell. It is set in Nome, Alaska during the 1898 Gold Rush, with William Farnum as Roy Glennister, Kathlyn Williams as Cherry Malotte, and Tom Santschi as Alex McNamara. The film culminates in a spectacular saloon fistfight between Glennister and McNamara. It was adapted to screen by Lanier Bartlett from the Rex Beach novel of the same name.


The Still Alarm

The Still Alarm 1911


Mistaken identities and backstabbing partners


Lassoing a Lion

Lassoing a Lion 1915


Simon Valjon is inordinately jealous of his pretty, young wife, Mary, who, however, never gives him cause to doubt her fidelity and affection. The young couple have their home on a South African ranch in a neighborhood infested by wild beasts, particularly lions. Kimball, an artist, seeks their hospitality.


Crooked Trails

Crooked Trails 1916


Irene Norris returns to the ranch from boarding school. She sees Dick Taylor, ranch foreman, win over Poncho, and half-breed, in a bucking bronco contest. She admires Dick's ability as a rider, and a friendship springs up between them much to the rage of Poncho, who loves the girl.


In the King's Service

In the King's Service 1915


Rupert returns to his Canadian home after five years, an officer of the Royal Mounted Police, under orders to capture some illicit distillers. Jacques, an invalid, being unable to make farming pay, has, unknown to his sister, Philomel, been induced by Antoine, a suitor for the hand of Philomel, to join him in the illicit whiskey traffic.


The Two Ordeals

The Two Ordeals 1914


Kathlyn quickly recovers from the curious sensation of being forced to occupy an unwelcome throne in compliance with the scheming councilors of a fanatical people. The high priest prepares to go on with the ceremony of marrying her to Umballah, who is the mainspring of all her troubles


The Water Rat

The Water Rat 1913


Two young collegians, Anthony Markham, an enigmatic person, and Alan Strange, whose temperament is the direct antithesis of his friend, compete for the honors of swimming. Both men are aspirants for the hand of Rosalie Latimer, the daughter of the banker, Latimer, to whom Alan is the confidential secretary.


The Forged Parchment

The Forged Parchment 1914


The captain of the guards, who was deposed by Umballah, observes Kathlyn in a perilous plight in the third balcony of a burning building, and immediately rushes to Colonel Hare's residence, informing Bruce and the colonel of her tragic position.