
Disturbia 2007


Občutek krivde zaradi smrti očeta mladega Kala prisilijo v nepremišljen pretep, zaradi česar je obsojen na tri mesece hišnega pripora. V vročini poletnih počitnic mu ne preostane drugega, kot da z daljnogledom opazuje ljudi v okolici, dokler se v sosednjo hišo ne priseli simpatična Ashley, s katero se spoprijateljita. Skupaj pričneta opazovati nenavadno obnašanje soseda Turnerja, za katerega pričneta sumiti, da bi bil lahko vpleten v serijo umorov. Toda ker težavnemu mladeniču nihče ne verjame, morata sama poiskati resnico, kar nedolžno igro spremeni v smrtonosni boj na vse ali nič.


House Arrest

House Arrest 2018


The current mayor of the city of Sineozyorsk, Arkadiy Anikeyev, is caught taking a bribe on an especially large scale, after which, by a court decision, he is placed under house arrest and must stay for a long time at his place of residence in a communal apartment. Arkadiy is abandoned by his wife, to whom all the property was recorded. Once in a communal apartment, Anikeyev runs into Ivan Samsonov, with whom they were neighbors in a communal apartment in childhood. Leaving aside disagreements, Anikeyev decides to help Samsonov become the new mayor of Sineozyorsk, so that he will help to remove all charges from him.



Idiotsitter 2016


When wild child Gene is put under house arrest in her family's mansion, her parents hire buttoned-up nanny Billie to look after her. Trapped in each other’s company, the two strike up an unlikely friendship and cause all sorts of trouble. It's an odd-couple story that reaches new depths of depravity.



SCAMS 2019


Hit hard by the Lehman shock, a well-meaning young man joins a phone scam operation and gets increasingly embroiled in the underworld.