Misija: Nemogoče - Protokol duh

Misija: Nemogoče - Protokol duh 2011


Ko bomba zruši Kremlin, ruske oblasti za teroristično dejanje okrivijo skupino operativcev pod vodstvom agenta Ethana. Ameriška vlada zanika odgovornost in sproži "Protokol duh", s katerim zanika obstoj Ethanove skupine in ji odvzame vse privilegije. Na begu pred lastnimi in tujimi obveščevalnimi službami Ethan zbere skupino zvestih pomočnikov, da bi dokazali svojo nedolžnost in našli resnične teroriste. Toda med številnimi vratolomnimi akcijami morajo ves čas paziti, komu lahko zaupajo, saj se med njimi morda skriva izdajalec.


Dvojna igra

Dvojna igra 2009


Režiser srhljivega odvetniškega trilerja Michael Clayton predstavlja zgodbo o dveh premetenih korporacijskih vohunih, ki se odločita prevarati svoje delodajalce in s krajo informacij o skrivnem projektu na hitro obogateti. Z izkušnjami nekdanjih agentov CIE in MI6 se privlačna Claire in zviti Ray zapleteta v napeto mrežo nevarnih spletk, a ključno vprašanje je, do kolikšne mere lahko zaupata drug drugemu?


Bro&Marble in Dubai

Bro&Marble in Dubai 2023


Top celebrities travel to Dubai and engage in real 'Blue Marble' with unexpected challenges!


The Real Housewives of Dubai

The Real Housewives of Dubai 2022


As the 11th city in the franchise, the series highlights a group of women navigating their relationships, careers, and supremely lavish and ultra-wealthy lifestyles in the United Arab Emirates. With the desert paradise of Dubai as the backdrop, this billionaire's playground is known for its over-the-top opulence, jaw-dropping modern architecture and wild nightlife scene. Whether they're coasting on a private plane, running their own empires or hosting on a private island, these glamourous, successful women are ready to serve up scorching hot drama and unexpected twists.


Dream Deals

Dream Deals 2024


Dubai, the city of big real estate deals! We follow four German expats - Valeria, Sarah, Louisa and Edwin - as they work in one of the desert city's biggest real estate agencies. They are united by their dream of wealth, which they can quickly achieve by closing a mega-deal. Under the guidance of their demanding boss, they will not shy away from any challenge.