
Nažgani 2020


Martin je bil še nedavno tega najboljši učitelj na srednji šoli, zdaj pa je zapadel v globoko krizo. V razredu se pojavi le poredkoma, njegov zakon je v krizi. Nekega dne ga na rojstnodnevni zabavi prijatelji prepričajo, da začne popivati z njimi. Eden izmed njih pove zgodbo o filozofu, ki je zagovarjal tezo, da so ljudje rojeni s pol promila premalo alkohola v krvi. Svojim kolegom zato predlaga svojevrsten eksperiment: od zdaj naprej bodo vsak dan pili ravno toliko, da bodo vseskozi vzdrževali primerno raven alkohola v krvi. Zadeva sprva deluje, a kmalu na površje privrejo dolgo potlačene osebne težave. Se rešitev skriva v opustitvi ali v nadaljevanju tega nenavadnega poskusa?


Senca v mojih očeh

Senca v mojih očeh 2021


21. marca 1945 so se britanske kraljeve letalske sile odpravile na misijo bombardiranja sedeža Gestapa v Kopenhagnu. Napad je imel usodne posledice, saj so nekatere bombe po nesreči padle na šolo in umrlo je več kot 120 ljudi, od tega 86 otrok.


The Bridge

The Bridge 2011


When a body is found on the bridge between Denmark and Sweden, right on the border, Danish inspector Martin Rohde and Swedish Saga Norén have to share jurisdiction and work together to find the killer.


The House at Christianshavn

The House at Christianshavn 1970


Huset på Christianshavn was an 84-part television drama series broadcast in Denmark between 1970 and 1977. It was produced by the Nordisk Film company for the national broadcasting corporation, Denmarks Radio. 48 of the episodes were also shown in the German Democratic Republic. The series portrays the lives of the residents of a block of flats on Amagergade, Christianshavn, an old part of Copenhagen.


The Investigation

The Investigation 2020


Copenhagen Police's Homicide unit, headed by Jens Møller, tries to solve the murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall.


The Habitat

The Habitat 1970


When the young Filipino au pair Ruby disappears from one of Denmark's most affluent neighborhoods north of Copenhagen, the neighbor, Cecilie, becomes convinced that something has happened to her. Cecilie's own au pair, Angel, begins to investigate the rumors circulating among the area's many au pairs, while suspicions of a crime grow. However, the case of the missing foreigner is a low priority for the police, and the newly minted investigator Alicia needs all the assistance she can get.