Ključna beseda Giant Insect
Vesoljski bojevniki 1997
Johnny Rico se prostovoljno javi v vojsko, da bi osvojil srce očarljive Carmen Ibanez. Ko se med urjenjem zgodi tragična nesreča, Johnny spozna, da se je vojski pridružil zaradi napačnih razlogov. Ko hoče vojsko zapustiti, Zemljo napadejo orjaške žuželke, ki njegovo rojstno mesto zravnajo s tlemi. Zaradi smrti svoje družine in prijateljev se Johnnyjeva žalost prelevi v jezo in odloči se, da bo ostal v vojski ter se boril proti žuželkam. S svojo enoto odpotuje na oddaljene planete, da bi se boril proti neusmiljenemu sovražniku.
King Kong 2005
風の谷のナウシカ 1984
Jumanji 1995
Them! 1954
モスラ対ゴジラ 1964
Mimic 1997
Mysterious Island 1961
Mandibule 2021
Ko preprosta, ne ravno najbolj bistra prijatelja Jean-Gab in Manu v prtljažniku avtomobila najdeta orjaško muho, se odločita, da jo bosta udomačila in zdresirala. Prepričana sta namreč, da lahko z njo čez noč obogatita. Njuna ideja seveda naleti na mešane odzive med novimi – prav tako čudaškimi ali vsaj čudnimi – prijatelji in neznanci, ki jih srečata na svojem popotovanju.
Empire of the Ants 1977
空の大怪獸 ラドン 1956
Ice Spiders 2007
劇場版 巨蟲列島 2020
The Nest 1988
Monster Island 2004
Stung 2015
大日本人 2007
Mushiking: The Guardians of the Forest 2005
Popo, and his family were harmoniously living with the insects in the forest until one day when his father left him and gave him a mysterious pendant with magical powers. Now, with mysterious events happened to his mother, he must travel with his newly found companions to the forest to solve the mysteries bound in the east.
Godzilla: The Series 1998
Picking up where the blockbuster motion picture left off, Godzilla: The Series is a fast-paced animated adventure series that pits humanity against a new generation of giant monsters.
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles 1999
The exploits of the Mobile Infantry squad, "Razak's Roughnecks," during the SICON–Bugs War between a newly united humanity and an extraterrestrial race, known as the "Bugs," also sometimes referred to as Arachnids.
Mysterious Island 2005
During the Civil War five survivors escape from a prison camp in Richmond, Virginia by hot air balloon and find themselves on an uncharted island in the Pacific. Far from any kind of known civilization, the island is inhabited with carnivorous monsters, bloodthirsty pirates, and mad genius Captain Nemo, who lives on the island for his own secretive ends.
Walking with Monsters 2005
A three-part British documentary film series about life in the Paleozoic, bringing to life extinct arthropods, fish, amphibians, synapsids, and reptiles. Narrated by Kenneth Branagh and using state-of-the-art visual effects, this prequel to Walking with Dinosaurs shows nearly 300 million years of Paleozoic history, from the Cambrian Period (530 million years ago) to the Early Triassic Period (248 million years ago).
Hive 1970
It depicts a story that takes place when human civilization is threatened by the appearance of giant insects and the atmospheric condition of the earth, which has returned to its pristine state after the city is destroyed.