Ljubezen je slepa

Ljubezen je slepa 2023


Sophia je štiridesetletna profesorica filozofije, ki z Xavierjem živi v trdni, a nekoliko predvidljivi zvezi. Desetletje njunega odnosa je minilo na odprtjih razstav in ob neskončnih večerjah s prijatelji iz podobnega okolja. Nekega dne se mora Sophia odpraviti na sestanek z obrtnikom, ki bo obnavljal njuno počitniško hišo na podeželju. Tako Sophia spozna rokodelca Sylvaina, ki ji v enem dnevu zmeša glavo. Sophia se zaljubi do ušes in prav tako tudi Sylvain. Med njima se razvije romanca, ki kar traja, in nikakor ne moreta eden brez drugega. Jasno je, da sta si zelo različna, in jasno je, da se nasprotja privlačijo. Toda ali tudi trajajo?


Morilec mehkega srca

Morilec mehkega srca 2000


Nicholas je mladi zobozdravnik, ki živi mirno, vendar z neznosno žensko, v svoji prijetni hiši poleg Montreala. Nikolajev svet se bo obrnil na glavo, ko se bo pojavil njegov novi sosed Jimmy "Tulipan", prestrašeni in cenjeni moški. Po tem, ko je v zaporu poslal svojega šefa, mafijskega šefa Yannija Gogolacka, zdaj poskuša začeti novo, tiho življenje v predmestnem Montrealu. Vseeno pa je Nicholas intrigantna žena samo sanjala s sanje, ko ga prisili, da odleti v Chicago, da bi opozoril mafijo, da je Jimmy v Montrealu, da pobere nagrado smrečice. Nicholas, ki bi storil karkoli, da bi se oddaljil od žene, pristane na izvedbo načrta, saj verjame, da bo morda zbral dovolj denarja, da jo zapusti in izgine


Zbiralec zivljenj

Zbiralec zivljenj 2004


Francosko-kanadska policija v Montrealu pokliče posebnega agenta FBI-ja Illeana Scotta (Angelina Jolie), specializiranega za psihološko profiliranje, da poskuša ujeti serijskega morilca, za katerega se zdi, da domneva identiteto svojih žrtev. Pri preiskavi pomaga pojav Jamesa Costa (Ethan Hawke), priče, ki je morilca videl prav tak, kot je bil z eno od svojih žrtev.


Rdeče sobe

Rdeče sobe 2023


Kelly-Anne je mlada ženska, ki jo navdušuje odmevni kazenski proces proti serijskemu morilcu Ludovicu Chevalierju, saj je obsedena z njim. Ko se realnost preplete z njenimi morbidnimi fantazijami, se poda v temni svet kibernetskega kriminala, da bi našla manjkajoči videoposnetek smrti 13-letnega dekleta, ki bi dokončno dokazal Ludovicovo krivdo ali nedolžnost.


Rue des Pignons

Rue des Pignons 1966


Rue des Pignons was a French-Canadian TV series which ran from 1966 to 1977. Radio-Canada has reportedly lost most of the episodes of the series, only managing to trace about 35 of the 427 episodes from 1966 to 1977. The program's theme song was composed and recorded by Pierre Brabant who also played much of the show's background music.


District 31

District 31 2016


After years of keeping his detectives at the headquarters, the Montreal PD has decided to reassign them to neighbourhood precincts in an effort to get closer to the population. Nadine Legrand and Patrick Bissonnette have to find their footing in their new work place: District 31.


The Killer Inside

The Killer Inside 2014


Psychological crime series following the investigations of interrogation experts Julie Beauchemin and Maxime Moreli.



19-2 2014


The day-to-day life of two unwilling partners of the Montreal Police Department, Officers Nick Barron and Ben Chartier. These two beat cops patrol the urban sprawl of downtown's 19th district, in cruiser No. 2. 19-2 is about the tensions and bonds that develop between two incompatible men of very different temperaments and life experiences. Over time, Nick and Ben's mistrust and antagonism for each other give way to moments of mutual respect and a wavering chance at a true partnership.



Outbreak 2020


A dangerous virus appears in a group of homeless people, causing a risk of outbreak. How long will it take Anne-Marie Leclerc, director of the Emergency Public Health Laboratory, to realize that an actual epidemic is starting to take shape?


Six degrés

Six degrés 2021


The life of Léon, a half-sighted man, was turned upside down when his mother died. Since retrograde skydiving is part of the biological son's family, it is not the same. Fortunately, since you are in Florence, you look at it further and the way more, because just like lazy everything is different.


Caméra Café

Caméra Café 2002


'Caméra Café' tells the daily life of employees at a Montreal branch of a large Toronto company through the camera hidden inside a coffee machine installed upon request of the big boss.



Cheval-Serpent 2017


The Cheval-Serpent is a male strip club with a sulphurous reputation whose success cannot be denied thanks to the work and vigilance of its owner and manager. But a change at Montreal's City Hall has repercussions on the bar and puts the institution in danger...


Une grenade avec ça?

Une grenade avec ça? 2002


A sitcom set in the struggling Montreal franchise of a fictional multinational fast-food chain.


Chambres en ville

Chambres en ville 1989


This serial portrays the lives of young people in a student residence. Louise, who owns the house, has had to play every role imaginable, including mother, nurse, confidant, psychologist and probation officer. With their affection for Louise, it's no wonder they come back every year. Some manage to stand on their own two feet, but Louise is always there for them.



Scoop 1992


Follow both the professional and personal lives of reporters working for The Express, a daily Montréal Newspaper.



Trop 2017


The existence of two sisters is jostled when the youngest, Anaïs, joins her eldest, Isabelle, in Montreal (Canada). What seems like a happy reunion is a little less funny when Isabelle finds out that her little sister is living with bipolar disorder.


La Petite Patrie

La Petite Patrie 1974


La Petite patrie was a French Canadian television programme from Quebec. It was broadcast between 1974 and 1976. This television serial of Claude Jasmin told the life of a district of Montreal formed by the quadrilateral of the streets Saint-Denis, Beaubien, St-Hubert and Bélanger the shortly after the war. The main character and narrator of this television serial was Clément Germain, adolescent of 17 years who lived in this district with his family. Through the memories of Clément, viewers discovered this neighborhood during the years of Duplessis; with its trams, its ice deliverymen, its guénillou and its anglophone Chinese launderer among others. At that time, bread cost 5 cents, Maurice Richard was at the peak of his glory and the Rivoli theatre had not yet been replaced by a Jean-Coutu.


Les Invincibles

Les Invincibles 2005


Les Invincibles is a comedy/drama television series from Radio-Canada produced by Casablanca Productions and Alliance Atlantis Vivafilm. The story is about four twenty-something men signing a pact ordaining the simultaneous break-up of their current relationships, and the subsequent adoption of a common responsibility-free life. In 2006, the show won an "Olivier" for best drama series. The third and last season ended on March 25, 2009. A remake of the series was made in France. Filming began in Strasbourg in August 2008 and the show was broadcast on the Franco-German Arte network in Fall 2009.


Fries with That?

Fries with That? 2004


Four high-school students work at a local hamburger joint called Bulky's -- but they are far more interested in their friends, fashion, dating and sports than they are in serving the customers. Not so assistant manager Ben, who takes his job very seriously.


L'âge adulte

L'âge adulte 2017


Alex is a happy and fulfilling young man: he is a sportsman, he has a career, a fiancee, friends ... He comes from a family of three whose mother died recently. Has always been the pillar of the family, the "perfect" child. But after a short coma, he becomes sexually attracted by men ... This change of sexual orientation creates a shock wave with his clan.


Victor Lessard

Victor Lessard 2017


At the heart of Victor Lessard is a troubled cop and an addictive, unpredictable mystery. The murders are strange and unsettling, the work of a deeply disturbed mind. And as Victor goes deeper into the mystery, untangling the clues, trying desperately (and in vain) to stop more murders from occurring, his own behaviour becomes more erratic.