Vzpon Planeta opic

Vzpon Planeta opic 2011


V ospredju prednadaljevanja Planeta opic je Caesar, superinteligentni šimpanz, ki ga je s poskusom ustvaril ambiciozni znanstvenik; žival povede opičjo raso v upor proti človeštvu, ki utegne spremeniti usodo planeta. Nadarjeni mladi znanstvenik Will Rodman skuša s pomočjo kolegice Caroline Aranha odkriti novo zdravilo, zato prične z genetskimi poskusi na opicah. Najbolj uspešni opičji testni primerek Caesar začne kmalu kazati znake višje inteligence, a vedno znova naleti na neodobravanje ljudi, ki se ga bojijo in ga želijo za vedno ohraniti za rešetkami. Toda s pomočjo novih spoznanj Caesar uide in sproži upor inteligentnih opic proti človeštvu. Vojna med ljudmi in opicami grozi, da bo za vselej spremenila usodo sveta.



Oče 2020


Anthony je uglajen, ponosen star gospod. Živi sam v svojem razkošnem londonskem stanovanju, v družbi knjig, klasične glasbe in modro-sivih odtenkov notranje opreme. Svojemu udobnemu upokojenskemu življenju se niti slučajno ne namerava odpovedati. Demenca, Alzheimerjeva bolezen in druge oblike postopne izgube spomina so večne filmske teme najbrž zato, ker ljudje svojo identiteto tako tesno povezujemo s spomini. Kdo smo, če ne skupek doživetij in odnosov? Kaj ostane, ko se vse to začne razkrajati? Francosko-britanska drama o upokojenem inženirju je neolepšan, a dostojanstven portret osebe z demenco, v kateri blesti britanski igralec Anthony Hopkins. The Father je nominiran za šest oskarjev.


Morilčev spomin

Morilčev spomin 2022


Ko Alex, izkušen poklicni morilec, ne želi dokončati dela za nevarno kriminalno združbo, postane on njihova tarča. Sledi nakopičenih trupel raziskujejo agenti FBI in mehiške obveščevalne službe, le te pa jih pripeljejo bližje Alexu. Vendar pa ima izkušeni morilec vse spretnosti, da ostane v prednosti pred njimi, razen ene stvari: bori se s hudo obliko izgube spomina, kar vse bolj vpliva na vsak njegov korak. To ga ne pripelje le do dvoma, komu sploh lahko zaupa, ampak tudi do dvoma ali sploh lahko zaupa samemu sebi.


Ameriško leposlovje

Ameriško leposlovje 2023


Pisatelj, ki je naveličan, da se oblast okorišča s "črnsko" industrijo, s psevdonimom napiše knjigo, ki ga popelje v osrčje hipokrizije in norosti, ki naj bi jo preziral.


Prijatelja samo za seks

Prijatelja samo za seks 2011


Režiser prebrisane komedije Lahka punca prikazuje nenavadno srečanje dveh popolnih nasprotij: zapeljivi Ben išče popolno žensko, Sara pa si želi partnerja, s katerim bi si ustvarila družino. Neuspešno iskanje ju združi v postelji, vendar z obljubo, da gre zgolj za prijateljski seks brez obveznosti. Med čakanjem na idealnega partnerja se njune posteljne avanture spreminjajo v strastno razmerje, toda strah priznanja ljubezni ju postavi pred največjo življenjsko preizkušnjo.



Ločitev 2011


Farhadi zgodbo začne na sodišču, kjer Nader in Simin zabijata zadnji žebelj v krsto, v kateri počiva njun propadli zakon. Simin je vso energijo usmerila v urejanje potrebne dokumentacije za imigracijo na zahod. Nader je že od začetka nasprotoval. Simin je uredila vizume za celo družino, Nader ni želel zapustiti domovine in ostarelega očeta, ki boleha s hudo obliko alzheimerjeve bolezni. Ker nista našla skupnega jezika sta se počasi oddaljila in na koncu končala na sodišču, z vlogo za ločitev. Zdaj Simin želi od sodišča doseči razsodbo, ki ji dodeljuje skrbništvo nad njuno najstniško hčerko Termeh. S takšno odločbo v žepu, bi skupaj s hčerko lahko zapustila Iran. Termeh bi lahko odšla z materjo tudi z očetovo privolitvijo, toda zdi se, da Termeh v resnici ne želi oditi in svojo majhno manipulacijo poskuša ohraniti propadajoči zakon.



Noel 2004




Iris 2001




Klan 1997


Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.


Wonderful Mama

Wonderful Mama 2013


Wonderful Mama is a 2013 South Korean television series starring Bae Jong-ok, Jeong Yu-mi and Jung Gyu-woon. It premiered on April 13, 2013, and ended on September 22, 2013, airing on SBS every Saturday and Sunday at 20:40 for 48 episodes.



Mother 2010


Yasuko Matsuyuki plays the part of Nao Suzuhara, an elementary school teacher. When she realizes that one of the female students is receiving abuse from her mother, Nao's maternal instincts kick in, and she impulsively decides to bring the girl into her own care. Serving as a substitute mother, Nao takes the child on a trip from Hokkaido to Tokyo, and the two experience various events together along the way.


The Wind Blows

The Wind Blows 2019


Do-Hoon and Soo-Jin are a married couple. Do-Hoon learns that he has Alzheimer's disease. He decides to divorce Soo-Jin out of concern for her future. The couple divorces.


The Light in Your Eyes

The Light in Your Eyes 2019


Time manipulation comes with a steep price for a young woman, who becomes 78 years old overnight after using a mysterious watch.


Dear My Friends

Dear My Friends 2016


Life is ever-delightful — and ever-challenging — for a group of friends in their twilight years as they rediscover themselves through love and family.


Une autre histoire

Une autre histoire 2019


At 53, Anémone learns that she suffers from early Alzheimer's. The life she chose, to forget the first, is about to switch ... For, almost 30 years ago, Anémone, who was then called Manon, had to leave a life of violence, leaving behind her three young children. Fortunately, Lise, a kind-hearted lady, welcomed her with open arms into her home, which at the time housed women in difficulty in the small municipality of Belleville. Under a new identity and in this other life that she was built, Anémone, now thanatopracticer, flows for happier days surrounded by her children from a second union: Karla, the eldest back home, Simon, a young father who inherited his father's renovation business, and Olivia, his adopted youngest daughter who follows in his footsteps. At the announcement of the diagnostic hereditary potential, the old life of Anémone, unknown to all his relatives, comes to haunt her again. Will she have the strength and the courage to find her first children, Caroline, Sebastien and Jean-Olivier, before completely forgetting them? What will have been the fate of these children raised by Ronald and his own mother in difficult conditions? And most importantly, how will they react the day they learn that Manon is still alive? Anémone will then have to give an account ... In addition to coping with her diagnosis, Anémone meets the new director of the funeral home for which she works, Vincent, a mysterious man who observes relentlessly and with whom she will develop a troubling relationship. But what is Vincent looking for? Would he hide, too ... Another story?


Thank You

Thank You 2007


Gi Seo is a renowned doctor at the top of his profession, but he’s racked with guilt because he wasn’t able to save his girlfriend, Ji Min, who was HIV-positive. He escapes to work on a small island and fulfill Ji Min’s dying wish: to find a little girl named Bom who she accidentally infected with HIV while she was a medical intern. Bom lives on the island with her single mom Young Shin and grandfather, who has dementia. Gi Seo grows increasingly fond of the family and finds a reason to live again, discovering beautiful miracles on the island.


The Patriarch

The Patriarch 2023


Nemo Bandera (Amendola) is one of the most influential businessmen in Puglia. His assets originate from illicit trafficking whose proceeds were invested in Deep Sea, the profitable company inherited from his father-in-law and used as a cover. One day, all of Nemo’s certainties collapse: he discovers that he is suffering from Alzheimer’s. Shocked by the news, he decides to hide it while choosing who will inherit his empire.


The Most Beautiful Goodbye

The Most Beautiful Goodbye 2017


An ordinary middle-aged woman has devoted her life to her family. She is diagnosed with terminal cancer and must prepare her goodbye to her family.


Don't Forget Me

Don't Forget Me 2018


Nao Kitazawa’s life is good. She is busy working as a doctor at a women’s clinic, and will be getting married in a month to Yuichi Ihara, an older doctor who fits her ideal characteristics of a perfect marriage partner. However, on the day of her move to her new home, she meets Shinji Mamiya, a part-time mover, and is instantly love-struck. After Nao’s aggressive approach, Shinji soon starts to feel the same way. When Nao’s mother, Kaoru, finds out about their mutual feelings, she instantly disapproves saying that their background and level of education are just too different. Just around this time, Nao starts to show signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease…



Exile 2011


Exile is a British psychological thriller television series dealing with the topic of Alzheimer's disease against a background of corruption. It stars John Simm and Jim Broadbent and was broadcast on BBC One. The series received varyingly positive reviews. John Simm received a BAFTA nomination for his role as Tom Ronstadt, as did the director John Alexander.


Malcolm and Barbara: A Love Story

Malcolm and Barbara: A Love Story 1999


A chronicle of four years in the life of Malcolm and Barbara Pointon, charting Malcolm's descent into Alzheimer's dementia and Barbara's tireless care for a once-loving husband who now scarcely recognizes her.