
Substanca 2024


Elisabeth Sparkle, 50-letna zvezdnica v zatonu kariere se odloči uporabiti zdravilo s črnega trga, snov za razmnoževanje celic, ki začasno ustvari mlajšo, lepšo in popolnejšo različico nje same. Vendar pa uporaba te substance ni brez stranskih učinkov, saj so pogoji za njeno uporabo zastrašujoči in groteskni.



Irec 2019


Film je priredba knjige Charlesa Brandta I Heard You Paint Houses in prikazuje s kriminalom prepojeno življenje Franka Sheerana, “izvršilca dolžnosti” mafijske družine Bufalino ter skrivnostno izginotje sindikalca Jimmyja Hoffe, ki naj bi ga Sheeran leta 1975 tudi ubil.



Old 2021



Kako biti latino ljubimec

Kako biti latino ljubimec 2017


Komedija o razvajenem žigolu, ki se je po propadlem zakonu z 80-letnico primoran naučiti živeti samostojno. Maximo, profesionalni žigolo, se socialno dviguje po družbeni lestvici na račun starejših, bogatih vdov. Po 25 letih zakona ga njegova 80 letna žena da na čevelj in si poišče družbo mladega prodajalca avtomobilov. Maximo je primoran, da se odseli iz dvorca in mora prositi svojo odtujeno sestro, da ga sprejme pod streho. V realnem svetu ga čakajo izzivi vsakdanjega življenja, a zapeljivec že kuje načrte, kako bo zaslužil s svojevrstnimi talenti.



Ljubezen 2012


Georges in Anne sta upokojena učitelja glasbe, ki živita zadovoljno in umirjeno življenje v svojem pariškem stanovanju, predana drug drugemu in svoji strasti do glasbe. Njuna hči, prav tako glasbenica, prebiva s svojo družino v tujini. Nekega dne Anne zadane kap. Čeprav si opomore, se njeno stanje hitro slabša. Brezpogojna ljubezen starega para se znajde še pred zadnjo preizkušnjo. Film je med drugim prejel oskarja za najboljši tujejezični film in zlato palmo.


The Kominsky Method

The Kominsky Method 2018


An aging actor, who long ago enjoyed a brush with fame, makes his living as an acting coach.


In Time with You

In Time with You 2011


In Time with You is a 2011 Taiwanese romance drama written by Xu Yu Ting and directed by Winnie Chu. It stars Ariel Lin and Bolin Chen as the main characters. In Korea, it was literally known as "The Conditions of Love". The series won several awards on the 47th Golden Bell Awards including Best Actress; Best Actor; and Best Television Series.


Golden Years

Golden Years 1991


A science lab's elderly janitor is caught in an explosion and inexplicably begins getting younger, making him a target for a sinister agency.


Sensitive Skin

Sensitive Skin 2005


Bittersweet comedy about a 61-year-old former model trying to cope with life in London.


Mother and Son

Mother and Son 1984


Mother and Son was a multiple Logie Award-winning Australian television sitcom produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation from 16 January 1984 until 21 March 1994. The show stars Ruth Cracknell, Garry McDonald, Henri Szeps and Judy Morris. It was created and written by Geoffrey Atherden AM. Its classic theme song features the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, playing to I Want a Girl, a jazz standard which was recorded by Al Jolson in the 1920s.


Big John, Little John

Big John, Little John 1976


Big John, Little John was an American Saturday-morning situation comedy, produced by Sherwood Schwartz, which starred Herbert Edelman as "Big John" and Robert "Robbie" Rist as "Little John." The show first aired on September 11, 1976 on NBC, and ran for one season of 13 episodes. The series was produced by Redwood Productions in association with D'Angelo-Bullock-Allen Productions.


63 Up

63 Up 2019


Over nearly six decades, the series has documented the group as they have become adults and entered middle-age, dealing with everything life has thrown at them in between. Now, as the group reach retirement age, the series is back to discover what they are doing…


Aging in the Wild

Aging in the Wild 2017


Aging in the Wild is a five-part series that takes a never-before seen look at the golden years in the animal kingdom. Against the backdrop of some of the world's most magnificent nature reserves, national parks, and wilderness areas this series brings viewers on a journey around the globe to meet some of nature’s most interesting elders. Each episode focuses on the story of a different animal and the challenges they face as they age.


Miriam's Dead Good Adventure

Miriam's Dead Good Adventure 2019


Inimitable actress Miriam Margolyes is on a mission to confront her fear of ageing and death and tackle our greatest taboo - our own mortality.


Last Days

Last Days 2018


Photographer Lieve Blancquaert travels around the world to show how different cultures deal with aging and death.