Skrivnostna sled

Skrivnostna sled 2006


Rupert Angier (Jackman) in Alfred Borden (Bale) sta slavna londonska čarovnika, ki poleg izrednih spretnosti, očarljivosti in talenta posedujeta tudi močno tekmovalno žilico. Njuno rivalstvo za zdaj še ni ušlo nadzoru, toda kmalu se vse to spremeni. Nekega dne Alfred izvede osupljivo iluzijo, za katero se zdi, da zanjo ne obstaja nobena logična razlaga. Razjarjeni Rupert je odločen, da bo odkril najgloblje skrivnosti svojega tekmeca. Njun odnos se tako spremeni v goreče sovraštvo, ki ju popolnoma prevzame in slabo vpliva na njuno poklicno ter zasebno življenje.


Mojstri iluzij 2

Mojstri iluzij 2 2016


Skupina osupljivih čarovnikov Štirje jezdeci se po letu dni skrivanja znova predstavi javnosti. Toda poleg pretentanega agenta FBI-ja Dylana in pronicljivega Thaddeusa, ki se želita Jezdecem maščevati za njuno preteklo ponižanje, se jim tokrat po robu postavi bogati prevarant Walter. S svojim poznavanjem sodobne tehnologije Jezdecem predstavlja nerazložljive uganke, toda neustrašna četverica se pod vodstvom premetenega Atlasa pogumno sooči z velikimi izzivi. S povsem novimi nemogočimi triki zabrišejo mejo med resnico in fantazijo in ustvarijo najbolj neverjetno potegavščino vseh časov.



Žarišče 2015


Nicky, nekdaj prefinjeni tat, zdaj veteran, pod svoje okrilje vzame atraktivno žensko Jess in jo vpelje v svet prevar. Vendar se stvari zakomplicirajo, ko se med njima začnejo napletati romantična čustva.


Rekvijem za sanje

Rekvijem za sanje 2000


Sara živi sama v svojem stanovanju na Coney Islandu; bivanje pred televizijskim zaslonom je vsakodnevna stalnica, še posebej med njeno priljubljeno oddajo, nekakšnim križancem med talk-showom in kvizom. Njen sin Harry jo občasno obišče, predvsem pa premišljuje o tem, kako najlažje priti do denarja. Odgovor je na dlani: s preprodajo drog. Nekega dne Sara po pošti prejme sporočilo, da je izbrana za gostovanje v oddaji, toda njena rdeča obleka, edina spodobna cunja v omari, je občutno preozka. Potrebno bo hujšanje, in če ne gre po naravni poti, bo šlo s pomočjo kemije ...



Hope 2015



Wonder Egg Priority

Wonder Egg Priority 2021


Ai, a young girl with shut-in tendencies, who tries not to interact with others. She keeps one of her eyes hidden behind her hair. One day, she happens to stop by a deserted arcade, where she meets "Aka." Spinning the gacha at their urging, she acquires a "Wonder Egg," and from that moment, her fate begins to change...


Hatena Illusion

Hatena Illusion 2020


Years ago, many magical "Artifacts" were stolen and scattered throughout the world. They fell into the hands of people who were not supposed to know of their existence. The Hoshisato family of magicians has special access to the Artifacts, and they take it upon themselves to return them to their rightful place. Despite her inexperience, Kana wishes to aid her parents, doing her best to improve. Meanwhile, her childhood friend Makoto has come to their mansion to study magic under her father's tutelage. Hatena is excited to see her friend again, only to be utterly disappointed when the person she thought to be a girl all these years turns out to be a boy. Before long, Makoto comes to know of the Artifacts. Unfazed, he continues to strive to fulfill his promises and stay true to why he learns magic - to ease the sadness of people around him and, most importantly, to become a person worthy of being Hatena's partner.


Magic for Humans

Magic for Humans 2018


From baffling people on the street to orchestrating elaborate tricks, Justin Willman blends good-natured magic with grown-up laughs.


Dynamo: Magician Impossible

Dynamo: Magician Impossible 2011


Tipped as the most exciting British magician to emerge in decades, Dynamo: Magician Impossible is the story of an ordinary boy from Bradford living an extraordinary life. The series sees the 28-year-old travelling the globe as the unassuming anti-hero who just happens to astound everyone he meets, whether it's an international footballer or Hollywood actor. Throughout the series, Dynamo: Magician Impossible will take viewers on his magical journey before stunning them with incredible, headline-grabbing stunts beyond the realms of possibility.


Défier la magie

Défier la magie 2015


Three magicians pool their resources to invent magic tricks from challenges proposed by well-known public figures who are fans of magic, skeptics, or even both at the same time.



Diversion 2017


Six magic artists—illusionists, quick change specialists and even pickpocket artists—create a one-of-a-kind experience.