Zadnji dobri možje

Zadnji dobri možje 1992


Ni ga seznama najbolj znanih filmskih citatov, ki ne bi vseboval fraze »You can’t handle the truth!«. Film režiserja Roba Reinerja (Stand by Me, Misery, The Bucket List), A Few Good Men, predstavi polkovnika Nathan R. Jessupa (Jack Nicholson), arogantnega poveljnika mornariške baze Guantanamo Bay na Kubi in Daniela Kafeeja (Tom Cruise), mladega samozavestnega odvetnika, ki v finalnem aktu filma polkovnika Jessupa skuša pripraviti do priznanja, da je ta ukazal »rdečo kodo«, ustrahovalni postopek za mlade marince, ki je botroval k smrti enega izmed častnikov. Kljub dramatičnemu zaključku, pa je film A Few Good Men mnogo več kot le verbalni dvoboj med Cruseom in Nicholsonom. Odvetniška drama s pridihom komedije in trilerja, ki je bila prirejena po gledališki igri, predstavi ideje kot so dolžnosti vojakov, naravo konformnosti, preganjanje šibkih in slepo sledenje avtoriteti.


Od tod do večnosti

Od tod do večnosti 1953


Film se dogaja med drugo svetovno vojno leta 1941. Vojaka Roberta E. Lee Prewitta na lastno željo premestijo v vojaško oporišče na Havajih. Njegov novi nadrejeni, načelnik Dana Holmes, je slišal o njegovih boksarskih spretnostih in bi ga rad spravil v vojaško boksarsko ekipo. Ker pa je Prew odločen, da je z boksom zaključil, se načelnik Holmes odloči, da ga bo prisilil k vstopu v ekipo, zato ga neprestano ponižuje ter mu nalaga dodatna dela. Edini, ki mu stoji ob strani je njegov dobri prijatelj Angelo Maggio. Medtem ima načelnikov pomočnik narednik Warden strastno afero z načelnikovo ženo, Dano Holmes. Prewitt, ki pod vsem pritiskom še vedno noče popustiti in začeti ponovno boksati, nekega večera obišče mesto, kjer se zaljubi v prostitutko Lorene. Kmalu zatem Maggia ubije sadistični narednik Fatso Judson, s katerim sta bila že dlje časa v sporu. Prewitt se odloči, da bo Maggia maščeval, zato se nekega dne z narednikom Judsonom spopadeta.



NVA 2005




Manhattan 2014


Set against the backdrop of the greatest clandestine race against time in the history of science with the mission to build the world's first atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Flawed scientists and their families attempt to co-exist in a world where secrets and lies infiltrate every aspect of their lives.


The Lieutenant

The Lieutenant 1963


The Lieutenant is an American television series, the first created by Gene Roddenberry. It aired on NBC on Saturday evenings in the 1963–1964 television schedule. It was produced by Arena Productions, one of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's most successful in-house production companies of the 1960s. Situated at Camp Pendleton, the West Coast base of the U.S. Marine Corps, The Lieutenant focuses on the men of the Corps in peace time with a Cold War backdrop. The title character is Second Lieutenant William Tiberius Rice, a rifle platoon leader and one of the training instructors at Camp Pendleton. An hour-long drama, The Lieutenant explores the lives of enlisted Marines and general officers alike. The series was released on DVD in two half-season sets by the Warner Archive Collection on August 14, 2012.


We Are Who We Are

We Are Who We Are 2020


Two American kids who live on a U.S. military base in Italy explore friendship, first love, identity, and all the messy exhilaration and anguish of being a teenager.


From Here to Eternity

From Here to Eternity 1979


The lives of the men and families of G Company, 24th Infantry Division, United States Army, on the eve of the attack on Pearl Harbor.



Angkor 2000


Angkor is the beautiful daughter of a high rank officer of Cambodia. Before she was born, her father had slain a tiger. The spirit of the tiger lives on inside of Angkor and possesses her when she looses herself to her anger. An inner struggle in Cambodia forces Angkor and her friend/body guard, Koytee, to flee to Thailand. Along the way, they get separated. Angkor eventually arrives at the refugee camp in Thailand alone awaiting Koytee. There Angkor meets Pookong Kan, who was secretly sent to investigate the case of several missing and deadly war weapons that may be linked to a few of the officer's corruption. By chance, Angkor gets mixed up and becomes an important witness to the murder of Pookong Kan's comrades by Muad Rit.