Ključna beseda Saint
Skrito življenje 2019
Franz Jägerstätter je mlad moški, ki z ženo in tremi hčerami živi v nemški vasici St. Radegund. Ko izbruhne druga svetovna vojna, Franza vpokličejo v vojsko. Potem ko je zdoma že več mesecev, družino postane strah, da bi lahko tudi njega poslali v boj. Nacistične oblasti od Franza zahtevajo, da zapriseže zvestobo Adolfu Hitlerju in tretjemu rajhu. Sovaščani ga prepričujejo, naj se tej zahtevi ne upira, a Jägerstätter se zateče k ugovoru vesti in zavrne odhod na fronto, pa čeprav se zaveda, da ga bo to privedlo v zapor ali celo v smrt. Mladenič najde moč za soočenje z dolgim sodnim procesom v ljubezni do svoje družine in upa predvsem na to, da bi se vojna morija čim prej končala.
Остров 2006
There Be Dragons 2011
Simón del desierto 1965
Francesco 1989
Man of God 2021
Saint Joan 1957
Ignatius of Loyola 2016
Francis of Assisi 1961
Maria Goretti 2003
The Reluctant Saint 1962
Sant'Agostino 2010
Roque Santeiro 1985
In the tiny poor town of Asa Branca, in the middle of Brazilian Northeast, Roque Santeiro is worshiped as a saint. He was supposedly killed by a bandit, 18 years ago, trying to save the local church. After his disappearance, local leaderships such as landowner Sinhozinho Malta and mayor Florindo, took profit on that to control the humble population. They even make up a widow, Porcina, who should have married Roque secretly before his death. What they don't expect is that Roque is alive, and he's back to, allegedly, "save his people". Now Malta, Florindo, Porcina, and others must hold him down and explain the "truth" to their commoners, in a desperate attempt to save their own bottoms. Meanwhile, mysterious facts surround Asa Branca, such as a Werewolf, a film crew who are trying to shoot a movie about Roque's story, and violent murderers.
Crónica de un hombre santo 1990
The life, work and death of the Chilean Jesuit priest and founder of "Hogar de Cristo" (Home of Christ), San Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga.