Vrvež v moji glavi 2

Vrvež v moji glavi 2 2024


Vrvež v moji glavi 2 se vrača v misli najstnice Riley, ravno v trenutku, ko se začenja prenova njenega možganskega nadzornega centra, kjer se ustvarja nov prostor za nekaj povsem nepričakovanega – nova Čustva! Veselje, Žalost, Jeza, Strah in Gnus, ki že dolgo uspešno vodijo čustvene operacije, niso prepričani, kako se počutijo, ko se med njimi pojavi Tesnoba, za katero pa se zdi, da ni prišla popolnoma sama.



Kaskader 2024


Kaskader Colt Seavers se po nesreči, ki je skoraj končala njegovo kariero, vrača pred kamere. Izslediti mora tudi pogrešano filmsko zvezdo, razrešiti zaroto in poskušati pridobiti nazaj ljubezen svojega življenja, medtem ko še vedno opravlja svoje vsakdanje delo.


Jaz, baraba

Jaz, baraba 2010


Ustvarjalci animiranih komedij Ledena doba in Horton predstavljajo nenavadno življenje zlobneža Gruja, ki se skuša v zgodovino človeštva vpisati kot največja baraba, kar jih je kdaj živelo. Na žalost njegove načrte tatvin svetovnih čudes vedno preprečijo nepredvidljive napake in nesposobni podaniki. Naposled se odloči, da bo ukradel Luno, za onesposobitev tekmeca pa želi izrabiti tri sirote. Toda simpatične punčke čemerni barabi prirastejo k srcu, kar Gruju povzroči kopico nenavadnih in boleče zabavnih prigod.


Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 2018


Iz Marvelovega vesolja herojev na velika platna prihaja nadaljevanje zgodbe o nevsakdanjem antijunaku s hudomušnim in pikrim smislom za humor. Nekdanji operativec posebnih enot in plačani morilec je testni zajček za neodobrene preizkuse, zaradi katerih pridobi pospešene sposobnosti celjenja in ozdravitve, ter se tako prelevi v svoj drugi jaz - v junaka z imenom Deadpool.



Voznik 2017


Mlad voznik, ki je prisiljen delati za vodjo kriminalnega podzemlja, se znajde v brezizhodnem položaju, ko je soudeležen v ropu, obsojenem na propad.


50 prvih poljubov

50 prvih poljubov 2004


Henry, morski zoolog na Havajih, preživi ves svoj prosti čas, da privabi ženske, ki pridejo na Havaje na dopust. Nekega dne pa sreča simpatično in ljubko Lucy, v katero se zaljubi na prvi pogled. Vendar Lucy utrpi kratkotrajno izgubo spomina po prometni nesreči. Spominja se le dogodkov nekega dne. Zanjo je vsako jutro jutro po nesreči. Potem Lucy prvič sreča Henryja. In Henry lahko le upa, da ga Lucy znova in znova zanima.


Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins 1964


Jane in Michael, otroka iz premožne in ugledne družine Banks, naj bi dobila novo pestunjo. Prijetno sta presenečena, ko spoznata čudaško varuško Mary Poppins. Brezčasna Disneyjeva klasika prinaša "praktično idealno" Mary Poppins in čarobno praznično vzdušje, kjer se vsak dan in vsaka igra spremeni v neverjetno pustolovščino. Očarali vas bodo nepozabni liki, kot so nadarjeni dimnikar Bert in številni drugi. Film za vso družino, ki ne zahteva "žličke sladkorja", da bi v njem uživali stari in mladi.


Garfield 2

Garfield 2 2006


Nepoboljšljivi mačji lenuh in nikoli siti uničevalec lazanj Garfield se tokrat odpravi v Veliko Britanijo, kjer po naključni zamenjavi s povsem podobnim mačkonom postane ponosni lastnik velikega dvorca. Edino težavo povzroča nečak pokojne lastnice, ki si želi dvorec prilastiti, toda čeprav Garfield izgleda kot povsem lahek plen, se z njim ne gre šaliti.


Kako se izogniti božiču

Kako se izogniti božiču 2004


Družina Krank se je odločila, da bo tokrat preskočila božične praznike in vse, kar je povezano z njimi. Namesto, da bi gospa in gospod Krank krasila božično drevesce, nakupovala darila in pekla božične kolače, sta ste enostavno odločila, da bosta božič raje preživela uživaje se na peščeni plaži ob Karibskem morju. Na veliko zgražanje ogorčenih sosedov. Potem pa se glede praznovanja božiča premisli še njuna hčerka - in Krankova imata le nekaj ur, da popravita vtis in pripravita pravi božič.



Seinfeld 1989


A stand-up comedian and his three offbeat friends weather the pitfalls and payoffs of life in New York City in the '90s. It's a show about nothing.


Men on a Mission

Men on a Mission 2015


Male celebs play make-believe as high schoolers, welcoming star transfer students every week and engaging in battles of witty humor and slapstick.


Cardcaptor Sakura

Cardcaptor Sakura 1998


Sakura Kinomoto, an elementary school student who discovers that she possesses magical powers after accidentally freeing a set of magical cards from the book they had been sealed in for years. She is then tasked with retrieving those cards in order to avoid an unknown catastrophe from befalling the world.


30 Rock

30 Rock 2006


Liz Lemon, the head writer for a late-night TV variety show in New York, tries to juggle all the egos around her while chasing her own dream.


Business Proposal

Business Proposal 2022


In disguise as her friend, Ha-ri shows up to a blind date to scare him away. But plans go awry when he turns out to be her CEO — and makes a proposal.



Legacies 2018


In a place where young witches, vampires, and werewolves are nurtured to be their best selves in spite of their worst impulses, Klaus Mikaelson’s daughter, 17-year-old Hope Mikaelson, Alaric Saltzman’s twins, Lizzie and Josie Saltzman, among others, come of age into heroes and villains at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted.



Girls5eva 2021


When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the '90s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents and shoulder pain, but can't they also be Girls5Eva?


No One Will Miss Us

No One Will Miss Us 2024


It's the '90s, and five losers run an illegal business at their high school. They sell homework and assignments to their classmates. The advantage is that no one ever suspects the nerds. Their business brings them money and popularity. But hormones and an unexpected death threaten to ruin everything. If the business collapses, their futures and their friendships are at risk.


Su Ji and U Ri

Su Ji and U Ri 2024


A healing romance begins between fallen star doctor Jin Su Ji and stubborn newbie doctor Choi U Ri.


Home Improvement

Home Improvement 1991


The daily trials and tribulations of handyman Tim Taylor, a TV show host raising three boys with help from his loyal co-host, domineering wife, and unseen neighbor.


Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso 2020


Ted Lasso, an American football coach, moves to England when he’s hired to manage a soccer team—despite having no experience. With cynical players and a doubtful town, will he get them to see the Ted Lasso Way?


Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever 2020


After a traumatic year, all an Indian-American teen wants is to go from pariah to popular -- but friends, family and feeling won't make it easy on her.


The Legend of ShenLi

The Legend of ShenLi 2024


The ancient gods died, and there is only one last god in the world - Xingzhi. Rumor has it that this God of Action has lived alone in the heavens for tens of thousands of years, ruthless and lustless. In the battle of the immortals and demons, he turned the tide by himself, and since then, Du Men has been swept away, and his traces are hard to find. Hundreds of years are just a click away. As the queen who was born with a pearl in the devil world, Shen Li's life was bright and dazzling. But on the occasion of her thousand-year-old birthday, the claws of political marriage were scratching their heads. On the way to escape from the marriage, Shen Li was beaten back to the original form of a phoenix and fell to the world with injuries. When she was seriously injured and comatose, the mortal hawker treated her as a fat chicken, plucked all the hair from her body, and locked her in a cage for sale. The fate of the two is tightly linked by a seemingly casual transaction.


Smiling Friends

Smiling Friends 2020


Smiling Friends Inc. is a small company whose main purpose is to bring happiness and make people smile. The series follows the day-to-day lives and misadventures of its representatives, the lazy, cynical Charlie, and the cheerful, optimistic Pim, as they try to cheer up and comfort the troubled people who call their company's hotline. They receive seemingly simple requests but the jobs turn out to be more complicated than they seem, making it difficult to bring happiness to the world.


Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf 1988


The adventures of the last human alive and his friends, stranded three million years into deep space on the mining ship Red Dwarf.


Till The End of The Moon

Till The End of The Moon 2023


In an era when the demons are in power, they are the masters of the despicable cultivators and mortals. The cultivator elders deem it necessary to send someone back in time, to determine the origin of the demon lord and to prevent his awakening. Li Su Su accepts the mission, becoming the mortal Ye Xi Wu, General Ye's third daughter who is married to Tantai Jin, the hostage prince and future demon lord. She is determined to destroy Tantai Jin, who in the future will massacre many. But as a witness to Tantai Jin's past life and rise to power, an unexpected tale emerges, one complicating her quest.


The Ellen DeGeneres Show

The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2003


The Ellen DeGeneres Show, often shortened to just Ellen, is an American television talk show hosted by comedian/actress Ellen DeGeneres.



Ridiculousness 2011


Rob Dyrdek takes the funniest amateur internet videos and builds them into an episode of edgy, funny, and most importantly, timeless television.



Unstable 2023


He's an eccentric biotech genius. His son's a pragmatist living in his shadow. To save the family business, they'll have to work through some issues.



Hacks 2021


Explore a dark mentorship that forms between Deborah Vance, a legendary Las Vegas comedian, and an entitled, outcast 25-year-old.