
Substanca 2024


Elisabeth Sparkle, 50-letna zvezdnica v zatonu kariere se odloči uporabiti zdravilo s črnega trga, snov za razmnoževanje celic, ki začasno ustvari mlajšo, lepšo in popolnejšo različico nje same. Vendar pa uporaba te substance ni brez stranskih učinkov, saj so pogoji za njeno uporabo zastrašujoči in groteskni.



Shrek 2001


Dolgo, dolgo nazaj je v odročnem močvirju živel okras okrasov po imenu Shrek. Toda nenadoma nekega dne njegovo absolutno samoto prekine invazija presenetljivih pravljičnih likov. V njegovi hrani so slepe male miši, ogromen, hud volk v postelji, trije mali brezdomni prašiči in številna druga neverjetna bitja, ki jih je hudobni Lord Farquaad deportiral iz njegovega kraljestva. Da bi rešil svojo zemljo in v tem času, Shrek sklene pakt s Farquaadom in se odloči, da bo lepa princesa Fiona Gospodova nevesta. Na tej pomembni misiji ga spremlja smešen osel, pripravljen storiti karkoli za Shreka. Vse, a bodi tiho. Reševanje princese iz ljubezenskega zmaja, ki diha ogenj, bo neumno v primerjavi s tistim, ki se zgodi, ko se razkrije temna skrivnost, ki jo je mlada ženska hranila.


James Bond: Dr. No

James Bond: Dr. No 1962


Na Jamajki ubijejo britanskega tajnega agenta Strangwaysa in njegovo tajnico. Trije morilci so iz njegove pisarne ukradli dosje z imenom "Dr. No". Šef britanske tajne službe, legendarni "M" (Bernard Lee), pošlje na Jamajko svojega najboljšega agenta 007 Jamesa Bonda (Sean Connery), da bi ugotovil, zakaj je bil Strangeways umorjen. Tajni agent James Bond je knjižni lik iz romana Iana Fleminga. Prvega filmskega Bonda je upodobil Sean Connery, ki je bil v času snemanja skoraj povsem neznani igralec, ta vloga pa je iz njega naredila zvezdnika svetovnega formata. Film "Dr. No" je režiral britanski režiser Terence Young, ki je pred tem posnel vrsto zabavnih akcijskih filmov.


Die Hart

Die Hart 2023


Kevin Hart, ki igra različico samega sebe, je na smrtonosni misiji, da bi postal akcijska zvezda. In z majhno pomočjo Johna Travolte, Nathalie Emmanuel in Josha Hartnetta mu bo to morda le uspelo.


Otok psov

Otok psov 2018


Šestkratni nominiranec za oskarja Wes Anderson nam po neverjetni animaciji "neverjetni gospod Lisjak" prinaša podobno zasnovani "Otok psov", film, posnet s stop animacijo, za katerega je našel navdih v filmih "Sedem samurajev" in "Rašomon". Zgodba filma je umeščena na japonsko otočje, odvija pa se 20 let v prihodnosti. Mestne oblasti so zaradi epidemije pasje gripe v mestu Megasaki odpeljale vse pse na odlagališče odpadkov, znano kot "Otok smeti". Deček Atari Kobajaši odide na ta otok, da bi našel svojega psa, s pomočjo štirinožnih prebivalcev otoka. Pri tem se razkrije zarota, ki grozi, da bo vse pse mesta Megasaki uničila za vedno. Psom so v izvirniku glasove posodili Scarlett Johansson, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum, Frances McDormand, Harvey Keitel in Tilda Swinton.


Prosti dan Ferrisa Buelerja

Prosti dan Ferrisa Buelerja 1986


Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) je očarljiv, živahen in priljubljen srednješolec, ki jo vedno dobro odnese pri svojih razvpitih potegavščinah. Pred zaključkom šole ima za veliki finale pripravljen prav poseben načrt: svoje dekle Sloane (Mia Sara) in prijatelja Camerona (Alan Ruck) prepriča, da tisti dan špricajo pouk in se s ferrarijem Cameronovega očeta odpeljejo v mesto. Medtem ravnatelj (Jeffrey Jones) zasluti njihove namene in jih sklene lastnoročno zasačiti pri objestnih dejanjih. Legendarna komedija režiserja Johna Hughesa iz osemdesetih prinaša duhovite najstniške prigode in se loteva motivov, kot so družbeni status, prijateljstvo, avtoriteta ter čustveno in starševsko zanemarjanje.


Ameriško leposlovje

Ameriško leposlovje 2023


Pisatelj, ki je naveličan, da se oblast okorišča s "črnsko" industrijo, s psevdonimom napiše knjigo, ki ga popelje v osrčje hipokrizije in norosti, ki naj bi jo preziral.


Velika riba

Velika riba 2003


"Velika riba" pripoveduje zgodbo med umirajočim očetom Edwardom Bloomom (Albert Finney) in sinom Willom (Ewan McGregor), ki se trudi izvedeti več o svojem očetu, zbere različne zgodbe, ki jih je pripovedoval. Tako Will poustvari svoje življenje v nizu legend in mitov, navdihnjenih z nekaj dejstvi, ki jih pozna. Toda iz želje svoje matere Sandy, da bi očeta ponovno združil s sinom, začne razumeti očetov razplet. V njegovih zgodbah so potovanja po svetu in blodnje, ki vključujejo velikane, tornada in čarovnice.


Palm Springs

Palm Springs 2020


Na poroki v Palm Springsu se srečata očarljivo brezbrižni Nyles in nerazpoložena nevestina družica Sarah. Stvari pa se zapletejo, ko se izkaže, da ne moreta zapustiti prizorišča, pobegniti drug pred drugim, pa tudi ne sama pred sabo. Palm Springs je film, za katerega mislite, da ga že poznate: godrnjav protagonist je ujet v dnevu, ki se ponavlja vedno znova in znova. Ne glede na to, kaj počne, ga bo naslednje jutro budilka neizprosno vrnila v monotonijo že doživetega. Osvobojen bo šele, ko bo dojel, da naša dejanja vedno vplivajo na ljudi okrog nas.



Clue 1985



The Simpsons

The Simpsons 1989


Set in Springfield, the average American town, the show focuses on the antics and everyday adventures of the Simpson family; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, as well as a virtual cast of thousands. Since the beginning, the series has been a pop culture icon, attracting hundreds of celebrities to guest star. The show has also made name for itself in its fearless satirical take on politics, media and American life in general.


American Dad!

American Dad! 2005


The series focuses on an eccentric motley crew that is the Smith family and their three housemates: Father, husband, and breadwinner Stan Smith; his better half housewife, Francine Smith; their college-aged daughter, Hayley Smith; and their high-school-aged son, Steve Smith. Outside of the Smith family, there are three additional main characters, including Hayley's boyfriend turned husband, Jeff Fischer; the family's man-in-a-goldfish-body pet, Klaus; and most notably the family's zany alien, Roger, who is "full of masquerades, brazenness, and shocking antics."



Frasier 1993


After many years spent at the “Cheers” bar, Frasier moves back home to Seattle to work as a radio psychiatrist after his policeman father gets shot in the hip on duty.


The Good Wife

The Good Wife 2009


Alicia Florrick boldly assumes full responsibility for her family and re-enters the workforce after her husband's very public sex and political corruption scandal lands him in jail.



Girls5eva 2021


When a one-hit-wonder girl group from the '90s gets sampled by a young rapper, its members reunite to give their pop star dreams one more shot. They may be grown women balancing spouses, kids, jobs, debt, aging parents and shoulder pain, but can't they also be Girls5Eva?


Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks 1990


The body of Laura Palmer is washed up on a beach near the small Washington state town of Twin Peaks. FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper is called in to investigate her strange demise only to uncover a web of mystery that ultimately leads him deep into the heart of the surrounding woodland and his very own soul.


Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso 2020


Ted Lasso, an American football coach, moves to England when he’s hired to manage a soccer team—despite having no experience. With cynical players and a doubtful town, will he get them to see the Ted Lasso Way?


The Boondocks

The Boondocks 2005


When Robert “Granddad” Freeman becomes legal guardian to his two grandsons, he moves from the tough south side of Chicago to the upscale neighborhood of Woodcrest (a.k.a. "The Boondocks") so he can enjoy his golden years in safety and comfort. But with Huey, a 10-year-old leftist revolutionary, and his eight-year-old misfit brother, Riley, suburbia is about to be shaken up.



Insecure 2016


Follows the awkward experiences and racy tribulations of a modern-day African-American woman.


The Rational Life

The Rational Life 2021


Shen Ruo Xin is a thirty-something professional who decides to take a stand against unfair societal expectations At her workplace she finds herself drawn to two different men - one her trusted, younger assistant, the other her bachelor boss. Knowing she is considered a 'leftover woman' weighs heavily on her. Will she opt to marry the man society deems appropriate, or will she listen to her heart and screw up the courage to pursue a romance with the younger man?


American Dragon: Jake Long

American Dragon: Jake Long 2005


American Dragon is a coming of age comedy-action series about Jake Long, a 13-year-old Asian-American boy who strives to find balance in his life as a skateboard-grinding, New York 'tween while learning to master his mystical powers (in his secret identity) as the American Dragon, the protector and guardian of all magical creatures secretly living amidst the human world.


Prison Playbook

Prison Playbook 2017


With his major league baseball debut right around the corner, a star pitcher lands in prison and must learn to navigate his new world.


Divorce Attorney Shin

Divorce Attorney Shin 2023


Driven by a personal tragedy, a pianist-turned-lawyer navigates the complex world of divorce — fighting for his clients to win by any means necessary.


The Matchmakers

The Matchmakers 2023


Set during the Joseon Dynasty, the story of the meeting between the young widow Jung Soon-deok and young widower Shim Jung-woo as well as the struggle the two go through together to marry off the four young maidens who represent Joseon.


Dave the Barbarian

Dave the Barbarian 2004


This animated comedy series is set in the Middle Ages and follows the title character, Dave, in his comedic adventures with his family (his sisters, Candy and Fang) as they protect themselves and their family from a world of oddball foes. Dave himself combines strength with an appreciation of the finer things in life, including origami, bird watching, and even gourmet cooking.


Russian Doll

Russian Doll 2019


Nadia keeps dying and reliving her 36th birthday party. She's trapped in a surreal time loop -- and staring down the barrel of her own mortality.


Comedy Royale

Comedy Royale 2023


Twenty of Korea's hottest comedians come together to fiercely compete for a chance to host a Netflix show — delivering nonstop, zany laughter.



Zorro 2024


In 1821, Don Diego de la Vega becomes mayor of his beloved city of Los Angeles, which he intends to make prosperous. However, the municipality is facing financial problems due to the greed of a local businessman, Don Emmanuel, against whom the mayor's powers prove insufficient to fight injustice. Don Diego has not called upon his double Zorro for 20 years. But in the name of the general interest, he has no choice but to take out his mask and his sword. Very quickly, Diego will encounter difficulties in reconciling his dual identity as Zorro and mayor, which puts a strain on his marriage to Gabriella, who is unaware of his secret. Will Diego be able to save his marriage and his sanity in the midst of chaos?


Standing Up

Standing Up 2022


From odd jobs to the hunt for viral fame, making a career in stand-up comedy isn't easy, but four friends risk everything to make the world laugh.