Jaz, baraba

Jaz, baraba 2010


Ustvarjalci animiranih komedij Ledena doba in Horton predstavljajo nenavadno življenje zlobneža Gruja, ki se skuša v zgodovino človeštva vpisati kot največja baraba, kar jih je kdaj živelo. Na žalost njegove načrte tatvin svetovnih čudes vedno preprečijo nepredvidljive napake in nesposobni podaniki. Naposled se odloči, da bo ukradel Luno, za onesposobitev tekmeca pa želi izrabiti tri sirote. Toda simpatične punčke čemerni barabi prirastejo k srcu, kar Gruju povzroči kopico nenavadnih in boleče zabavnih prigod.


Somrak: Mlada luna

Somrak: Mlada luna 2009


V nadaljevanju priljubljene sage Somrak se mladi par Bella in Edward znajdeta pred novo ljubezensko preizkušnjo, saj je Edward prepričan, da lahko Bello obvaruje pred svojo vampirsko naravo le z ločitvijo. Razočarana Bella tolažbo najde pri prijatelju Jacobu, a tudi v njem odkrije srhljivo nadnaravno skrivnost, ki pride na dan, ko Bellino življenje ogrozi nekdanji smrtni sovražnik, dileme pa se še poglobijo z Edwardovo vrnitvijo.


2001: Odiseja v vesolju

2001: Odiseja v vesolju 1968


Legendarni film Stanleyja Kubricka na svojevrsten način opisuje evolucijo na našem planetu, vse od kamene dobe, ko so naši predniki začeli izdelovati in uporabljati orodje, pa do 21. stoletja in vladavine inteligentnih računalnikov. Kamena doba. Skupina opic v prisotnosti skrivnostnega črnega obeliska odkrije uporabo orodja kot orožja in inteligenco poveže z nasiljem. Leto 1999. Na Luni astronavti odkrijejo nov črni obelisk. Leto 2001. HAL, najinteligentnejši računalnik na svetu, nadzoruje vesoljsko plovilo, ki se nahaja nekje med Zemljo in Jupitrom. Zaradi napake je ogroženo življenje posadke.


Vsemogočni Bruce

Vsemogočni Bruce 2003


Potem ko je preživel najslabši dan svojega življenja, nezadovoljni televizijski novinar Bruce Nolan pridobi božansko moč, saj obtožuje Boga, ki nima pojma, kako ravna z zadevo. «Soočen s takšnim izzivom, se Bog odloči, da mu bo dal vse svoje pristojnosti preverite, ali je sposoben narediti bolje, kot je


Vesoljski bojevniki

Vesoljski bojevniki 1997


Johnny Rico se prostovoljno javi v vojsko, da bi osvojil srce očarljive Carmen Ibanez. Ko se med urjenjem zgodi tragična nesreča, Johnny spozna, da se je vojski pridružil zaradi napačnih razlogov. Ko hoče vojsko zapustiti, Zemljo napadejo orjaške žuželke, ki njegovo rojstno mesto zravnajo s tlemi. Zaradi smrti svoje družine in prijateljev se Johnnyjeva žalost prelevi v jezo in odloči se, da bo ostal v vojski ter se boril proti žuželkam. S svojo enoto odpotuje na oddaljene planete, da bi se boril proti neusmiljenemu sovražniku.



Smrkci 2011


Z zlobnim čarovnikom Gargamelom za petami se smrkci skozi časovni vrtinec znajdejo v New Yorku. Zdaj se morajo nekako vrniti v svojo vas, preden jih Gargamel dokončno najde.



Krater 2023


Po očetovi smrti se deček, ki je odraščal na lunarni rudarski koloniji, skupaj s svojimi štirimi najboljšimi prijatelji odpravi na potovanje, da bi raziskal legendarni krater, preden ga za stalno preselijo na drug planet.


Prvi človek

Prvi človek 2018


Biografska drama predstavlja življenje astronavta Neila Armstronga in legendarno vesoljsko misijo, s katero je Armstrong postal svetovno znan, saj je postal prvi človek, ki je stopil na Luno 20. julija 1969.


Transformerji 3: Temna stran meseca

Transformerji 3: Temna stran meseca 2011


Zlobni Deseptikoni se kljub zadnjemu porazu z novimi okrepitvami vračajo na Zemljo, znova pa je obujen tudi okrutni Megatron, ki si želi neizprosnega maščevanja. Plemeniti Avtoboti in med vojskujoče robotske sile znova ujeti mladenič Sam skušajo pravočasno poiskati pomoč, a edina možnost za dostojen odpor se skriva na temni strani meseca, kjer tiči dolgo varovana in le redkim poznana resnica o nastanku Transformerjev.



Luna 2009


Astronavt Sam Bell se približuje koncu svojega triletnega bivanja na mesecu...


For All Mankind

For All Mankind 2019


Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families.


Space: 1999

Space: 1999 1975


The crew of Moonbase Alpha must struggle to survive when a massive explosion throws the Moon from orbit into deep space.


Madö King Granzört

Madö King Granzört 1989


Madö King Granzört is a Japanese young children's animated television series that aired from 1989-1990. It was produced by Bandai Visual and animated by animation studio Sunrise. It also spawned 3 special direct-to-video episodes and two movies. A boy named Daichi Haruka takes on a journey to the moon, where he gets involved in a fight between the Takamimi, Miminaga and evil tribes. Daichi gets in Granzort, one of the machines of the Malevolent Deity Ruling Light, to fight in the world of magic.


Space Force

Space Force 2020


A four-star general begrudgingly teams up with an eccentric scientist to get the U.S. military's newest agency — Space Force — ready for lift-off.


From the Earth to the Moon

From the Earth to the Moon 1998


The story of the United States' space program, from its beginnings in 1961 to the final moon mission in 1972.


The Silent Sea

The Silent Sea 2021


During a perilous 24-hour mission on the moon, space explorers try to retrieve samples from an abandoned research facility steeped in classified secrets.


How the Universe Works

How the Universe Works 2010


A users' guide to the cosmos, from the Big Bang to galaxies, stars, planets and moons: where did it all come from and how does it all fit together? A primer for anyone who has ever looked up at the night sky and wondered.



Dallos 1983


In a near future, mankind has moved from a drained Earth to the Moon. Rebel acts of terrorism lead to conflicts with the Earth Federal Government. A mysterious entity called Dallos appears to restore hope.


Moonbase 3

Moonbase 3 1973


The adventures of David Caulder and his crew stationed on Moonbase 3.



Moonrise 1970


In a futuristic world where humans inhabit both the Earth and the Moon, a young man from Earth enlists in the army to attack rebels on the Moon, only to find that his former best friend has become his enemy.


Wonders of the Moon with Dara Ó Briain

Wonders of the Moon with Dara Ó Briain 2023


The moon has been the source of myths, legends and wonder across time. In this series, Dara takes viewers on a journey to explore the ways in which the moon shapes just about everything – from who we are, to the world we live in. Across the series Dara will be speaking to some of the world’s top lunar experts, scientists, researchers and geologists, as well as experts in other fields such as biology, to get a sense of how widely the moon influences every aspect of our lives.


Cosmic Love

Cosmic Love 2022


In this one-of-a-kind social experiment, four individuals attempt to find their perfect spouse via astrological matchmaking. Their romantic adventure takes place at a retreat run by a mystical guide, the Astro Chamber. They mingle, match, date, eliminate, and eventually make the biggest decision of their lives… will they marry their match based solely on their astrological compatibility?


Chasing the Moon

Chasing the Moon 2019


An unprecedented look at the decade-long odyssey to land a man on the moon. This documentary pulls back the curtain on the familiar narrative of the moonshot, revealing a fascinating stew of scientific innovation, political calculation, media spectacle, visionary impulses and personal drama.


Forces of Nature with Brian Cox

Forces of Nature with Brian Cox 2016


Professor Brian Cox goes on a grand tour of the planet to explain how the Earth's beauty is created by just a handful of forces.


Man and the Moon

Man and the Moon 2019


A scientific and historical mini-series looking at the relationship between human beings and the moon.


moonbound24: The Webseries

moonbound24: The Webseries 2017


The first inhabitable moon colony is man's last chance for survival. The last rocket leaves tomorrow. Forty billion want a seat, only room for 24. You have 60 seconds to explain why you should become one of the lucky moonbound24.


The Vintage Space

The Vintage Space 2016


A series of short stories about human space exploration.


Xploration Outer Space

Xploration Outer Space 2014


Host Emily Calandrelli, Harvard scholar and former Nasa employee, takes viewers on incredible journeys through space. She visits various NASA facilities as we search for answers about our universe. Xploration Outer Space is part of the Xploration Station two hour syndicated block airing on Fox stations throughout the country.


Button Moon

Button Moon 1980


Button Moon is a quirky, popular children's television programme broadcast in the United Kingdom in the 1980s on the ITV Network. Thames Television produced each episode, which lasted ten minutes and featured the adventures of Mr. Spoon who, in each episode, travels to Button Moon in his homemade rocket-ship. All of the characters within the show are based on kitchen utensils, as well as many of the props. Once on Button Moon, which hangs in "blanket sky", they have an adventure, and look through Mr. Spoon's telescope at someone else such as the Hare and the Tortoise, before heading back to their home on 'Junk Planet'. Episodes also include Mr. Spoon's wife, "Mrs. Spoon", their daughter, "Tina Tea-Spoon" and her friend "Eggbert". The series ended in 1988 after 91 episodes.


Battle for the Moon: 1957-1969

Battle for the Moon: 1957-1969 2019


July 20, 1969. Nearly six hundred million people have their eyes glued to their televisions: Neil Armstrong is just about to make one of mankind’s oldest dreams come true. After more than twenty years of intense struggle between the Americans and the Soviets, the biggest adventure for humanity in the 20th century has just been achieved. As a climax of the Cold War, the conquest of the moon was a true saga, passionate, epic and filled with twists and turns. It wasn’t just a scientific competition between East and West; It was also a fabulous adventure combining political history, technological exploits, acts of bravery and personal dramas.