
Hačiko 2009


Kot priredba japonskega filma iz leta 1987 "Hachiko Monogatari" in po resnični zgodbi "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" zasnovana pripoved spremlja Richarda Gera v vlogi univerzitetnega profesorja, ki najde zapuščenega psa in ubogo izgubljeno žival posvoji. Mož in njegov pes se kmalu nerazumljivo navežeta drug na drugega. Gerova soigralka je Joan Allen. Ganljiva resnična zgodba je ameriška priredba japonske pripovedi o zvestem psu po imenu Hachiko. Ta posebni človekov prijatelj vsak dan spremlja gospodarja na železniško postajo in se vsak popoldan vrne tja, da bi ga pozdravil. Nekega dne pa mož odpotuje in umre ter se ne vrne več na postajo. A Hachiko se zvesto vrne na isti kraj na železniški postaji tudi naslednjega dne in vsak dan po tistem, naslednjih devet let. Med čakanjem na gospodarja se dotakne življenj in src mnogih, ki delajo v bližini in potujejo čez mestni trg. Krajane tako nauči ljubezni, sočutja in neomajne zvestobe.



Rio 2011


Zabavna zgodba papagaja Bluja, ki v iskanju družice zapusti varnost domače kletke in se odpravi v Rio de Janeiro. Tam sreča simpatično Jewel, toda da bi očaral razigrano mladenko, se mora udomačeni Blu najprej naučiti leteti.



Gremlini 1984


Rand Pelzer sinu Billyju za božič podari nenavadno darilo, majhno in prisrčno bitje po imenu Gizmo. Vendar Gizmo ni navadno bitje in bi moral Billy ob njem dobiti tudi navodila za uporabo. Tako bi vedel, da darilo ne sme priti v stik z vodo, da se mora izogibati sončne ali kakršnekoli druge močne svetlobe in da po polnoči ne sme ničesar pojesti. Billy tega seveda ne ve in ko se Gizmo zmoči, se začne spontano razmnoževati. Žal pa Gizmovi novi bratje niti približno niso tako prijazni kot izvirnik in Billyja prelisičijo, da prelomi tretje pravilo. Potem ko se dobro najejo, se spremenijo v pošasti in se odpravijo na uničevalski pohod po mestu.


Mačje pokopališče

Mačje pokopališče 1989


Kdo si ob smrti ljubljene osebe ne želi, da bi poznal moč, ki bi jo priklicala nazaj? Louis Creed se z družino preseli v novo hišo. Idilo ob robu gozda pa že od začetka spremljajo nenavadni dogodki. Ko umre njihov maček, ostareli sosed Louisa pelje na starodavni kraj, kjer obudita srhljivo skrivnost s pogubnimi posledicami. Kultni film je posnet po istoimenski knjigi Stephena Kinga, ki je nastal pod taktirko režiserke Mary Lambert.



Kralj 2022


Prodani levji mladič Kralj pobegne z letališča sredi transporta ter najde zavetje v domu 12-letne Inès in 15-letnega Alexa. Brat in sestra se domislita norega načrta: odpeljati Kralja nazaj v Afriko.


Skrivno življenje hišnih ljubljenčkov

Skrivno življenje hišnih ljubljenčkov 2016


Glavni kuža bloka je Russell terier Max, ki neskončno uživa v družbi svoje lastnice. A Maxovo lagodno življenje postane ogroženo, ko njegova ljubljena Katie iz zavetišča pripelje ogromnega in neurejenega mešanca Duka.


Wonderful Precure!

Wonderful Precure! 2024


In Animal Town where humans and animals live together, Iroha who loves animals is very close to her dog Komugi! One day, a mysterious creature called a GaruGaru goes berserk in her city. In order to protect Iroha, Komugi transforms into a human and even a Pretty Cure…!? We have to protect such berserk animals! Let's join forces and return the animals to the Niko Garden!


Mamekichi Mameko – The Daily Life of a NEET

Mamekichi Mameko – The Daily Life of a NEET 2022


The story of Mamekichi Mameko NEET no Nichijou follows Mameko, a NEET ("Not in Education, Employment, or Training") young woman who lives with her dog Komachi and her three cats - Tabi, Simba, and Melo. "I'll do my best...starting tomorrow!" is Mameko's motto, and her daily life is a little bit normal, a little bit fun, and a little bit strange.


With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day Is Fun

With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day Is Fun 2020


Matsumoto's daily life while raising both a sweet, innocent dog and a "devilishly vicious yet adorable" cat. Everyday, there is laughter and even a tear or two.


I, Tsushima

I, Tsushima 2021


The story centers on a woman who is getting on in years, but all her cats think she's a man so they call her Ojiichan. One day a brazen cat named Tsushima appears in Ojiichan's yard.



Bunnicula 2016


A dark comedic adventure about the titular Bunnicula, a vampire rabbit, Mina, his owner, and her two pets, Chester the cat and Harold the dog. Instead of blood, Bunnicula feeds on carrots to sustain himself which gives him super abilities which come in handy on his and his friends escapades.



Beethoven 1994


Beethoven is an animated sitcom, loosely based on the 1992 motion picture of the same name. The series was produced by Northern Lights Entertainment, Universal Animation Studios, and Universal Television, and aired for one season on CBS, with 26 fifteen-minute episodes produced.


Tono to Inu

Tono to Inu 2024


In the warring states era, there were those who performed feats resembling demons or gods—though that is now a thing of the past. The Lord now lives in a completely declined and impoverished tenement. The Lord who has fallen into such circumstances, encounters a single dog. Feeling pity for its peculiar short-limbed appearance, the Lord reaches out a hand, but soon becomes amused by its mischievous behaviors. Thus begins the cohabitation of the fearsome Lord and cheerful dog, bringing peace and harmony to their lives!


Stupid Pet Tricks

Stupid Pet Tricks 2024


A half-hour variety show that features a parade of pets performing ridiculous, silly fun and extraordinary tricks, and demonstrates the bond between humans and their animal friends.


My Pet House

My Pet House 2023


Welcome to the era of "Pet-teriors"! Pet-Friendly home renovation with experts for better and happier cohabitation with furry friends


Ai no Kusabi

Ai no Kusabi 2012


This futuristic tale is set in a world where men are assigned various social classes based on their hair color. Iason Mink, a high-class Blondie, runs into Riki, a black-haired Mongrel, and makes him his "Pet." As Riki learns of the dangers Iason faces by keeping him, he finds himself developing feelings for his master. This is a remake of the 1992 OVA of the same name.


My Pet My Angel

My Pet My Angel 2023


After leaving her boyfriend, veterinary surgeon Kam Wai-ting moves to Sai Kung with her beloved dog Donut and starts a new life. At her new workplace, Wai-ting meets animal communicator Wong Sing-yan. The duo often quarrel due to their different values regarding pets. In an accident, Sing-yan acquires skills for communicating with Donut, and a man and a dog gradually build a friendship and help each other. Sing-yan learns from Donut that Wai-ting has some love issues, so he helps her decipher her conundrum. The duo's relationship improves, and they gradually like each other. However, they do not have feelings of affection due to their age difference. Donut wants to play matchmaker for the duo, but it gets into hilarious situations. And its ideas even backfire. Each of the duo also has their own admirers, resulting in more obstacles in their relationship.


Ai no Kusabi

Ai no Kusabi 1992


On planet Amoi, a great society has developed, creating a computerized city called Tanagura, ruled by supercomputer Jupiter. The populace is almost entirely male and is based on hair color; silver and/or blonds are the elitist, ending with dark/black haired as the bottom of society, often known as "mongrels". Blondies keep "pets", young boys kept for a few years, especially made for performing sexual actions for the Blondie's voyeurism entertainment. Blondies aren't suppose to keep pets for long or interact sexually with pets, but one blondie named Iason Mink has kept a pet named Rikki, for years and is rumored to sleep with him. Iason refuses to let go of Rikki, even with Jupiter's disapproval. Rikki fights with his emotions and society problems, unable to decide what to do about his old friend/lover Gai (Guy) and their gang. Iason is obsessed with keeping Rikki, and Rikki doesn't know what to do; fight against him or surrender to him.


It's Bruno!

It's Bruno! 2019


An old-school Brooklyn native devotes his days to caring for his adorable dog, Bruno -- and making sure the neighbors show his pooch the proper respect.


Morphle and the Magic Pets

Morphle and the Magic Pets 2024


Follow Mila and her stepbrother, Jordie, as they leap into a world of adventure with the help of Morphle, Mila’s magical and loyal pet who has the power to morph into whatever she imagines. The trio use their skills and smarts to keep magic pets out of mischief, solve problems and find 'magic matches' for each newcomer.


Human vs. Hamsters

Human vs. Hamsters 2024


World's most remarkable pet hamsters go toe-to-toe with teams of humans in scaled challenges that will test their speed, strength, agility – and, of course, their eating prowess – all for the sake of answering the burning question: Which species is superior, humans or hamsters?


Couple with Dog

Couple with Dog 2015


Dog trainer Jean Lessard examines the dynamic of dog owners and their canine companions. The “couple” has to correct problems or learn new behaviour.


Animal Cribs

Animal Cribs 2017


Antonio Ballatore, his project manager Grace, and his right hand-dog, Chewie the bulldog, along with a team of Catsperts and Barkitects, transform drab, cramped homes and outside areas into functional, high-style spaces for both pets and the people they love. Antonio's excitement for both design and animals drive him to go the extra mile for his clients and their four-legged, winged, and scaly friends. The newly designed spaces, renovated specifically for the homeowners and their pets, feature design elements that alter homes to become creative and purposeful spaces for all to enjoy. This season, viewers will see a cabin redesign for a family and their blind dog; a complete backyard renovation featuring a pet-safe fire-pit; a man-cave that can accommodate 20 pets; and a room design complete with a soaring sculptural cat climbing wall, among other design transformations.


Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast 2021


An observation variety show that viewers will be able to relate to during this contactless period.