
Severnjak 2022


Severnjak je na več delov razdeljen film o maščevanju, ki je osnovan na skandinavski legendi o Amlethu – ta je bila med drugim tudi podlaga za Shakespearovega Hamleta. Film se začne s kraljem Aurvandilom (Ethan Hawke), ki se ranjen vrne iz vojne domov, kjer ga pričakata žena Gudrún (Nicole Kidman) in sin Amleth (Alexander Skarsgård). Kmalu po prihodu je princ Amleth priča Aurvandilovemu umoru – ubije ga njegov brat Fjölnir (Claes Bang), ki nato kraljico Gudrún vzame za svojo nevesto. Amlethu uspe zbežati, vendar se ob odhodu zapriseže, da se bo maščeval svojemu stricu in rešil svojo mamo. Dvajset let pozneje živi in potuje s skupino vikinških bojevnikov; nazaj v domovino ga pripelje prerokba čarovnice, ki jo upodablja islandska pevka Björk. Kasneje se namerno preda suženjstvu z namenom infiltracije oddaljene plantažne kmetije, ki je zdaj v lasti njegovega strica Fjölnirja. S tem se začne uresničevanje njegovega maščevalnega načrta.



Borgen 2010


40-year old political leader Birgitte Nyborg secures her party a landslide victory through her idealism and huge effort, then faces the biggest challenge of her life: how most effectively to use the newly won seats, and how far she is willing to go in order to gain as much influence as possible.


Kongen av Gulset

Kongen av Gulset 2019


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Nordic territories and their pristine wilderness have always nourished imagination and timeless tales. The Wild North is dominated by earthly forces and natural elements that dictate life and the relationship local populations have to nature and inspire their culture. Take an adventure spreading over four breathtaking countries at the heart of five iconic territories.


True Nordic Crimes

True Nordic Crimes 2015


Illegal smuggling, armed robbery, large scale prostitution and malicious murders are among the 16 unique stories in this true crime series.