Ključna beseda Government Witch Hunt
Lahko noč in srečno 2005
Zgodovinska drama govori o zgodnjih letih televizijskega novinarstva v Ameriki v petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. V ospredju je resnični spor med kontroverznim televizijskim novinarjem Edwardom R. Murrowom in nič manj kontroverznim »lovcem na čarovnice«, senatorjem Josephom McCarthyjem.
AKA Tommy Chong 2006
Hexenkinder 2020
Brecht 2019
East Berlin, 1956. Bertolt Brecht, revolutionary of the theater and poet of the state, looks back: his exploits as a teenager during the World War I; his romantic adventures during the twenties; the escape of the Nazi regime; the return from exile. The life of a timeless classic, a class fighter, an indefatigable free spirit, a committed artist.