Prenašalec 2

Prenašalec 2 2005


Frank Martin je najboljši v svojem poslu. Nekdanji specialec dela kot prenašalec. Prevaža to, kar od njega zahteva naloga, naj gre za predmete ali ljudi. Ob tem nikoli ne postavlja vprašanj o ničemer. On samo dostavi, kar mu je naročeno. Frank se je iz Francije preselil v Miami, kjer prijatelju na uslugo prevaža premožno Audrey Billings in njenega sina Jacka. Frank ni pričakoval, da se bo navezal na malega Jacka, ki ga vozi v šolo in iz nje. Ko nekega dne Jacka ugrabijo, mora Frank uporabiti vse svoje veščine, da bi dečka našel in ga živega pripeljal v mamin objem. Istočasno mora ugrabiteljem preprečiti njihov načrt s smrtonosnim virusom.



Exam 2009



Game Changer

Game Changer 2019


In this game show, the game changes every show! Players begin each round without knowing the rules -- and must figure them out while competing to win.


Doll House

Doll House 2014


A girl with no home takes a seemingly perfect opportunity to move in with a Professor and his housemaid in a beautiful and secluded mansion. However, the mysteries pile up when the housemaid calls the shots, prevents Young Hee from meeting the Professor, and forces her to follow her strange rules. Fellow housemates Byung Tae and Soo Jung seem to have good intentions when secretly interacting with Young Hee, but just who are they really and why are they there? Leaving may not be as easy as coming into this mysterious house.