Harry Potter in kamen modrosti

Harry Potter in kamen modrosti 2001


Harry Potter je sirota, ki živi s svojo grdo teto in stricem, Dursleyjem in svojim groznim bratrancem Dudleyem. Bliža se njegov enajsti rojstni dan in ima malo upanja, da bo prejel kakršna koli darila, saj se ga nihče nikoli ne spomni. Vendar pa le nekaj dni pred rojstnim dnem niz skrivnostnih pisem, naslovljenih nanj in napisanih s škrlatno zelenim črnilom, razbije monotonijo njegovega življenja: Harry je čarovnik in tudi njegovi starši


Gospodar prstanov: Kraljeva vrnitev

Gospodar prstanov: Kraljeva vrnitev 2003


Medtem ko se vojske zbirajo na bojišču, ki bo odločalo o usodi sveta, in mogočne starodavne sile Svetlobe in Teme tekmujejo za premoč, se en član Bratovščine prstana izkaže za plemenitega naslednika človeških kraljev. Toda edino upanje za zmago predstavlja pogumni hobit Frodo, ki ga spremljata zvesti prijatelj Samo in hudobna spaka Golum. Skupaj se podajo v globine temačnega Mordorja, da bi uničili Prstan Mogote.


Harry Potter in dvorana skrivnosti

Harry Potter in dvorana skrivnosti 2002


Harry se vrne v svoje drugo leto v Hogwartsu, vendar odkrije, da se dogajajo slabe stvari, ker je Slytherin dedič odprl mesto, imenovano Zbornica skrivnosti, zaradi česar bodo Mogljevi otroci, nečisti, videti skrivnostno okameneli pošastno žival.


Harry Potter in jetnik iz Azkabana

Harry Potter in jetnik iz Azkabana 2004


Harry se veseli, da bo konec poletja začel nov tečaj v Hogwartsu in čim prej zapustil hišo svoje zaničljive tete in strica Dursleya. Kar Harry ne ve, je, da bo moral predčasno in nenadoma zapustiti Privet Drive, potem ko bo svojo teto Marge spremenil v velikanski balon. Nočni avtobus in očaran seveda ga bo odpeljal do gostilne Leaky Cauldron, kjer ga ne čaka nihče drug kot čarovniški minister Cornelius Fudge.


Hobit: Bitka petih vojska

Hobit: Bitka petih vojska 2014


Bitka petih vojska je veličastna sklenitev pustolovščin Bilba Bisagina, Thorina Hrastoščita in druščine škratov, ki so si od zmaja Smauga spet priborili svojo domovino, a so pri tem nehote osvobodili smrtonosno silo. Razbesneli Smaug se v svojem ognjenem besu znese nad nemočnimi možmi, ženami in otroki Jezernega mesta. A druščino čakajo še hujše nevarnosti. Sovrag Sauron, ki ga vidi le Gandalf, je v pritajeni napad na Samotno goro poslal vojske orkov. Bliža se spopad, zato se morajo škratje, vilinci in ljudje odločiti, ali bodo združili moči ali pa sprejeli uničenje. Bilbo se znajde sredi boja za svoje življenje in življenje prijateljev v bitki petih vojska, od katere je odvisna prihodnost Srednjega sveta.


Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih

Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih 2005


To je četrto leto Harryja Potterja na čarovniški šoli Bradavičarki.Harry, Ron in Hermione se veselijo mednarodnega finala v qidditchu.


Gospodar prstanov: Stolpa

Gospodar prstanov: Stolpa 2002


Frodo Bisagin in preostala druščina, zdaj ločeni, nadaljujejo svojo pot k uničenju Prstana Mogote. Njihove usode jih vodijo k dvema stolpoma -- temnemu stolpu v Ajzengartu, kjer jih čaka sprijeni čarovnik Saruman, in Sauronovi utrdbi v Barad-durju globoko v mračnih deželah Mordorja. Frodo in Sam hodita proti Mordorju, da bi uničila Prstan Mogote, medtem ko Gimli, Legolas in Aragorn iščejo Meda in Pipina.


Harry Potter in Princ mešane krvi

Harry Potter in Princ mešane krvi 2009


Harry Potter se vrne na Bradavičarko ob začetku šestega leta na čarovniški akademiji. Sooči se z grozečo nevarnostjo, ki bo postavila na trdo preizkušnjo njegove čarovniške moči.


Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del

Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del 2011


Harry, Ron in Hermiona se pripravljajo na končno bitko z Mrlakensteinom, ki je odločen uničiti Harryja za vselej. Najti morajo še zadnji Mrlakensteinov skrižvn, preden bi se njegov mračni načrt uresničil.


Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 1. del

Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 1. del 2010


Harry, Ron in Hermiona iščejo koščke Mrlakensteinove duše, ki jih je izločil in skril na mračne kraje po vsem svetu. Če jih ne najdejo in uničijo, bo Mrlakenstein ostal nesmrten.


Harry Potter in Feniksov red

Harry Potter in Feniksov red 2007


Harry Potter se vrne na Bradavičarko v peti razred, kjer je postavljen pred svoj največji izziv doslej.


Shrek Tretji

Shrek Tretji 2007


Mladoporočenca Shreka in princeso Fiono preseneti kraljeva smrt, zaradi katere bi moral Shrek prevzeti vodenje dežele, poleg tega pa mu Fiona sporoči, da bosta dobila otroka.


Hobit: Nepričakovano potovanje

Hobit: Nepričakovano potovanje 2012


Režiser fantazijske sage Gospodar prstanov nas znova popelje v Srednji svet, v čas pred vojnami za prstan Mogote. Mladi hobit Bilbo uživa življenje v mirnem in zakotnem Šajerskem, ko nekega dne na njegova vrata potrka čarovnik Gandalf. S seboj pripelje druščino trinajstih škratov pod vodstvom neustrašnega Thorina, njihov načrt pa je pohod proti Samotni gori, kjer se želijo spopasti z zlobnim zmajem Smaugom. Bilba premaga radovednost in v nasprotju s hobitsko zapečkarsko tradicijo se odpravi na nepozabno dogodivščino s škrati.


Dungeons & Dragons: Čast med tatovi

Dungeons & Dragons: Čast med tatovi 2023


Film prinaša bogat svet in igriv duh legendarne igre igranja vlog na velika platna v smešni in akcijski pustolovščini. Očarljiv tat in skupina neobičajnih pustolovcev se lotijo epskega ropa, da bi dobili nazaj izgubljeni predmet, vendar gredo stvari nevarno narobe, ko naletijo na napačne ljudi.


Hobit: Smaugova pušča

Hobit: Smaugova pušča 2013


V drugem delu nadaljujemo popotovanje druščine škratov in hobita Bilba, ki se morajo na poti proti Samotni gori prebiti preko temačnega gozda Mrkolesja, polnega smrtonosnih velikanskih pajkov in neprijaznih gozdnih vilincev. Številne drzne avanture in divji spopadi jih vodijo vedno bliže k največjemu preizkusu njihovih spretnosti in poguma - soočenju z neusmiljenim zmajem Smaugom. Medtem vešč Gandalf raziskuje skrivnost nepričakovanega vstajenja temačnih sil iz preteklosti, ki želijo znova preplaviti svet in si ga pokoriti.


Magične živali: Dumbledorjeve skrivnosti

Magične živali: Dumbledorjeve skrivnosti 2022


Profesor Albus Dumbledore naloži magizoologu Salamandru Scamandru nalogo, da sestavi in povede neustrašno ekipo čarovnikov, čarovnic in enega pogumnega bunkeljskega peka na nevarno misijo proti številni vojski Grindelwaldovih privržencev.


Doktor Strange

Doktor Strange 2016


Studio Marvel predstavlja zgodbo o svetovno znanem nevrokirurgu dr. Stephenu Strangeu, katerega življenje se postavi na glavo po grozljivi prometni nesreči, po kateri ne more več uporabljati rok. Ker mu sodobna medicina ne more pomagati, se zateče k zdravilcem v skrivnostni enklavi Kamar-Taj. Tam že kmalu spozna, da ne gre le za zdravilsko središče, temveč tudi za prvo bojno črto v boju proti nevidnim mračnim silam, ki skušajo uničiti stvarnost. Strange se, oborožen z novimi čarobnimi močmi, kmalu znajde pred odločitvijo, ali naj se vrne v nekdanje življenje bogastva in veljave, ali ostane in brani svet kot eden najsilnejših čarodejev, kar jih je bilo.


Magične živali

Magične živali 2016


V zgodbi, ustvarjeni po skrivnostnem svetu pisateljice J.K.Rowling, ki nas je začarala s prigodami Harryja Potterja, se odpravimo v New York na začetku 20. stoletja. Nadobudni mladi čarovnik Newt se želi udeležiti čarovniškega kongresa, toda skrivnostni kovček, poln magičnih živali, mu življenje obrne na glavo. Ko nekaj zverem uspe pobegniti, čarovniki za nastalo zmedo okrivijo Newta. Da bi se odkupil in preprečil stopnjevanje napetih odnosov z običajnimi ljudmi, se Newt s pomočjo nadarjene čarovnice Katherine odpravi na nepozaben lov, poln magičnih avantur in nevarnih prigod.


Magical DoReMi

Magical DoReMi 1999


Ojamajo Doremi, known as Magical DoReMi in the US, is a magical girl anime television series created by Toei Animation in 1999. It focuses on elementary school students who become witch apprentices. Led by Doremi Harukaze, the girls must maintain their double lives in secret. Ojamajo Doremi has been followed up by three direct sequels, lasting until its end in 2003. During the television series' runtime, two companion films were released in theaters. The English dub, produced by 4Kids Entertainment, released a preview episode in the US airing on August 13, 2005, and the first episode on September 10, 2005.


Adventure Time

Adventure Time 2010


Unlikely heroes Finn and Jake are buddies who traverse the mystical Land of Ooo. The best of friends, our heroes always find themselves in the middle of escapades. Finn and Jake depend on each other through thick and thin.


A Certain Magical Index

A Certain Magical Index 2008


Kamijo is a student in Academy City, where people use science to develop supernatural abilities. The guy’s got a lot of heart – luckily for a young nun named Index. She’s on the run from a sorcery society that covets the astonishing 103,000 volumes of magical knowledge stored in her memory. When Index stumbles into Kamijo’s life, she finds a faithful friend and protector, and while Kamijo’s easily the weakest kid in Academy City, he’s got something else going for him: the Imagine Breaker, an unexplainable power stored in his right hand that negates the powers of others. With scientists and sorcerers attacking from all sides, the Imagine Breaker will definitely come in handy – but it’s Kamijo’s loyalty to Index that will be his greatest weapon in the fight to keep her safe.


Alchemy of Souls

Alchemy of Souls 2022


A powerful sorceress in a blind woman's body encounters a man from a prestigious family, who wants her help to change his destiny.



Merlin 2008


The unlikely friendship between Merlin, a young man gifted with extraordinary magical powers, and Prince Arthur, heir to the crown of Camelot.


The Smurfs

The Smurfs 1981


Classic Saturday-morning cartoon series featuring magical blue elf-like creatures called Smurfs. The Smurfs, named for their personalities, inhabit a village of mushroom houses in an enchanted forest. These loveable creatures are led by Papa Smurf and live carefree... except for one major threat to their existance: Gargamel, an evil but inept wizard who lives in a stone-built house in the forest; and his feline companion, the equally nasty Azrael.


Mahou Sentai Magiranger

Mahou Sentai Magiranger 2005


Out of the blue, monsters usually living beneath the Earth’s surface began to attack the terrestrial world. They were called the Underground Hades Empire Infershia. The Ozu Siblings of Makito, Houka, Urara, Tsubasa, and Kai hear from their mother, Miyuki, that they are the Magicians of Justice to stand against the Infershia. The siblings are perplexed by such an unexpected event. However, without hesitation, Miyuki charges at the Infershia, and the Ozu Siblings are forced to come together to fight as one.


Witchy Precure!

Witchy Precure! 2016


Mirai Asahina, a thirteen-year-old girl who is excited by various things, goes with her stuffed bear, Mofurun, to investigate a mysterious object that fell from the sky. There, she meets a young magician named Liko who is searching for something known as the Linkle Stone Emerald. When dark servants of Dokuroxy come seeking the Linkle Stone Emerald, Mirai and Liko join hands with Mofurun and transform into the legendary magicians known as the Pretty Cures to fight against them. Thus, Mirai joins Liko in attending Magic School, where they must learn how to use magic while also fighting off Dokuroxy's minions.


Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail 2009


Lucy is a 17-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isn't just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the world's most infamous mage guilds: Fairy Tail.


Wizards of Waverly Place

Wizards of Waverly Place 2007


Alex, Justin and Max Russo are not your ordinary kids - they're wizards in training! While their parents run the Waverly Sub Station, the siblings struggle to balance their ordinary lives while learning to master their extraordinary powers.


Black Clover

Black Clover 2017


Asta and Yuno are two orphans who want the same thing: to become the Wizard King. Locked in a friendly rivalry, they work hard towards their goal. While Yuno excels at magic, Asta has a problem uncommon in this world: he has no powers! But, on the day they receive their grimoires, they surprise everyone. To reach their goal, they’ll each find their own path to greatness—with or without magic.


Legend of the Seeker

Legend of the Seeker 2008


The adventures of woodsman Richard Cypher, who discovers that he was born to fulfill a prophecy of becoming a guardian hero to oppressed people. With the help of a mysterious woman named Kahlan and a wise old wizard named Zedd, he must stop a ruthless and bloodthirsty tyrant from unleashing an ancient evil and enslaving the world.


Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia 2017


When she was a little girl, Atsuko "Akko" Kagari saw a magic show performed by a witch named Shiny Chariot. From that day on she wanted to be just like her. Enrolling at Luna Nova Magical Academy and having no magical background, can she become a witch like her idol Shiny Chariot?


Someday's Dreamers

Someday's Dreamers 2003


Someday's Dreamers is a manga written by Norie Yamada and illustrated by Kumichi Yoshizuki. It was serialized in Kadokawa Shoten's Comic Dragon magazine from May 2002 to January 2003 and was later collected in two bound volumes. In 2006, Tokyopop released the manga in the United States under the name Someday's Dreamers. Someday's Dreamers was also adapted into an anime series that was produced by J.C.Staff under the direction of Masami Shimoda. It is loosely based on the storyline of the first manga series with new characters added to the story. It ran for a total of 12 episodes on TV Asahi and was later licensed by Geneon Entertainment USA. However, due to the closure of Geneon USA, the series has been relicensed by Sentai Filmworks. Another story set in the same universe, Someday's Dreamers: Spellbound, written and drawn by the same author and illustrator, was serialized in Kadokawa Shoten's Comic Dragon Age. It ran from December 2003 to February 2006 and was later released in five bound volumes. In 2006, Tokyopop released the manga in the United States under the name Someday's Dreamers: Spellbound.


Negima!? Magister Negi Magi

Negima!? Magister Negi Magi 2006


Wizard Negi Springfield may be a boy, but he has a man-sized job to do! Fresh from the Academy of Magic, Negi continues his training as an instructor at Mahora Academy in Japan. But before he can get his Master’s in magic, the 31 schoolgirls of Class 3-A are gonna keep him up all night cramming for a final exam in will power. Temptation aside, Negi has more on his syllabus than flirting and spells. Darkness is closing in, and Negi is gonna need help from his student bodies to drive the ghouls from their school. These girls want to prove that they’re best in class, and extra credit is available to the cuties that aren’t afraid of after hours phantom fighting – especially if it means more time with their favorite professor.


Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons 1983


Six friends are transported into the Dungeons & Dragons realm and must try to find a way home with the help of their guide 'Dungeon Master'.


Hatena Illusion

Hatena Illusion 2020


Years ago, many magical "Artifacts" were stolen and scattered throughout the world. They fell into the hands of people who were not supposed to know of their existence. The Hoshisato family of magicians has special access to the Artifacts, and they take it upon themselves to return them to their rightful place. Despite her inexperience, Kana wishes to aid her parents, doing her best to improve. Meanwhile, her childhood friend Makoto has come to their mansion to study magic under her father's tutelage. Hatena is excited to see her friend again, only to be utterly disappointed when the person she thought to be a girl all these years turns out to be a boy. Before long, Makoto comes to know of the Artifacts. Unfazed, he continues to strive to fulfill his promises and stay true to why he learns magic - to ease the sadness of people around him and, most importantly, to become a person worthy of being Hatena's partner.



Merlin 1998


A retelling of the legend of King Arthur from the perspective of the wizard Merlin. Sam Neill stars in the title role in a story that covers not only the rise and fall of Camelot but also the phase in the legendary history of Britain that precedes it.


Wizards: Tales of Arcadia

Wizards: Tales of Arcadia 2020


Merlin’s apprentice joins Arcadia’s heroes on a time-bending adventure in Camelot, where conflict is brewing between the human, troll and magical worlds.


The Stories of Girls Who Couldn't Be Magicians

The Stories of Girls Who Couldn't Be Magicians 2024


At Letran Magic Academy, two unlikely friends share one dream: to become magicians. Kurumi is an average girl who’s a bit naive, while Yuzu is the distinguished daughter of a noble magician family. They need to get into a special magician training class, but they fail the entrance exam! All hope seems lost until mysterious homeroom teacher Minami Suzuki arrives, and their luck takes a sudden turn.