Govori z mano

Govori z mano 2023


Ko skupina prijateljev odkrije, kako pričarati duhove z uporabo balzamirane roke, postanejo zasvojeni z novim vznemirjenjem, dokler eden od njih ne gre predaleč in sprosti grozljive nadnaravne sile.



Saltburn 2023


Ko si prizadeva najti svoje mesto na univerzi v Oxfordu, se študent Oliver Quick znajde povlečen v svet očarljivega in aristokratskega Felixa Cattona, ki ga povabi v Saltburn, obsežno posestvo svoje ekscentrične družine, na poletje, ki ga ne bo nikoli pozabil.


Charliejev svet

Charliejev svet 2012


Charlie je občutljiv petnajstletnik, ranljiv in osamljen. Sooča se s prvo ljubeznijo in samomorom najboljšega prijatelja. Z vrstniki nekako ne najde stika, zato se v srednji šoli začne družiti z dvema “odpadnikoma” iz višjih letnikov. Spoprijatelji se s samosvojo Sam, ki ga navduši z neposrednostjo in nekonformizmom. Še bolj iz sivega povprečja izstopa njen polbrat Patrick, samozavesten mladenič, ki odkrito razglaša svojo istospolno usmerjenost. Pogumno, ni kaj, še posebej, ker moramo upoštevati, da je dogajanje filma postavljeno nekje v pozna osemdeseta leta dvajsetega stoletja. Nerazdružljiva trojica nas popelje na nepozabno popotovanje v svet odraščanja, srednješolskih zabav in prvih ljubezenskih avantur. Zveni klišejsko? Morda, ampak bodite prepričani, da je pred vami eden najboljših filmov z najstniško tematiko. Film, ki vas bo nasmejal, razburil, ganil in razžalostil obenem.


Alice, draga

Alice, draga 2022


V tej napeti kriminalki igra Anna Kendrick žensko, ki jo njen psihično nasilni fant Simon pripelje do zloma. Med dopustom s prijateljicama Alice znova odkrije svoje bistvo in dobi potrebni vpogled. Počasi začne trgati vezi in svojo odvisnost od fanta. Toda Simonovo maščevanje je neizbežno in prav tako uničujoče. Ko se sproži, preverja Aliceino moč, pogum ter dolgoletna prijateljstva.


Točka vrelišča

Točka vrelišča 2021


Na večer, ko ima trendovska restavracija v Londonu največ gostov, je karizmatični in ukazovalni kuharski mojster Andy na robu živčnega zloma, ko se nanj zgrne niz poklicnih in zasebnih težav, ki bi lahko uničil vso njegovo kariero.


V rovkinem gnezdu

V rovkinem gnezdu 2014


Španija v petdesetih letih. Montse trpi za hudo agorafobijo, zaradi katere je obsojena na osamljeno življenje za zaprtimi vrati. Od prezgodnje smrti staršev sama vzgaja mlajšo sestro, ki je pravkar dopolnila 18 let. Ko se nekega dne sosed iz zgornjega nadstropja opit zvrne po stopnicah, ga Montse zvleče v njuno stanovanje in začne negovati. Toda moški na mah očara obe sestri in poruši krhko ravnovesje njunega odnosa.


13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why 2017


After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice.


It's Okay to Not Be Okay

It's Okay to Not Be Okay 2020


Desperate to escape from his emotional baggage and the heavy responsibility he’s had all his life, a psychiatric ward worker begins to heal with help from the unexpected – a woman who writes fairy tales but doesn’t believe in them.


A Million Little Things

A Million Little Things 2018


A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.


The Wilds

The Wilds 2020


A group of teen girls from different backgrounds must fight for survival after a plane crash strands them on a deserted island. The castaways both clash and bond as they learn more about each other, the secrets they keep, and the traumas they've all endured. But there’s just one twist… these girls did not end up on this island by accident.


Daily Dose of Sunshine

Daily Dose of Sunshine 2023


A kind-hearted nurse working in psychiatry goes above and beyond to be a ray of light for those under her care, despite the challenges coming her way.


Kill Me, Heal Me

Kill Me, Heal Me 2015


Cha Dohyeon is a rich heir to a family company with one major problem. Due to suppressed childhood trauma, he suffers from dissociative identity disorder manifested in seven unique personalities who are out of his control. In order to overcome this disorder in secret, he hires a first-year medical resident to help him heal by killing off each personality one by one.


It's Okay, That's Love

It's Okay, That's Love 2014


Ji Hae-soo, a psychiatry student, meets a writer of mystery novels who is also an obsessive radio DJ. Soon, they fall in love while trying to heal each other's grave wounds.



Psychologist 2021


Due to negative feedback to a public service announcement on suicide prevention that she created, psychologist He Dun experiences a blow to her career. To cheer up, she meets her best friend at a restaurant where she runs into Qian Kai Yi. He is now hosting a radio program dealing with emotional issues. At his insistence, He Dun agrees to be his collaborator and co-host. As the show gains listenership He Dun's counseling clinic becomes equally busy.


Fix You

Fix You 2020


A psychiatrist who is passionate about helping his patients does everything he can to help them heal their emotional wounds and find happiness.


Blade Man

Blade Man 2014


A billionaire develops the ability to manifest his anger in the form of knives which erupt from his body. He meets and falls in love with a girl who tries to understand him.


The Crowded Room

The Crowded Room 2023


In 1979 Manhattan, a young man is arrested for a shocking crime — and an unlikely investigator must solve the mystery behind it.


The Journey Across the Night

The Journey Across the Night 2020


A young man goes to Hong Kong to study psychiatry for a pressing reason. His family has a genetic disease that caused his mother and brother to be diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 24 and he is desperate to escape the same fate.



Life 2018


At Korea's top university medical center, ideals and interests collide between a patient-centered ER doctor and the hospital's newly-appointed CEO.


Crown of Blood

Crown of Blood 2023


The story follows three sisters from a Thai dancing house nicknamed "Tre Chada" meaning Trio Tiara. The eldest, Chadaohorn, is the most beautiful woman one could lay eyes on, unmatched by anybody. The middle, Chadaploy, has an air of free-spiritedness and self-confidence. Finally, the youngest, Chadapetch, is just as mean as she is pretty, and loves to compete with people. One day, Chadaphorn falls into a canal and dies. The conclusion of the investigation was "accidental death". However, in reality, it was not an accident but a murder. Someone had chased her and murdered her that night. Now her spirit lingers in the air, holding a deep grudge against the one who caused her death.


At a Distance, Spring is Green

At a Distance, Spring is Green 2021


A coming of age story about young people in their twenties and the problems they face in university. Nam Soo-hyun and Yeon Joo, two boys with contrasting personalities, unexpectedly become friends when they work on a project together.


Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Algernon 2015


Shiratori Sakuto is 28, but has the intelligence of a 6-year-old boy. He works for Dream Flower Service, a flower distribution centre which provides employment for problem youth. One day, he and a colleague, Yanagawa Ryuichi, delivers a rose bouquet to the apartment building where Mochizuki Haruka lives. Because Haruka does not know that the deliveryman is mentally challenged, she is shocked by his response and tries to call the police. Haruka works for a brain physiology research centre where Professor Hachisuka Daigo has been studying the improvement of mental performance. He has succeeded in lab experiments on a white mouse called Algernon. Sakuto is transformed into a genius through surgery. But Algernon's new intelligence begins to fade, and he dies. Sakuto realises that his genius, too, is destined to leave him.



Hangout 2023


The story of a group of friends from high school. They reconnected on Hangout night and spent the evening sharing stories of love, relationships, and life after marriage.


To Heal the Heart

To Heal the Heart 2020


An Kazutaka is a young, bashful psychiatrist whose jazz piano skills are as good as a pro. Right after they have their first child, the Great Hanshin Earthquake strikes. Although his family is affected by the disaster, he begins to search for what he can do as a psychiatrist. As he listens to the stories of disaster victims, he realises that he can help not by treating them, but restoring their capacity to heal. Later on, he compiles his observations of the disaster-hit area as a psychiatrist into a book and wins a prize for social sciences.


Ordinary Miracles

Ordinary Miracles 2009


One day, a middle-aged man, Fujimoto Makoto, is standing on a train platform, about to jump in front of a train. Nakashiro Kana and Tasaki Shota both happen to be on the same platform, and sensing what is about to happen, they quickly pull him back to safety. There's a reason why Kana and Shota realized Makoto's intentions, they both have the kind of emotional scars that can't be put into words. Even after so much pain, through a series of e-mails, they've become attracted to one another and slowly learn to open up their hearts once again.



Mars 2004


Mars is a Taiwanese drama starring Barbie Hsu and Vic Chou of F4. It is based on the Japanese shōjo manga series, Mars written by Fuyumi Soryo. It was produced by Comic Ritz International Production and Chai Zhi Ping as producer and directed by Cai Yuexun. The series was broadcast in Taiwan in 2004 on free-to-air Chinese Television System and cable TV Gala Television Variety Show/CH 28. It was the 2005 Most Popular Drama of the Year at the 40th Golden Bell Awards, Taiwan.