Učinek metulja

Učinek metulja 2004


Evan je v mladosti doživljal nenavadne izgube spomina, ki pa se mu čez leta, ko prebira stare dnevnike, pričnejo vračati. Toda Evan ugotovi, da lahko v teh sprehodih v preteklost tudi spremeni določene dogodke, kar pa ima za njegove prijatelje katastrofalne posledice v sedanjosti.


Pretekla življenja

Pretekla življenja 2023


Nora in Hae Sung, dve globoko povezana prijatelja iz otroštva, se ločita, potem ko se Norina družina izseli iz Južne Koreje. 20 let pozneje se znova združita v enem usodnem tednu, ko se soočita s predstavami o ljubezni in usodi.



Blizu 2022


Prijateljstvo med trinajstletnima Léom in Rémijem se znajde na preizkušnji, ko ju zaradi tesnega odnosa začnejo zbadati vrstniki. Medtem ko se Leo lažje uveljavi v novem okolju, je Remi bolj občutljiv in se začne zapirati vase. Do tragedije je lahko samo korak …



Fabelmanovi 2022


Film Fabelmanovi je zelo oseben kinematografski spomin na okoliščine in družino, ki so oblikovale Spielbergovo življenje in kariero. Spremljamo univerzalno zgodbo o odraščanju samosvojega mladeniča, ki uresničuje svoje sanje, raziskuje in spoznava ljubezen, svoje umetniške ambicije, žrtvovanje in odkriva resnico o sebi in svojih starših z jasnostjo in sočutjem. Sammy Fabelman je predan filmskemu ustvarjanju. Njegovo strast vzpodbuja in podpira njegova umetniška mati Mitzi. Sammyjev oče je uspešni znanstvenik, ki sicer podpira Sammyjevo delo, vendar nanj gleda kot na neresen hobi. Skozi leta Sammy dokumentira dogodivščine svoje družine pa tudi režira svoje vse bolj dovršene amaterske filmske produkcije, v katerih igrajo njegove sestre in prijatelji. Sammy je hkrati glavni opazovalec in arhivar njegove družinske zgodbe, a ko se z družino preseli na zahod Amerike, odkrije srce parajočo resnico o svoji materi, ki bo na novo opredelila njun odnos in spremenila njegovo prihodnost.


Deček nevihte

Deček nevihte 2019


Michael Kingley je uspešen in upokojen poslovnež ter dedek. Ko se mu začno prikazovati slike in podobe iz svoje preteklosti, katerih ne zna razložiti, se je prisiljen spomniti svojega dolgo pozabljenega otroštva in odraščanja na izolirani obali. Svoji vnukinji začne pripovedovati zgodbo, kako je kot deček rešil in vzgojil izjemnega pelikana po imenu gospod Percival.


The Wonder Years

The Wonder Years 1988


The story of Kevin Arnold facing the trials and tribulations of youth while growing up during the 1960s and 70s. Told through narration from an adult Kevin, Kevin faces the difficulties of maintaining relationships and friendships on his enthralling journey into adulthood.



Bluey 2018


Bluey is an inexhaustible six year-old Blue Heeler dog, who loves to play and turns everyday family life into extraordinary adventures, developing her imagination as well as her mental, physical and emotional resilience.


Craig of the Creek

Craig of the Creek 2018


Craig and his friends, Kelsey and JP, venture out into a kid-controlled wilderness in the creek.


You and Me

You and Me 2011


The story revolves around four teens - the good-looking twins Asaba Yuuta and Yuuki, the effeminate Matsuoka Shun, and the class head Tsukahara Kaname - who have known each other since early childhood. While they are not necessarily good or bad friends, they continue to hang out well into high school. The half-Japanese transfer student Tachibana Chizuru joins the circle of friends in this comedy about the everyday life of adolescence.


Os Maias

Os Maias 2001


Pedro da Maia, meets a beautiful woman called Maria Monforte with whom he gets married despite his father's objection. The marriage produces a son, Carlos Eduardo, and a daughter. Some time later, Maria Monforte falls in love with Tancredo and runs away to Italy with him, taking her daughter along. When Pedro finds out, he goes with his son to his father's house where he commits suicide. Carlos stays at his grandfather's house and is educated by him. Carlos, becomes a doctor and opens his own office. Later he meets a gorgeous woman, Maria Eduarda. The two fall in love and have dozens of nights together. Eventually Carlos finds out later that Maria lied to him about her past and he starts fearing the worst. In the end, Carlos finds out that Maria is his sister. He informs her that they are siblings and that they cannot live like this anymore. Carlos, to forget his tragedies, goes for a trip around the world.


Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami

Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami 2021


Two childhood friends go from high school dropouts to the most powerful drug kingpins in Miami in this true story of a crime sage that spanned decades.


Leif GW Persson - Min klassresa

Leif GW Persson - Min klassresa 2015


Swedish documentary from 2015. Documentary about Leif GW Persson, told by Jens Lind. The story spans over seven decades, from Leifs birth at the end of world war II in march 1945, until now when the working class kid has become one of Swedens most appreciated writers and tv-personalities.


Half Pants Full Pants

Half Pants Full Pants 2022


Set in a small town in South India, before the internet & mobiles, the series is a nostalgic ride about imagination, adventures and the magic of childhood. A little boy from a railway colony strives to bring his modest family a modicum of glory through highly fanciful means while constantly being brought back to reality by his level-headed father. It is a universal story of Child Vs Man.


A Very Nutty Boy

A Very Nutty Boy 2006


The adventures, dramas and lessons learned from a smart, nutcase boy who uses a saucepan as his hat, in three stages of his life: with five, ten and thirty years.