Usodna nesreča

Usodna nesreča 2005


Gospodinja iz Brentwooda in njen soprog, javni tožilec. Iranec, lastnik trgovine. Policijska detektiva, ki sta hkrati tudi ljubimca. Afro-ameriški TV režiser in njegova soproga. Mehiški ključavničar. Tatova avtomobilov. Policist brez izkušenj. Korejki srednjih let. Vsi so prebivalci Los Angelesa. V naslednjih 36-ih urah se bodo vsi srečali. Provokativen, pogumen pogled na zapletenost rasnih sporov v Ameriki. To je redko filmsko doživetje. Film, ki bo vsakogar prisilil, da se zazre v svoje predsodke. V mešanici ras v Los Angelesu po največjem terorističnem dejanju v zgodovini ZDA ta silna drama raziskuje strah in licemerstvo iz perspektiv likov, ki vstopajo in izstopajo iz življenja enih ali drugih. Na bojišču rasnih sporov ni nihče varen. Nihče ni imun na bes, ki je gonilo nasilja – in ki spreminja življenje. Zabaven, močan in vedno nepredvidljiv. USODNA NESREČA pogumno raziskuje siva področja med črnim in belim, med žrtvijo in napadalcem. Preproste rešitve ni.



B&B 2017



All in the Family

All in the Family 1971


Archie Bunker, a working class bigot, constantly squabbles with his family over the important issues of the day.



Sense8 2015


One gunshot, one death, one moment out of time that irrevocably links eight minds in disparate parts of the world, putting them in each other's lives, each other's secrets, and in terrible danger. Ordinary people suddenly reborn as "Sensates."


What Would You Do?

What Would You Do? 2008


An American television news magazine and hidden camera show. Actors act out scenes of conflict or illegal activity in public settings while hidden cameras videotape the scene, and the focus is on whether or not bystanders intervene, and how. Variations are also usually included, such as changing the genders, the races or the clothing of the actors performing the scene, to see if bystanders react differently. Quiñones appears at the end to interview the bystanders about their reactions. As the experiment goes on, psychology professors, teachers, or club members watch and discuss the video with Quiñones, explaining and making inferences on the bystanders' reactions.


Travels in Trumpland with Ed Balls

Travels in Trumpland with Ed Balls 2018


Ed Balls travels to America's Deep South to immerse himself in the lives of those who put Trump in power, and learn how this reality TV businessman won them over.


Borders & Lies

Borders & Lies 2024


Takes a closer look at how social media was used to spread fear in Finglas, meet locals in Newbridge, Rosslare Harbour and Inchicore, and examine the build up to the Dublin Riots.